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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit5 Grammar 教案

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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit5 Grammar 教案

    1、Unit 5 Wild animals GrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. use “may” to say that something is possible;2. use “verbs + to-infinitives” correctly;3. understand the rules in the zoo.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: closed, b

    2、at, bee, lost, save, get lost, the same as2. New structure: If we do nothing, soon there may be none left. At four months old, she started to go outside for the first time. When she was six months old, she began to eat bamboo. When she was 20 months old, she learnt to look after herself.III. Focus o

    3、f the lesson and predicted area of difficultyHow to use “may” for possibility.How to use “verbs + to-infinitives”.IV. Teaching proceduresA Using may for possibilityStep 1 Lead-inShow some pictures of giant pandas and ask students the questions below:Why do people call the panda “Xi Wang”?(People cal

    4、l the panda “Xi Wang”, because they think it may bring them some hope.)What may happen to the pandas if the bamboo forests disappear?(If the bamboo forests disappear, pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat. )What may happen to giant pandas if we do nothing?(If we do nothing , soon there

    5、may be none left.)【设计意图】通过复习课文内容,引导学生使用含有 may 的句子回答问题,引出本课时学习内容。Step 2 Presentation1. Show a dialogue between “I” and “my son”T: Luckily, the Chinese government is trying their best to take action to protect giant pandas and many other wild animals. More reserves and zoos are built for them, so they

    6、 can live a happy life there. (Show a picture of a zoo) Now, many people like to go to the zoo to see giant pandas and other animals. Last week, I went to the zoo with my family. My son was very excited to see so many wild animals that he kept chatting with me about wild animals. (Show some pictures

    7、 of animals in the zoo.) My son: Dad, the horse is standing with its eyes closed. I: It may be sleepy. I think it is sleeping. My son: Dad, the monkey looks so sad in the cage. I: It may want to play outside. My son: Dad, the bear is standing up! I: It may be hungry. I think he wants to ask for food

    8、. 2. Chat with my son using “may”T: My five-year-old son is curious about everything in the zoo. Sometimes, I dont know how to reply to him. Would you have a chat with my son? Dont forget to use “may”. A: The baby panda is waving to us.B: It (be saying) hello to us.A: The pandas are going towards th

    9、e water.B: They (be) thirsty.A: The monkeys are jumping around.B: They (be playing) with each other. Show some pictures of wild animals and get students to practise the dialogue.【设计意图】创设让学生帮助我来回答儿子问题的情境,激发学生的学习热情和活动兴趣,在语言产出中对语法现象从感性认识上升到理性认识,增强对目标语法项目的理解。B Using verbs + to-infinitivesStep 1 Presenta

    10、tion1. Introduce a plan for visiting the zoo. T: Boys and girls, do you think the zoo is an interesting place? Do you want to visit it? If you want to go on a trip to the zoo, its necessary for you to think about these things before the trip. The person you plan to go there with.The things you want

    11、to take with.The way you decide to get there.The activities you hope to do there.The time you want to spend there.(Show the teachers plan)T: This is my plan. I plan to go out with my family. I want to take a camera and some food. I decide to go there by bus. I hope to take some photos of wild animal

    12、s. I want to stay there for about three hours.2. Finish a dialogue.Please talk about Mr Yangs plan with your classmates using the following conversation as a model, paying attention to using correct form of the verbs.A: Who does Mr Yang plan to go out with?B: He (plan/go out with his family).A: What

    13、 does he want to take?B: He (want/ take a camera and some food).A: How does he decide to get there?B: He (decide/get there by bus).A: What does he hope to do there?B: He (hope/ take some photos of animals).A: How long does he want to stay there?B: He (want/ stay there for about three hours).3. Expla

    14、in how to use “to-infinitives”. T: We often use to-infinitives after these verbs. agree, choose, decide, hope, learn, plan, prepare, want, like, start, begin, fail, wish, try, remember, forget.4. Try to find “verb + to-infinitives” in the passage as quickly as possible.Last month, Nick visited Uncle

    15、 Wang in the country with his parents. At first, his father planned to drive his car there. However, the traffic was so busy that they decided to take a bus there. Uncle Wang has a big farm. There are many apple trees in it. Nick couldnt wait to get there to help Uncle Wang pick apples. In the farm

    16、he tried to pick the apples in a tall tree, but he wasnt tall enough and failed to reach one. After two hours hard work, Nick felt thirsty and tired, so he stopped to choose a big red apple. He was just beginning to eat it when his mother said to him ,“Remember to wash it before eating. You should l

    17、earn to form a good habit of cleaning fruits before eating them. ” 【设计意图】以去动物园去玩为场景来引出动词不定式的讲解,之后让学生在文中找到动词不定式的用法,再次让语法点回到语用环境中。Step 2 Consolidation1. Using “may + verb” and “verb + to-infinitives” to talk about the rules in the zoo.T: While we were visiting the zoo, some visitors gave tree leaves t

    18、o camels to eat. The zookeeper stopped them and said: Look at the sign “Dont feed the animals. ” If they eat something bad, they may get ill. Boys and girls, do you know anything else we shouldnt do in the zoo? Now, lets have a discussion. Use may and to-infinitives to talk about the rules in the zo

    19、o with your classmates. Can we go near the tigers?(Remember not to feed the animals because they may get sick.)Can we feed the animals?(Dont forget to stay away from dangerous animals like tigers because they may hurt you.)Can we take photos of animals?(Remember to turn off the flash light while you

    20、 are using a camera because it may frighten the animals.)Can we 2. SummaryWe should follow the rules and notice the signs in the Zoo. Enjoy yourselves in the zoo. 【设计意图】通过就动物园游园规范话题开展讨论,强化学生语法点的运用练习,让学生学以致用。V. Homework1. Make more sentences with may and verbs + to-infinitives.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.


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