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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit5 Integrated skills 教案

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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit5 Integrated skills 教案

    1、Unit 5 Wild animals Integrated skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. grasp the sentences about specific characteristic, appearance, abilities, eating habits and danger in the context of animals;2. obtain the key information from listeni

    2、ng;3. express opinions about protecting wild animals;4. be more aware of the importance of protecting the wild animals by listening and speaking.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: while, catch, thick, lose, living, kill, human, sorry, pity, sell, shame, act, stripe, quality, hunter, wolf

    3、, for a short while, live alone, smell things far away, work as a team, kill for fun, lose living area, yours sincerely2. New structure: Im sorry to hear that.Its a great pity!What a shame!We shouldnt buy fur coats any more.I think everybody should act to protect wild animals.III. Focus of the lesso

    4、n and predicted area of difficultyObtain the key information from listening.Express opinions about protecting wild animals.IV. Teaching proceduresA Helping wild animalsStep 1 Lead-in.Lets guessT: Now Ill check how much you know about wild animals. Please guess what kind of animal it is according to

    5、their looks and qualities.It is very large and walks slowly. (elephant)It is the cleverest animal in the sea. (dolphin)It cant see, but it can fly the right way. (bat)It is large strong and heavy with thick fur. (bear)It is small and lovely, and it likes saving food for the winter. (squirrel)It look

    6、s very cute and lives only in China. (giant panda)It is the king of the forest; many animals are afraid of it. (tiger) It has a good sense of smell and it likes eating insects and fruits. (wolf)Step 2 Presentation1. Lets sayTell us something about your favourite wild animals, you can say like this.M

    7、y favourite wild animals areThey areThey can/ are good atThey like/ oftenThey like eating2. Teach new words: stripe, human, hunter, killDo you know what is Mr Yangs favourite wild animal? My favourite animal is the king of the foresttiger: it is big and strong, it has orange fur with dark stripes, a

    8、nd these make tigers very beautiful. When tigers are hungry, they may be very dangerous. So humans are afraid of them. Sadly, the hunters kill them for their fur, bones or other parts of the body, so the number of them is getting smaller and smaller. 3. Listening(1) Play the recording for the first

    9、time and get students to answer the questions.What is Millies favourite animal? (Wolves)What kind of food do wolves eat? (They eat many animals.)T: As we know, not only tigers but also many other wild animals are facing serious problems in the wild as well. In order to make money, people hunt too ma

    10、ny of them. Millie and Daniel want to do something to help wild animals. Listen to their conversation carefully and find out what they are talking about. Try to get the general idea of their conversation then answer the questions.(2) Tips for listening.T: Here are two fact sheets about tigers and wo

    11、lves, before we listen and complete them, its necessary for you to learn some tips. Before listening, we should read the text carefully and try to guess the possible keys Maybe your guessing is right. (Give an example)While listening, to grasp more information, we can the short form or some letters

    12、instead of the whole word. Later on, dont forget to write the complete one. For example, you can write esp. instead of especially, straw for strawberries. (Give an example)Remember: one word for each blank. (3) Play the recording for the second time and get students to complete the fact sheets.(4) P

    13、lay the recording for the third time and then get students to check the answers.【设计意图】以猜动物的游戏形式帮助学生激活已有知识,活跃课堂气氛,同时也为下一个说的环节提供语言支架。提供听力练习的有效策略,听前预测能够帮助学生进行有意识的推断,有效激发学生思维,对听力理解能起到很好的辅助作用。之后让学生带着两个简单问题听录音,初步感知听力录音中的大致内容,为后面的细听做一个前期铺垫。Step 3 Consolidation1. Oral workGet students to introduce the tiger

    14、 and the wolf.T: So far, we have learnt a lot about tigers and wolves, If you are a wolf or a tiger, would you please introduce yourself to others.2. Complete the letterMillie and Daniel write a letter to tell people why it is important to protect tigers and wolves, lets help them complete the lette

    15、r with the in formation from the fact sheets on page 63. 3. Check the answers and get students to read the letter together4. According to the fact sheets fill in the blanks in the table blowWild animals are in danger!Items Tigers WolvesLooks Big and strong, bright eyes,Orange fur with dark _1_.Not v

    16、ery big, look like dogs, have_2_fur.Abilities Can run fast but only for a short _3_, good at_4_ and climbing.Can see, hear and smell things far away. Can run for hours without_5_.Qualities Like to live alone Often work as a _6_,Never _7_ for fun.Food Smaller animals Animals, sometimes they eat fruit

    17、.Danger _8_ catch them for their fur, bones or other parts of the body. Losing_9_areas,people kill wolves because they think wolves are _10_to humans.(keys: stripes; thick; while; swimming; stopping; team; kill; Hunters; living; dangerous)【设计意图】采用任务型阅读的形式检测学生对文章内容的理解和掌握情况,强化重点词汇运用能力的同时,也培养了学生信息转换的能力

    18、以及读写的综合能力。B Speak up: Its a great pity.Step 1 Presentation1. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. T: Wild animals are our friends. Now more and more people are willing to help them. Here is a conversation between Millie and her mother. They are discussing how to protect wild animals.

    19、 Listen to their conversation and answer the questions.Why are some wild animals in danger? (They lose their lives because people hunt them. People sell their fur, bones or other parts of the body.) What can we do to protect wild animals? (We shouldnt buy fur coats any more.)2. Get students to read

    20、the dialogue together and then in roles.【设计意图】让学生带着问题听录音,之后通过角色扮演加以巩固。Step 2 Practice1. As students, how can we protect wild animals? Please discuss the topic with your partner. You can make up a new dialogue like this.A: Many wild animals are now in danger.B: Im sorry to hear that. Its a great pity

    21、!Why are they in danger?A: BecauseB: We shouldA: Right. Everyone should act to protect wild animalsUseful expressionsIts important that Im sorry to hear that.Its a great pity! Thats too bad.What a shame! I totally agree/ disagree I believe very strongly Im afraid its wrong/not right to do so.2. Get

    22、some pairs to show their new dialogue.【设计意图】通过讨论如何保护动物来将有用表达加以操练,将语言知识内化为语言能力。Step 3 Extension 1. Watch the short video Its killers home.2. Ask and answer.What does the girl in the video call her family? (She calls her family killers home.)Did her family members kill anybody? (No. they didnt.)3. Let

    23、s have a discussion.Who are the killers?4. Get some students to tell their opinions.5. SummaryT: In order to get what they want from wild animals , hunters have killed too many of them. If people dont buy the things made from endangered animals, the wild animals wont face the danger of extinction(灭绝

    24、). Buying leads to death. Hunters are killers while buyers are accessories(帮凶) to the killing. Remember that no buying, no killing.【设计意图】通过播放因人类的物质需要而导致许多野生物被杀害的视频,唤起学生们的良知,引起学生们的共鸣。设计意图:就视频中的内容组织学生讨论“谁”是杀害野生动物的凶手,引发学生更深层次的思考,从而让学生明白没有买卖就买有杀害的道理。V. HomeworkMake a speech about how to protect wild animals in danger.


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