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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit1 Reading (II) 教案

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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit1 Reading (II) 教案

    1、Unit 1 Dream homesReading (II)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. remember the details of the three homes from different countries;2. understand and use the important phrases and sentence structures;3. introduce their own homes to the class

    2、.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: mile, garden, flat, centre, living room, share, bedroom, own, bathroom, balcony, beach, sea, dining room, share sth with sb2. New structures: I live in a town 15 miles from London.I live in a flat in the centre of Moscow.I share a bedroom with my siste

    3、r.I have my own bedroom and bathroom. I love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. To learn to use some language points from the reading passage.2. To introduce the students own homes to the class sensibly.IV. Teaching procedur

    4、esStep 1 RetellingT: Hello, boys and girls. Last class we talked about three homes from different countries. They are Neils, Annas and Stephens homes. Today, lets go on to learn more about the three homes.T: First, lets go over what weve learnt last class. Please look at the pictures and the key wor

    5、ds to tell something about the three homes.【设计意图:通过出示图片和关键词,帮助学生复习及记忆上一节课的内容,此处要求以第三人称复述,所以对学生的要求就不仅是课文的机械背诵,而是锻炼了学生对所记忆内容的实际运用能力。 】Step 2 Language pointsAsk questions and underline the answers in the passageExplain the language points in these sentences and learn how to use themComplete more exerci

    6、sesT: Where does Neil live? He lives in a town 15 miles from London. In this sentence, we use “15 miles from London” to modify “a town”. “a distance + from someplace” or “a distance + away from someplace” means “距离某地的”. Please complete this sentence, “I study in a school _ (距离 5 公里远的) my home.” Put

    7、this sentence into English, “我家离学校 5 公里远。 ”T: What is special about Neils house? It has a beautiful garden. Neil lives in a big house with a beautiful garden. Here “have” and “with” both means “有” in Chinese, but “have” is a verb while “with” is a preposition. Please complete these two sentences. “S

    8、tephens home _ eight rooms. Stephen lives in a large house _ eight rooms.” Translate this sentence, “Anna 住在一套有着一个漂亮起居室的公寓里。 ”T: Where does Anna live? She lives in a flat in the centre of Moscow. What does the phrase “in the centre of ” mean? Do you know how to say “在市中心 ”? We can say “in the centre

    9、 of (the) city” or “in the city centre”. Please complete this sentence, “我就读于镇中心一所学校。I study in a school _.” And what about this sentence, “驾车去市中心可不是个好主意。Its not a good idea _.” Please pay attention to the preposition in this sentence.T: Does Anna have her own bedroom? No, she shares a bedroom with

    10、her sister. “share something with somebody” means “与某人分享某物”. Please complete the sentence. “Oh, no, its raining now. I have no umbrella with me. Dont worry. You can _.”T: Does Stephen have his own bedroom? Stephen has his own bedroom. Or, we can say “Stephen has a bedroom of his own.” “ones own + n.

    11、” means “ n. + of ones own.” Put the Chinese into English, “你该学会有自己的想法。 ”T: Why does Stephen like the balcony best? Because he loves to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea. “look out at something” means “向外看某物”. For example, “The old man likes _ (朝外看) the people in the street.” What abou

    12、t this sentence, “Tom, dont _ (朝外看) the window in class.” Pay attention to the difference between “look out of something” and “look out at something”.【设计意图:通过提问的方式,把课文中包含语言点的句子展示出来,在操练语言点时,注意难易程度的递进,照顾到不同层次的学生。 】Step 3 Practice1. Make sentences with the following phrasesT: Weve learnt something very

    13、 useful from the reading passage. Can you use what you learn just now? Please make sentences with the following phrases. We will choose the best sentence later. Try you best, boys and girls! (away) from the centre of share with ones own / of ones ownlook out at 2. Group workWork in groups of three.S

    14、tudent A: Tell student B about his/her home and later ask student C three questions.Student B: Listen to student A and then tell student C about student As home in his/her words.Student C: Listen to student B and answer student A 3 questions.Exchange roles if there is enough time.【设计意图:本环节设置了两个活动,第一

    15、个活动是对上一步骤所学的语言点的巩固与运用,同时也是为下一活动环节作好铺垫;第二个活动让学生以 3 人一组的形式进行听说训练,就本课时的话题对所学内容进行交际和运用。 】Step 4 Consolidation1. Translate some phrases2. Complete the sentences【设计意图:通过课堂练习的方式巩固所学知识,在练习中学会灵活运用所学知识。 】V. Homework1. Finish the exercises in your book.2. Write five or more sentences about your own home.3. Tell your parents about one of your classmates home in English.


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