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    牛津译林版五年级上英语Project 2 第1课时教案

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    牛津译林版五年级上英语Project 2 第1课时教案

    1、Project 2 Our friends第 1 课时Teaching contents 教学内容Project 2 Section ATeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 学生能较熟练掌握五至八单元所涉及的词汇。2. 学生间能互相问答和职业、爱好、周末活动相关的内容。3. 学生能较流利的介绍自己朋友的信息。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:学生能和同学进行问答活动,了解同学的朋友的基本信息。教学难点:学生间互相问答时能正确的运用一般现在时动词第三

    2、人称单数形式。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Warm up 1. Sing a song Make new friends2. Free talkT: Whos your friend? S: Hes/ShesT: How old is he/she? S: Hes/ShesT: What subjects does he/she like? S: He/She likesT: What does he/she like doing? S: He/She likesT: What does he/she usually do at weeke

    3、nds? S: He/She usuallyT: What do his/her parents do? S: His/Her father is a His/ Her mother is a【设计意图:欣赏歌曲 Make new friends,活跃课堂气氛,同时在自由对话中渗透本课时的重点目标语言,学生在潜移默化中温故知新。】Step 2 Presentation and Practice1. Lets have a party. T: New Years Day is coming. Lets have a party!There are four game rooms at the p

    4、arty. They are the Hobby Room, the Job Room , the Weekend Room and the Friend Room.【设计意图:教师创设语言大情境,将原先分散的教学活动整合。 】2. Hobby Room1) Look and sayT: These are some hobbies. Can you say them? What do you like doing? S1: Play table tennis. I like playing table tennis.S2: Dance. I like dancing. S3: Swim. I

    5、 like swimming.S4: .2) Work in pairsT: Can you ask your deskmates what their friends hobbies are?S1: What does like doing? S2: He/She likes.S3: Doeslike? S4: Yes, he/she does. /No, he/she doesnt.【设计意图:教师通过有关爱好的词汇复习,引出句型,并实现人称的转换,引导学生注意第一人称和第三人称单数使用时动词的变化。 】3. Job RoomT: We know a lot about hobbies.

    6、Next, lets go to the Job Room. How do we go to the Job Room? 1) Think and sayT: Lets say the jobs under the stones.S: teacher, writer, doctor, worker, driver, farmer, cook, policeman, nurse.2) Think and chant T: Lets say a job chant. T: Can you think of more jobs to chant? Have a try. 3) Ask and ans

    7、wer (选择一幅图片,两人一组进行问答表演。)S1: What does he do? S2: Hes a doctor. He helps sick people. 【设计意图:教师通过脚印识字、创编歌谣等趣味性的活动,实现由词到句的过渡,复习了与职业相关的内容。 】4. Weekend Room1) Think and describeT: My weekend is red. I have a picnic at weekends.Weekend is colourful. What about your weekend? S1/S2/S3: My weekend is_. I _ t

    8、he weekends.【设计意图:教师用颜色来修饰周末活动,激励学生参与。 】2) Work in pairsT: Amys weekends are colourful too. Lets listen! (播放)Please ask and answer about Amys weekends? (小组练习)S1: What does Amy do at weekends?S2: She3) Look and describeT: We know Amy will have a party at Christmas. Guess the other things Amy does at

    9、Christmas. (四人一组讨论,两组上台表演)5. Friend Room1) Do a survey T: Ask and answer, then write down the information about your friend.S1: What subjects do you like? S2: I like Maths.S1: What do you like doing? S2: I like skating.S1: What do you do at weekends? S2: I have picnics. 2) Exchange your friends info

    10、rmation with your deskmate.S1: Whats your friends name? S2: HesS1: What subjects does he like? S2: He likesS1: What does he like doing? S2: He likes skating.S1: What does he do at weekends? S2: He has picnics. 3) Finish the information card【设计意图:教师通过具有信息沟的调查活动,引导学生逐步完成表格信息的填写。 】Homework 家庭作业1. Ask m

    11、ore classmates for their friends information.2. Finish the cards on page101.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:图片、词汇卡、多媒体板书设计: Project 2 Our friendsLets have a party!说课Project 仅是教材为大家提供的一个语言项目,Project 更需要教师的作为,尤其是项目前、项目后,需要教师与学生共同设计、开发、完善。本课中,教师通过 Lets have a party.这一主题情境作为本课的教学主线,贯穿于课堂教学的各个环节。Hobby Room

    12、 环节中,教师重点复习爱好相关内容;Job Room 环节中,教师重点夯实职业相关语言点;Weekend Activity 环节中,教师导入了周末活动相关的语言知识;Friend Room 环节中,教师整合语言点,综合利用,引导学生完成信息卡。依托教学主线串联,教学过程环环相扣,紧凑而高效,学生在教师的引导下自然习得语言。本课中,教师利用任务型教学理念,从听、说、读、写四个方面设计练习活动,促进学生多种技能的全面发展。教师通过多种形式的任务,Look and say, Look and describe, Think and chant 等,从学生角度设计课堂活动。在一项项任务完成的过程中,学生主动参与,交流合作,习得了英语学习的策略,体验了成功的喜悦。Hobby JobWeekend Friend


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