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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit1 Grammar 教案

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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit1 Grammar 教案

    1、Unit 1 Friends GrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know when to use comparatives and superlatives;2. use comparatives and superlatives correctly; 3. compare people or things. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: height, sli

    2、mmer, worse, worst2. New structure: We use comparatives + than to compare two people or things.We use the +superlatives to compare three or more people or things.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyIntroduce the structure of comparative and superlative adjectives.Change the adje

    3、ctives into comparative and superlative adjectives.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Try to describe. Describe two girls appearances.2. Try to compareShow a table about two girls appearance. Lead the students to compare them. Alice is shorter than Lucy. Lucy is taller than Alice.Alices eyes ar

    4、e bigger than Lucys. Lucys eyes are smaller than Alices.Alices hair is longer than Lucys. Lucys hair is shorter than Alices.【设计意图】先以一个简短的描述人物外貌开头。接着让学生对比俩人的外貌特征引出本堂课要学习的语法内容形容词的比较级。既复习了前面所学知识,同时也巧妙地进入学习重点内容。Step 2 Presentation of comparative adjectives1. Try to work out the ruleAsk the students to r

    5、ead these sentences and try to find the rules about comparative. Introduce when we can use comparative and the basic structure of comparative adjectives.2. Try to sayShow some pictures. Ask the students to compare them. At the same time, the teacher gives some adjectives to help the students. Lead t

    6、he students to find what the short adjectives are.3. Try to findAsk the students to observe the comparative of the short adjectives. Let the students find the rules of the forms.4. Try to changeAsk the students to change the adjectives into their comparative.5. Try to thinkIntroduce the long adjecti

    7、ves and let them list some more long adjectives.6. Try to concludeLead the students to conclude the rules according to the sentences of long comparative adjectives. And introduce the irregular adjectives and their forms.【设计意图】采用归纳教学法,引导学生自己发现语法规则。同时适时让学生运用语法规则来练习,及时操练巩固。符合语法学习的规律,便于记忆与运用。Step 3 Pres

    8、entation of superlative adjective1. Lets enjoyEnjoy the story about “Three little pigs”.2. Try to compare(1)Try to compare the houses of little pigs. Introduce the superlative adjectives. (2) Try to compare other things using the superlative adjectives.3. Try to concludeLead the students to conclude

    9、 the rules of superlative adjectives, including the form rules, the sentence structure.4. Try to guessLet the students guess the answers according to some sentences. 【设计意图】在学习完比较级后,以大家熟悉的三只小猪盖房子的故事引出最高级的学习。让学生自主发现规律,总结规律,并运用规律。Step 4 Consolidation1. SummaryMake a summary about the comparative adject

    10、ives with the students.2. Try to changeLet the students change the words into their comparative and superlative.3. Have a guessLet the students read the sentences and guess the meaning.4. Try to writeLet the students compare the class profile. Finish the exercises in the English book.5. A group work

    11、Ask the students to make groups of four. First finish their group profile, then make a report.【设计意图】通过几个与比较级有关的趣味英语句子,让学生感受到语言的趣味性,同时也让学生知晓更多的比较级用法。将比较级和最高级的各种形式混在一起进行练习,从词到句到篇。逐步提升练习的难度。让老师和同学都能从练习中进行自我教学效果和学习效果的检测。V. Homework1. Read the words on P11 and remember the rules of comparative and superlative adjectives. 2. Write a short passage to introduce your family. (Please use some comparative and superlative adjectives.)


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