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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit5 Reading (II) 教案

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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit5 Reading (II) 教案

    1、Unit 5 Wild animalsReading (II)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students will be able to:1. have a deeper understanding of the report;2. use the new words and phrases properly; 3. rewrite the report in the perspective of Xi Wang. II. Teaching contents1. New words and

    2、 phrases: mean, be born, beginning, in the beginning, sadly, face serious problems , live on, mainly, however, result, as a result, danger, in danger, action, take action, right away, reserve, law, none, at birth2. New structure: This means “hope”.When Xi Wang was born, she weighed about 100 grams.

    3、At four months old, she started to go outside for the first time. Sadly, giant pandas face serious problems in the wild. Also, giant pandas live mainly on a special kind of bamboo. Giant pandas are now in danger. We should take action right away. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of diffic

    4、ultyHave a deeper understanding of the report. Use the new words and phrases appropriately. IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Presentation 1. Have a revision of the basic information about giant pandasT: Hello, everyone! We have learnt a story about a baby panda called Xi Wang. In todays lesson, we will

    5、 have a revision of the story and learn something useful from the story. First, I want to know how much you know about Xi Wang. Please answer the following questions. What did she look like when she was born? (Here, “born” is the past participle of the verb “bear”.)What could she do when she was 4 m

    6、onths old? (Pay attention to the structure “verbs + to-infinitives”. Can you think of more such words?)What do pandas eat when they grow up? (Can you think of another way to express the same meaning?)T: Lets have a test to see whether you can use these new words. 2. Have a revision of the problems t

    7、hat giant pandas face and the actions that we can take to protect themT: Can giant pandas live happily in the wild? Yes, they cant live happily in the wild now. Giant pandas are in danger now. Why? They are facing many serious problems in the wild. T: Lets have a close at the problems they are facin

    8、g. We need to take action right away. T: What actions can we take? Lets have a discussion. The most important things that we need to do are to build more reserves and make strict laws to protect giant pandas. If we do nothing, there will be none left. “None” is a very important word. Lets see how it

    9、 can be used correctly.T: Can you make a difference between the words no one, nothing and none? T: In a word, where there is Xi Wang, there is “hope”. Xi Wang means “Hope”. 【设计意图】通过提问,帮助学生回忆大熊猫的基本信息,与学生讨论大熊猫的困境与解决方法,在这个过程中穿插讲解语言点,学习 be born、at birth 、start to、live mainly on 及动词不定式的用法并加以操练。Step 2 Pra

    10、ctice 1. ExercisesT: Now, lets have a challenge to see whether you can use the new language points in exams. (1) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the brackets. Although she _ (bear) in America, she spent her childhood in China. (was born)When the sun appeared in the east, th

    11、e sky starts _ (get) brighter and brighter. (to get)People in North China _ (main) on wheat. (mainly)Sanjiangyuan is the one of the biggest nature _ (自然保护区) in the world. (reserves)We should not do something against the _ (法律) in the protected areas. (laws)(2) Translate the following sentences into

    12、English现在大多数野生动物都面临严重的问题。Most wild animals are facing serious problems now. 如果狼处于危险之中,他们将会攻击人类。If wolves are in danger, they will attack people. 我们必须采取行动阻止乱扔垃圾。 We must take action to stop dropping rubbish here and there. 车祸之后,人们立即将驾驶员送去了医院。After the accident, people sent the driver to hospital righ

    13、t away. 我们当中没有人能解答这道数学难题。 None of us can work out this math problem. 2. Have an interviewT: It is time for us to put what we have leant into practical use. Lets have an interview between yourselves to see whether you can use these phrases to talk about pandas. What does Xi Wang mean?What did she loo

    14、k like when she was born?What could she do when she was 4 months old?What does she live mainly on? Why are the pandas in danger?What do we need to do now?【设计意图】通过创设真实的情景,学生同伴之间的采访,在问与答中操练精选的七个重点短语,内化本节课的新语言点。Step 3 Writing1. Explain the linking words and phrases. T: Until now, we have known how to u

    15、se the language points in this period. What about trying something more challenging to see whether you have really mastered them? Lets try to rewrite the story in the perspective of Xi Wang to ask people to care about them. I think there are a few words that can help you make your story more convinc

    16、ing. Here they are.2. Fill in the blanks with the linking words and phrases.T: Now, lets fill in the blanks to see how these linking words work. There is baby panda called Xi Wang. It means “hope”. When she was born, she looked like a white mouse. _, she drank her mothers milk. At four months old, s

    17、he started to go outside for the first time. She is such a lovely animal. _, they face serious problems in the wild. They live mainly on a special kind of bamboo. _, the bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller. _, they may not have a place to live or food to eat. They are in danger now. we m

    18、ust take action right away. If we do nothing, there may be none left! 3. Rewrite the sentences. Xi Wang drank her mothers milk. She began to eat bamboo. She learnt to look after herself. In the beginning, Xi Wang drank her mothers milk. Then, she began to eat bamboo. Finally, she learnt to look afte

    19、r herself. The number of tigers is getting smaller and smaller. Hunters are still hunting them for money. The number of tigers is getting smaller and smaller. Sadly, hunters are still hunting them for money.Many rare animals are not allowed to be eaten. People are still willing to spend a lot of mon

    20、ey buying them and eat them. Many rare animals are not allowed to be eaten. However, people are still willing to spend a lot of money buying them and eat them.Wild animals are disappearing much faster than we thought. We have lost the balance between mankind and nature. Wild animals are disappearing

    21、 much faster than we thought. As a result, we have lost the balance between mankind and nature.4. Rewrite the sentences from the perspective of Xi Wang.T: I think we are ready to rewrite the story now. You must use the useful expressions and the linking words I provide here. Lets try our best to per

    22、suade people to care about giant pandas now. T: Lets look at a sample. Can you read it? 【设计意图】通过换角度改写课文,讲授了过渡词汇的用法并让学生在使用过程中加深印象。Step 4 ConsolidationT: Finally, lets do a feedback. Giant pands are bautifl back-nd-white ainmls. They lok lie amouse at b . They live in China. Bby pas just weigh 10 gras

    23、 when tey are born. Baby pads pend alot f time drinkig their ms ilk befor g utside. After 20 mths, tey s to tae care f themslves. They live m on aspecial kind of bamo. But peol kep on cuting down forest. As ar , giant pas ay hve nowher t live. S w iat pads are f serious roblems. To prtect em, e shou

    24、ld take right awy. First, we shld help ands have ore baies. An then we must bild more .Making l to prtect hem isalo importat. Besis, we can write o newspaers about problems we et. Ido belive things wil be ter. (birth, may, getting, start, mainly, result, facing, action, reserve, laws) 【设计意图】经过前几个教学环节的铺垫,学生掌握了七个核心短语以及部分连接词,通过改写故事让学生将所学内容灵活运用,也可以在此环节评价学生对课文的掌握情况。V. Homework1. Revise your rewritten story with the help of your classmates or teacher.2. Use your short story to ask people to care about giant pandas.


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