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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit6 Grammar 教案

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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit6 Grammar 教案

    1、Unit 6 Birdwatching GrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. use to-infinitive to express purpose in the context;2. use some verbs with objects and to-infinitives in the context;3. learn to talk about where to visit in our hometown using

    2、to-infinitives.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: in order to, write down, for any reason 2. New structures: We ask people not to catch birds for any reason. Max tells funny jokes and often makes me laugh.She saw a baby panda drink her mothers milk.Millie and Amy herd someone sing in the

    3、 park.He also encouraged us to describe the birds.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyUnderstand and use some verbs with objects and to-infinitives, especially some verbs in this structure with infinitives without to. IV. Teaching proceduresA Using to-infinitives for purposeStep

    4、 1 Lead-in1. Free talk T: Have you ever watched the program “Dad, where are we going”?S: Yes!T: What do you think of this programme?S: There are always funny stories between fathers and children. T: Yeah, I also like this program because it tells us both interesting and moving stories between father

    5、s and children when they travel to different places. 2. Show and talk Show some pictures about the programme and talk about them. T: Now, look at this picture. Why did they go to the seaside?S: They went to the seaside to go fishing.T: How about this one? Why did children go to the market?S: They we

    6、nt to the market to buy some food.【设计意图】通过情境创设,激发学生学习兴趣,唤醒旧知,为新知学习做好铺垫,引入本课主题。Step 2 Presentation1. Explain to-infinitivesT: In these two sentences, we use “to go fishing” and “to buy some food” to express our purposes. Thats what we are going to learn today.2. Find the to-infinitivesT: There are al

    7、so some sentences with to-infinitives for purpose in the reading part. Can you find them out?S1: Now the Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong.S2: The members of our Birdwatching Society go to study the birds in Zhalong. S3: Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhalo

    8、ng to watch the birds. 3. Explain “in order to”T: Dont forget this sentence: Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. It also expresses the purpose. T: Actually, “in order to” carries the same meaning as “to”. However, it is more formal than

    9、“to”.T: Now lets look at this example: Fathers started early in order to get to Zhalong in time. And we can also change the sentence like this: In order to get to Zhalong in time, fathers started early. T: Pay attention: Dont forget a comma to separate the two sentences when in order to comes to the

    10、 beginning of the sentence.【设计意图】系统讲解 to do sth 和 in order to do sth 的用法。 Step 3 Practice1. Describe the pictures with “to-infinitives”T: Since we have known the grammatical rules, lets practice making sentences with “to-infinitives” and “in order to”. For example: The children play football to keep

    11、 fit in the first picture. T: What about the second one? Where are the children now?S: In the cave.T: Why do the children go into the cave?S: The children go into the cave to look for treasure.2. Describe the pictures with “in order to”T: Now, fathers and children have come to the north-east China.

    12、Its so cold there. How do they keep warm?S: They must put on more coats. T: Can you make a sentence with “in order to”? S: They put on more coats in order to keep warm.T: Its so cold that they are afraid of catching a cold, right?S: Yes! T: So they put on more coats in order not to catch a cold. Pay

    13、 attention to the negative meaning.【设计意图】利用学生们喜爱的节目来操练 to do sth 和 in order to do sth 的用法。B Using verbs + object + to-infinitivesStep 1 Presentation1. Explain to-infinitives as object complement(1) Find to-infinitivesT: In fact, there are more sentences with “to-infinitives” in the article. Can you

    14、find them out?S1: We are now inviting them to help us.S2: We need more people to count and describe the birds.T: Pay attention to the structures: “invite sb. to do sth.” and “need sb. to do sth.”.(2) Work out the rule T: Lets work out the rule: verbs + object + to-infinitives. Verbs of this kind inc

    15、lude “tell, ask, invite, need, and want”. Do you know how to express a negative meaning?S: We can add “not” in front of “to do sth.”. T: Perfect! That is “tell, ask, invite, need, and want” + sb. not to do sth. . (3) Fill in the blanks and check the answersT: Something interesting is happening betwe

    16、en fathers and children. Do you want to know? S: Yeah!T: Lets fill in the blanks to see what happened to them. The villagers invited fathers and their children (come) to dinner in their homes.The members of the Birdwatching Society teach children (count) the birds.Cunzhang told children (not play) n

    17、ear the lake.Children helped their fathers _(do) the housework. 2. Explain to-infinitives without “to” as object complement (1) Show some examplesT: This time fathers and children had a good time in the zoo. What did they see? Lets go and have a look.T: They watched a monkey ride a bike.They saw an

    18、elephant play football. They saw a tiger jump through rings.The zookeeper let /made the dolphins play some tricks.They heard many people shout excitedly.(2) Work out the rules:T: From these examples, we have known that we can use some verbs with infinitives without “to”. Lets sum up the verbs togeth

    19、er.T: Among all children, I think the boy Stone is the most energetic. So we often see Stone run quickly, right? But now, he isnt running. Just now I saw Stone playing football with his father and Kimi. So when an action often happens, we can use the structure: see sb. do sth.; or when we see the wh

    20、ole process of an action, we can use the structure: see sb. do sth. However, when we see part of an action or when the action is in progress, we use the structure like this: see sb. doing sth.【设计意图】通过图片设计的不同情境,让学生直观感知语言结构在句中的实际运用。通过对比、分析,激发学生的自主探究意识。Step 2 Practice1. A game T: Boys and girls, as you

    21、 have learned much today, maybe you will be a little bit tired. Lets play a game. I have prepared something surprising for you. Which one would you like to choose?T: You are lucky to choose “Correct the mistakes”. Do you know how to make the right corrections? T: Lets do some practice of “Sentence p

    22、attern transformation”.T: Some exercises of “Multiple Choice” for you. Would you like to have a try?T: You are lucky to see fathers and children again. Can you tell me what they are doing using the given phrases? 2. Free talkT: Good news for you! Its said that the scene of the program “Dad, where ar

    23、e going”will be filmed in our hometown, Yangzhou. Then some problems will follow: What places can they visit? What can they do here? What food can they eat? Do you have any good suggestions? Lets have a discussion. T: There is much to see and to do in our hometown. For example, Jinghua Shopping Mall

    24、 is so modern and large. They can go there to T: If they are interested in local colours, Dongguang Street is a good place to go. They can go there to enjoy T: The Slender West Lake is so famous that every year many tourists come to visit it. In order to, they can go to the Slender West Lake. And we

    25、 often see people 3. Make a dialogue in pairsT: Now each pair introduces one place to the fathers and children using what we have learned today.【设计意图】通过游戏选择的方式来训练巩固已学知识,练习形式设计多样化,激发学生学习的兴趣,寓教于乐。创造活动,激发学习兴趣,既是对语言知识的学以致用,也能让学生理论联系实际做出真实的回应,提高学生的实际语用能力。Step 3 Sum upT: Lets have a summary.Use to-infinit

    26、ives for purpose (用动词不定式表目的): to =in order to Verb + object +to-infinitive (动词+宾语+动词不定式)ask, (tell, want )+ sb. +(not)to + do+ sth.let, (make, have)+sb. +do+ sth.help +sb. +(to) +do +sth.【设计意图】在下课之前及时总结本节内容,帮助学生巩固知识。V. HomeworkCan you imagine (想象) a special experience when showing fathers and children around our city? Please write a short passage (around 70 words) about it using as many “to-infinitives” that we learned today as possible.


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