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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit1 Welcome to the unit 教案

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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit1 Welcome to the unit 教案

    1、Unit 1 Friends Comic strip and Welcome to the unitI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. identify the new words and phrases;2. describe peoples qualities with simple and proper words;3. know more about friendship and try to develop some good q

    2、ualities. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: thirsty, honest, care about, keep a secret, make sb happy, be ready to do sth, have problems, believe what he/she says, tell lies/funny jokes. 2. New structures: Can I have something to drink?Can I have some more food?What makes good friends?Y

    3、ou can trust them because they never tell lies.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyDescribe peoples qualities with simple and proper words.IV. Teaching proceduresA Comic stripStep 1 Lead-in1. The topic of the unit friendsT: Hello, boys and girls, do you have a friend? Yes, of co

    4、urse, you do. As we know, every one of us should have at least one or two friends. Time seems to go faster when good friends are together. 2. Free talkAsk some open questions: Who is your good friend? Could tell us something about your good friend?Why do you choose him/her as your good friend? 【设计意图

    5、】从谈论身边的朋友引入课题,拉近与学生的心理距离,学生有了表达的欲望,也能用自己的语言初步描述朋友的性格。Step 2 Presentation1. Show pictures of Hobo and EddieT: Its nice to see Hobo and Eddie again. Do you like them? Yes, they are funny and they can always make us happy. Do you think they are good friends? Lets watch a short video and answer the ques

    6、tions:What does Hobo think a good friend should do? What do they share?2. Have a discussionWill they share the pizza? Why or why not? Two possible answers: Yes, they will share. Because good friends always share.No, they wont. Because Hobo already has a big cake. 3. Complete a short passageEddie is

    7、kind. He often _ others. Today Hobo feels _. Eddie gives him a _. When Hobo wants something to _, Eddie _ him some milk. But Hobo still wants to have _ _ food. Eddie tells Hobo theres _ else in the fridge. But when Hobo sees the _ in Eddies bowl, he wants to _ it. What should Eddie do? 【设计意图】让学生回答两个

    8、深层次的问题有助于学生进一步思考什么是朋友,增加了课堂的趣味性,同时为后面的讨论环节做了铺垫。将巩固形式由对话变为小短文,不仅可以检测学生对对话的掌握情况,而且训练了学生信息转化的能力。Step 3 PracticeRead loudly and try to act it out. Add an ending to it.【设计意图】通过表演让学生对漫画内容理解更加深刻,通过增加结尾,让学生发挥自己的想象力,活跃课堂气氛,启发学生创造性。B Welcome to the unitStep 1 Lead-in1. Lets brainstorm. What qualities should a

    9、 good friend have? The teacher should encourage the students to say as many as possible. 2. The teacher can use the pictures of Pinocchio and Mr. Bean to teach the new words “honest” and “humorous”. 3. The teacher can use the pictures of Harry Potter and his friends to tell the meaning of true frien

    10、ds.4. The teacher can use the pictures of the characters from The Journey to the West to show the importance of team work.【设计意图】尽可能多的搜集描述朋友品质的词,激活学生已有的图式。通过学生喜闻乐见的人物帮助学生学会描述人的典型性格,并指出朋友的本质以及团队合作的重要性。Step 2 Presentation1. Lets match the qualities on the left with the questions on the right.Check the

    11、answers by speaking out with the complete sentences. Eg: My friend is helpful so he/she is ready to help when I have problems.2. Lets listen and answer the questions: What qualities does Amy think a friend should have?What qualities does Daniel think a friend should have?3. Lets discuss in groups.Wh

    12、at makes good friends?If you agree, you can say “Yes, thats very important.”, “Thats true.” or “I also think .”.If you disagree, you can say “Im afraid not.”, “I dont think so.” “This might be true, but .【设计意图】组内讨论时教师给予提示同意和不同意的多种表达法,能帮助学生恰当地表达自己的观点;思想的碰撞有利于学生自己归纳好朋友的品质,形成正确的人生观。Step 3 Consolidation

    13、Lets interview. The students have an interview about friends with their partners and then make a report in the class. The one who gets the most information wins. The teacher can ask some questions for the students to begin with and the students are encouraged to ask more questions. 【设计意图】带有竞争性的真实的语言

    14、任务,能有效的激励学生充分地运用已有的语言知识,达到了用中学英语的目的。Step 4 Extension1. Lets learn some proverbsThe teacher shows 4 proverbs and asks the students to guess their Chinese meanings. Encourage the students to find more on the Internet after class. 2. Lets enjoy an English song, “Count on me”【设计意图】介绍朋友相关的谚语有助于学生接触原汁原味的语

    15、言,开拓眼界,可要求学生平时注意多收集相关资料;英文歌曲欣赏试图让学生全方面接触英美文化,给语言学习增添乐趣,可鼓励学生课后学唱几首英文歌,班级举办英语歌曲比赛。Step 5 SummaryThe teacher gives a short summary about friends and offer some advice on how to make a friend.Spend more time around people.Join an organization or a club.Be a volunteer.Be a good listener.Choose your friends wisely.V. Homework1. Finish the exercises in Period 1 of Unit 1 in the workbook2. Read the poem “A Forever Friend”.3. Try to find what good qualities your best friend has and give as many examples as possible. Write a short passage.


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