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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit6 Task 教案

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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit6 Task 教案

    1、Unit 6 Outdoor fun TaskI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn how to make an outline before writing;2. choose suitable words and structures for an article; 3. write about what they think will happen to Alice next. II. Teaching contents1.

    2、 New words and phrases: sweet, become, enough, decide, enter, towards, forget, reach, climb, fail, a little, too . to2. New sentences: She was too small to reach the key.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Learn how to make an outline before writing.2. Choose suitable words a

    3、nd structures for an article.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warm-up1. Revision T: Look at the pictures and describe what happened to Alice. S: One Sunny day, Alice sat by a river with her sister. Then she heard a sound. She looked up and saw a rabbit passing by. She stood up and ran across the field

    4、after the rabbit. Then she jumped down a hole after the rabbit. She fell for a long time. At last she found herself in a hall. She noticed a small door and she could see a lovely garden on the other side, but she couldnt go through the door, because she was too big.2. Lead-inT: Do you want to learn

    5、more about Alices adventure? Now, listen to the tape and get more information. 【设计意图:通过复习已学内容的方式,导入本课主题,让学生逐步进入状态。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Listen and answerT: After listening, answer the following two questions. (1) What did Alice see on the table?(2) Did Alice become smaller?2. Read and answerT: Tur

    6、n to page 78 and read the passage. Then tell which of the statements on the screen are true and which are false. T: Ask and answer. 【设计意图:采用听读结合的方式,帮助学生掌握文本的大意与细节。 】Step 3 Practice1. Lets matchT: Lets match the main idea with each paragraph.2. How to write a better story(1) Learn to write details.T:

    7、 Alice opened the bottle and drank a little. Her body became smaller and smaller. Between the two sentences, we can add some details to make the story more interesting. (2) Learn to use adverbs.T: Adverbs can make our description more vivid. (3) Learn to use conjunctions.(4) Use the writing skills t

    8、o fill in the blanks. 3. Have a discussion T: At the end of the story, Alice saw a cake under the desk. Would she eat it? And what would happen to her if she ate the cake? Talk about the five questions with your partner. A: Will Alice eat the cake?B: A: What will happen to her after that?B: A: Where

    9、 will she go next?B: A: What will she see?B: A: Will she meet the white rabbit again?B: 4. Try to write a storyT: Read the sample writing. This is one possible story. Now its your turn to write about what you think will happen to Alice next. You can divide your story into several parts according to

    10、the questions. You can also use the expressions in your story. Remember to use the simple past tense when writing.【设计意图:本环节的各个步骤为最终的的写作做了很好的铺垫,解决“怎样写” 、 “写什么”的问题。 】5. Self-assessmentT: How many stars can you get?【设计意图:让学生学会评价作文,明确优秀作文的要求,从而规范自身的写作。 】V. Homework1. Complete students own version of Alice in Wonderland. 2. Enjoy the cartoon film Alice in Wonderland.


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