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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit7 Grammar 教案

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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit7 Grammar 教案

    1、Unit 7 Abilities GrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn how to use “can”, “could” and “may”;2. use “what” and “how” to express strong feelings.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: smoke, camera, X-ray, by the way, no pro

    2、blem2. New sentences: How dangerous!What a brave man!III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyLearn how to use “can”, “could” and “may”.IV. Teaching proceduresA Using can, could and mayStep 1 Lead-inT: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Grammar of Unit 7. Do you know these s

    3、ports? Can you tell me their names?S: Swimming, playing badminton, cycling, horse riding and flying kites.【设计意图:从学生喜欢的体育运动导入本节语法课,为下面的新授课作铺垫。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Use can or could to talk about ability(1) Describe what you see in the picture. She could not ride a bike at ten, but now she can ride

    4、a bike.The girl is skating. She could not skate last year, but now she can skate. We can also say: She wasnt able to skate last year, but now she is able to skate.(2) Look at more pictures and use can/could/be able to to describe them.(3) Work in pairs and make up a dialogue according to the table.【

    5、设计意图:由学生的个人操练过渡到两人对话,设计不同的任务让学生反复操练can、could、be able to。 】 (4) What do we use can/could to talk about?T: Jacky Chen can act well.Lu Xun could write wonderful articles.Michael Jackson could sing and dance well.Read the sentences above and think about what we use can/could to talk about.S: We use can/

    6、could to talk about ability.T: Yes. We use can to talk about present ability and use could to talk about the ability in the past.2. Use can, could or may to ask for permission T: Read the dialogues below carefully and tell me what we use can/could to talk about.When talking with classmates or friend

    7、s A: Can we do after-school activities together?B: Yes, of course. When talking with teachers or parentsA: Could I hand in my homework later, Mr Lin?B: Yes, you can./No, you cant. S: We use can/could to talk about permission.T: Which one sounds more polite, can or could?S: Could sounds more polite t

    8、han can.T: You are right. In some formal occasions, we use may to ask for permission. For example:A: May I have a talk with you, Mr Wu?B: Yes, you may.No, you may not./No, you cant./ you mustnt.May is more polite than can/could.【设计意图:让学生反复操练,然后自己得出结论。 】3. Complete the conversationT: Amy is talking w

    9、ith Mr Wu about her trip. Complete their conversation with can, could or may.B Using what and how to express strong feelingsStep 1 Presentation1. The trip to South HillT: The students trip to South Hill is wonderful. We can say “How wonderful the trip is!” to express our strong feelings. The sentenc

    10、e is called Exclamatory Sentence.2. Have a tryT: Describe the pictures with what weve learnt today. Picture 1: The girl is pretty. How pretty the girl is!Picture 2: The boy is playing basketball happily. How happily the boy is playing basketball!T: The music sounds nice, isnt it? Can you say it in a

    11、nother way?S: How nice the music sounds!T: Read the following sentences again.How nice the music sounds!How happily (the boy is playing basketball)!How wonderful (the trip) is!How pretty (the girl is)!T: Nice, wonderful and pretty are adjectives, and happily is an adverb. So we can work out the stru

    12、cture of the exclamatory sentence: How + adj./adv. + (主语 + 谓语)!【设计意图:给出足够多的例句,让学生自己得出感叹句的句式结构。 】3. Jurassic WorldT: I watched a film called Jurassic World yesterday. It is very exciting. How exciting the film is!What an exciting film (it is)!4. Have a tryPicture 1: How pretty the girl is! What a pre

    13、tty girl she is!Picture 2: How fine the weather is! What fine weather it is!Picture 3: How beautiful the flowers are!What beautiful flowers they are!T: Read the following sentences again.What a pretty girl (she is)!What an exciting film (it is)!What fine weather (it is)!What beautiful flowers (they

    14、are)!T: A pretty girl, an exciting film, fine weather and beautiful flowers are noun Phrases. Can you work out the sentence structure? S: What + a/an + adj. + 可数名词单数+(主语 + 谓语) !What + adj. + 不可数名词 +(主语 + 谓语)!What + adj. + 可数名词复数 +(主语 + 谓语)!Step 2 Practice 1. Complete the conversation on page 862. Co

    15、mplete the sentences with “What/What a/What an/How”heavy snow!great abilities Superman has!tall the trees are!beautiful flowers they are!amazing animal the ant is!【设计意图:在设计练习时,通过图片增加趣味性和生动性,采用完成句子的形式降低题目的难度。 】Step 3 SummaryT: Lets see what we have learnt today?S: Use “can/could/may” to talk about abilityUse “can/could/may” to talk about permission.Use “what/how” to express strong feelings.V. Homework1. Write sentences with What .!/How .!;2. Write sentences with can/could/may.


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