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    牛津译林版四年级上英语Unit5 Story time教案

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    牛津译林版四年级上英语Unit5 Story time教案

    1、Unit 5 Our new homeStory timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说:clock, fridge, sofa, table, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:Wheres ? Where are ? Its/Theyre 3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在图片和语言提示下表演对话。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论家居物品和物品的方位。Fo

    2、cus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在图片和语言提示下表演对话。教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论家居物品和物品的方位。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Warm up 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, T: What do you like? S: I like T: What can you do?S: I can 2. Sing a songT: Can

    3、 you sing the English song “Wheres the bird?”?S: Yes.T: Lets sing it together. S: OK.(播放歌曲伴奏,学生齐唱 Wheres the bird?)T: Wheres the bird? S: Its in the tree. T: Where are her friends?S: They are in the tree, too. (师生根据歌曲内容问答)3. Ask and answerT: Wheres the bird now? S: Its in the bedroom. (出示图片让学生回答,学习

    4、bedroom)T: Where are her friends? S: They are T: They are in the bathroom. (先请学生猜一猜,再出示图片,学习 bathroom)T: Now, lets sing the new song together. OK?S: OK.(根据本轮对话,将歌曲 Wheres the bird?歌词改编再唱一唱 )【设计意图:以旧带新,通过演唱和改编歌曲 Wheres the bird (英语三下 Unit4) ,活跃课堂气氛,让学生感知本课重点句型,学习单词 bedroom 和bathroom,也为下一步学习进行铺垫。 】Ste

    5、p 2 Presentation and Practice 1. T: Look at the bathroom. Is it clean? Is the bedroom nice?S: T: Look, whose home is it? S: Its Su Hai and Su Yangs new home. T: Yes. Today, lets learn Unit 5 Our new home. (教师板书课题:Unit 5 Our new home)【设计意图:从歌曲自然过渡到本课时的重点学习内容。 】2. Watch and chooseT: What are Su Hai an

    6、d Su Yang doing in their new home? Please watch the cartoon carefully and choose the best answer.(播放课文动画,请学生先了解苏海和苏洋正在新家里做什么事情,并完成练习)S: T: Yes. Its their first day in the new home. They are looking for their things. 3. Listen and circleT: What things are they looking for? Lets listen to their dialog

    7、ue again! S: They are looking for4. Read and answer T: Open your books and read the dialogue by yourselves. Try to find where the things are. Then ask and answer in pairs. (请学生自读课文,回答关于物品位置的问题,并请同桌进行问答练习)T: Where are the things? Which pair would like to talk about it? S1: Wheres Su Yangs bag? S2: It

    8、s in the bedroom.(教师板书:Wheres ? Its )S3: Where are Su Hais skirts?S4: They are in the living room, on the sofa.(教师板书:Where are? They are 并教授:living room, sofa。教师可同时强调 Wheres?和 Where are? 及其答句的正确运用。)S5: Wheres Su Yangs white cap?S6: Its in the kitchen, in the dogs mouth.(教授:kitchen 。)T: Wheres the do

    9、g?S: Its in the kitchen too. 【设计意图:培养学生自读获取信息的能力,感知并学习运用询问物品位置的句型,并能在教师的帮助下扫除生词障碍。 】5. Learn to read(1) T: Listen to the audio and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. (2) T: Read in pairs. You may read in roles or read together. (3) T: Lets read the story together. 【设计意图:通过模仿

    10、录音、分角色朗读和齐读等方式的训练,纠正学生的语音、语调,并且引导他们揣测角色的语气与心情。 】6. Lets chant (1) T: Now, boys and girls, do you remember where the things are? Please close your books and lets make a chant together. Su Yangs bag is in the bedroom.Su Hais skirts are on the sofa.The white cap is in the kitchen .Come and look!They ar

    11、e all here in our new home .”T: Good. Now lets chant with the rhythm. (2) T: Look, what are they? S: They are(出示单词图片,学习生词:clock, fridge, table)T: Where are they?S: They areT: Try to make the chant in groups and chant together. “Sofa, sofa, its in the living room. Clock, clock , its in the bathroom .

    12、Fridge ,fridge , its in the kitchen .Tables,tables, they are in the bedroom .Come and look!They are all here in our new home .”T: Which group would like to show us your chant? (邀请几组学生朗读他们的歌谣) 【设计意图:本环节是对对话内容的总结与复述,也是在情境中学习更多家居物品和房间相关词汇的环节。词不离句,句不离景,学生在情景中学习语言知识,在吟诵中巩固,也为接下来的表演环节打下基础。 】Step 3 Acting

    13、timeT: What do you think of Su Hai and Su Yangs new home?S: T: Yes, its very nice and clean. They are very happy to be in the new home. But its a little messy. Can you act the dialogue in groups of three? You can get four stars if you act Story Time well. And if you can talk about the other things i

    14、n their new home, you may get two more stars!T: Which group would like to show us your dialogue? (请几组学生上台表演他们的对话)【设计意图:表演课文,并且鼓励学生在原有对话的基础上进行加工和续编。激励式的评价方式可以激发学生的表演欲望,并促进综合语言运用能力的训练。】Homework 家庭作业1. 熟读并且表演对话。2. 抄写单词,并试着了解更多家居物品类单词。3. 整理自己的房间,并且画一幅我的房间 (也可以拍照片)供下节课交流用。Teaching aids 教学准备 (含板书设计)教学准备:课

    15、件及相关音、视频文件,单词卡片板书设计:说课在本节课的导入环节,以英语(三下)教材中的 Wheres the bird? 这一歌曲活跃课堂气氛,唤起学生与本课学习内容的相关旧知。通过对歌词内容的回忆,让学生感知本课的重点句型 Wheres? Where are? 及其回答。由“小鸟”带出单词 bedroom 和 bathroom 的学习,引导学生用新词改编歌曲唱一唱,并揭示本课课题。在对话学习过程中,要求学生先通过看动画了解苏海和苏洋正在新家做什么事情,再通过听对话内容关注双胞胎正在寻找的物品,最后通过阅读找出物品所在位置、学习房间类的单词以及再次感知和学习运用句型 Wheres? Where

    16、 are?在朗读的训练中,教师要注意指导学生使用正确的语音和语调,并能够揣测说话人的语气与心情,为接下来的表演环节打好语言基础。有节奏的吟唱是学生很感兴趣的活动。首先,根据课文内容引导学生把韵律小诗补充完整,再通过展示新房里的其他家居物品引导学生合作编写新的小诗。既学习了新词 clock, fridge, table,也巩固了之前学习的 sofa, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen 和 living room。小诗的设计综合运用了本课的语言知识,训练了学生读和说的能力,并重点解决本课的教学难点。表演环节的设计结合对话和自编的韵律小诗的内容,鼓励学生进行小组合作并对文本进行续编,教师应给予学生充分的准备和展示时间。Unit 5 Our new homeA: Wheres? B: ItsA: Where are? B: They arebag(图)cap(图)skirts(图)卧室(图)起居室(图)厨房(图)


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