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    1、1Test for Unit 8 (B) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。8%( ) 1 a short b not c fat ( ) 2 a there b here c hair( ) 3 a I b eye c ear( ) 4 a snow b nose c shoes( ) 5 a tall b small c tail( ) 6 a cats b fat c hats( ) 7 a bow b how c now( ) 8 a the thin doll b the tall doll c the short doll 二、听录音,将图片与其姓名连线。

    2、6%1 Sandy 2 Li Hong 3 Bella 4 Jack 5 Tom a b c d e三、听录音,判断所听内容是(T)否(F)与图片相符。10%1 2 3 4 5 ( ) ( )( )( )( )2四、听录音,选出正确的答句。10% ( ) 1 a Thank you. b Its beautiful. c Its a doll. ( ) 2 a Yes, it is. b They are big. c Yes, they are. ( ) 3 a No, they arent. b Her hair is long. c No, her hair is short.( ) 4

    3、 a Yes, I do. b I have a robot. c Id like a robot.( ) 5 a Yes, please. b Great! c Yes, I do.五、听录音,填入所缺单词,将对话补充完整。6%A: Is this toy pig?B: Yes, it is. cuteA: Can I have a look? B: Sure. you are.A: Wow! His are very big, but his eyes are .B: And he can .笔试部分 60%一、用am, is, are填空,注意大小写。8%1 you Mike? Yes,

    4、 I .2 Those pandas cute and fat. Yes, they .3 Where my doll?It on the sofa.4 Here some juice for you.5 Su Hais eyes big.二、选择填空。6%( ) 1 The three are very cool. a snowman b snowmen c a snowman( ) 2 Look at robot. nose is long.a my; His b my; My c our; his ( ) 3 Miss Black is a thin . eyes are small .

    5、 a man; her b woman; Shes c woman; Her ( ) 4 I like , but I cant well.a swim; swim b swim; swimming c swimming; swim( ) 5 You are , but your brother is . a thin; fat b fat; small c thin; small( ) 6 I d like a cup of tea and two pies. How much ? Thirty yuan.a is it b are they c are there3三、连词成句,注意大小写

    6、和标点符号。10% 1 are big eyes her ( . ) 2 two meet the rain fat boys in ( . ) 3 cool these robots are ( ! ) 4 Mikes eyes are and blue big ( ? ) 5 zebras with you and me the apples eat ( . ) 四、改错,选出错误项,并将正确答案写在横线上。10%( ) 1 His hair are short. a b c ( ) 2 His nose and mouth is small. a b c ( ) 3 My dolls h

    7、ave big ear. a b c ( ) 4 Are his tail long? a b c ( ) 5 What are you have? a b c 五 根据首字母提示,完成对话。8%A: Jack, w that on the wall?B: Its a picture of my family.A: Whos this t man?B: He is my f .A: Is this your s ?B: No, shes my cousin, Sue. Her e are big and her hair is s .A: Shes beautiful. This is you

    8、r brother, right?B: Yes. His n is big.A: Where are you?B: Look, the girl with long h is me. 六、根据图片内容和首字母提示,完成句子。6% L at my toy t . He is big. His hair is black and y . His e are big. His n is b too. He looks lovely.4七 阅读短文,选出正确答案。8%Hello, boys and girls. My name is Zhang Wei. Im twelve. Im tall and

    9、thin. I have a sister and a brother. My sister is Zhang Yang. Shes eight years old. Her eyes are big and her mouth is small. She likes red skirts. She thinks she is not very beautiful, but I dont think so. The boy with small eyes is my brother, Zhang Li. He is short and fat. He is nine, he has small

    10、 ears and a big mouth. He likes playing football. He can play football very well, but I cant. He is cool.( ) 1 Zhang Li is .a tall and thin b short and fat c short and thin( ) 2 Can Zhang Wei play football well?a Yes, he can. b No, he cant. c Yes, she can.( ) 3 Zhang Lis eyes are and Zhang Yangs eye

    11、s are .a big, small b small, small c small, big( ) 4 Does Zhang Wei think his sister beautiful?a No, he doesnt. b Yes, he does. c Yes, she does.八、写作。4%同学们,我们都有自己的好朋友,仿照例句,描述一下他 (她) 的外貌特点吧!This is my good friend, Lily.She is tall and fat.Her hair is long.Her eyes are big.5Test for Unit 8 (B)一、听录音,选出你

    12、所听到的内容。1 Im a short boy.2 Miss Browns hair is brown.3 Su Hai and I like these dolls.4 Liu Taos nose is big.5 The snowman is tall and fat.6 A: Do you like cats?B: Yes, I do.7 Look, he is a king now.8 The tall doll is for Miss Li.二、听录音,将图片与其姓名连线。1 Hello, Im Jack. Im eleven. My ears are big.2 He is my

    13、friend, Tom. Hes a fat boy. His eyes are small.3 I have a rabbit, Bella. Its mouth is small. Its ears are long.4 The woman with long hair is my aunt, Sandy.5 Shes Li Hong. Her hair is short. Shes beautiful. 三、听录音,判断所听内容是(T)否(F)与图片相符。 1 Sam is short. His eyes are small.2 A: Whos that tall man?B: Hes

    14、my uncle. His nose is small.3 Liu Taos hair is short. His dolls hair is short, too.4 A: Look at the thin boy.B: Hes cool.5 A: Do you know that woman with a long nose?B: Yes. Shes my teacher四、听录音,选出正确的答句。1 Look at my dolls.2 Are his eyes big?3 Is her hair long?4 What do you have?5 Lets go swimming.五、

    15、听录音,填入所缺单词,将句子补充完整。A: Is this your toy pig? B: Yes, it is. Its cuteA: Can I have a look? B: sure. Here you are.A: Wow! His ears are very big, but his eyes are small.B: And he can jump.6参考答案听力部分一、1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 a 7 c 8 b 二、1 a 2 b 3 e 4 c 5 d 三、1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F四、1 b 2 c 3 c 4 b 5 b 五、your,

    16、It s, Here, ears, small, jump笔试部分一、1 Are, am 2 are, are 3 is, is 4 is 5 are二、1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 b 三、 1 Her eyes are big.2 Two fat boys meet in the rain.3 These robots are cool!4 Are Mikes eyes big and blue?/ Are Mikes eyes blue and big?5 The zebras eat apples with you and me.四、1 c is 2 c are 3 c ears 4 a Is 5 b do 五、what s, tall/thin, father, sister, eyes, short, nose, hair六、Look, tiger, yellow, eyes, nose, big七、1 b 2 b 3 c 4 b 八、略


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