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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit8 Integrated skills 教案

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    牛津译林版八年级上英语Unit8 Integrated skills 教案

    1、Unit 8 Natural Disasters Integrated skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know what phone number to dial for help;2. get the useful information while listening and develop listening skills; 3. talk about first aid in simple English;4. k

    2、now how to protect themselves.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: as as possible, towel, railway, protect oneself from, stay low to the ground, follow traffic rules, burn;2. New structure: Try to get out as soon as possible.Hide under a strong desk or table to protect yourself.Cover the b

    3、urn with a clean towel.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyUse the important words and phrases correctly and fluently.Talk about first aid in simple English and know what to do first to deal with some accidents.IV. Teaching proceduresA. Away from dangerStep 1 Lead-inWatch a shor

    4、t video about fire. T: This year I saw a fire. This is the first time in my life I saw fire with my own eyes. And I kept it in my QQ zone. Please have a look. Can you guess my feeling at that time?T: Yes, I was nervous and frightened. My heart was beating fast and my hands were shaking. Did I just s

    5、tand aside and watch it burning? Of course not. I made some phone calls. At first Icalled 120 for help. They told me they would go there quickly and they advised me to call 119. You know the difference between 120 and 119?T: Yes, if a building is on fire, we should dial 119 for help. If someone is h

    6、urt, we should dial 120 for help. But at that time I was too nervous and I had mixed feelings about what phone to call first. So you see when something unusual happens, the most important thing for us to do is to keep calm and then try to find a way out. 【设计意图】通过和学生讨论自己的亲身经历,让学生对我国一些特殊的电话号码有感性的认识,同时

    7、引导学生认识到保持冷静、以及伸出援手的重要性。Step 2 Presentation 1. Help students to know some more important phone numbersT: Look. My friend asked me if I dialed 911 by mistake. What is 911 for? It is a number in the USA. If something bad happens, for example, you see someone fall into the river and you can dial 911 for

    8、 help. But here, I think my friend is just playing a joke on me. There is only one emergency phone number in America to call for all emergencies, 911. But in China, we have 120 for hospital and 119 for fire.T: Do you know what are 120 and 122 used for? Now I think its easy for you to match the phone

    9、 numbers with the right pictures.2. Pair work T: Can you say something or make a dialogue about each picture? Here is an example for you. A: Look, the building is on fire!B: Dont worry about that. Lets dial 119 for help.3. Think and discuss (1) Watch some pictures and discussT: When we are in danger

    10、 or we see someone in danger, we should choose the correct phone number to dial for help. If we take the right actions quickly, accidents may not cause too much damage. I think you know what to do during an earthquake. What about the following situations? Suppose we happen to be in a building on fir

    11、e or in a flood. After dialing for help, should we just stay there and wait for help? (2) Watch a short video and discussT: Do you think its safe to walk on railways? What may cause traffic accidents?4. Listen and complete the notesT: We are going to have a talk called “Away from danger”. Its necess

    12、ary for us to take somenotes. Lets read the form and see if we know some before listening.T: Here are some tips for listening.5. Listen again and fill in the blanks in A36. Group work T: You must have learnt a lot from the talk. You see, not all the classes attended the talk. So its your job to tell

    13、 some other classes about ways of keeping safe from danger. Make dialogues about the talk and try to show others how to stay away from danger.7. Think and judge(1) How to dial 110T: 119 is for fire, 120 is for hospital and 122 is for traffic. But sometimes you may get confused and you cant think cle

    14、arly when you are in a hurry. To make it easy, dialing 110 is the fastest way you can get help for yourself or someone else. Do you know how to dial 110 and when to dial 110?(2) Judge when to dial 110【设计意图】在预测后做听力,降低听的难度。通过设计让学生向他人介绍自我保护的小组活动,巩固 A2 和 A3 所学。B. Speak up: What should we do first?Step 1

    15、 PresentationListen to Part B and complete the blanks. T: Its important to know how to stay away from danger. But sometimes people do get hurt in natural disasters or accidents. After dialing the right phone number for help, shall we just wait for help and do nothing? So it is cleverer to know as mu

    16、ch knowledge of first aid as possible. The more we know, the safer we will be. Heres a conversation between Millie and Daniel. They are talking about first aid too. What accident are they talking about? And do you know how to deal with it now? Lets listen and find out how they deal with some acciden

    17、ts. After listening, please fill in the blanks.【设计意图】通过创设语境,引导学生了解采取必要的初步自救措施的重要性。Step 2 Practice1. Read and find out T: Lets read the dialogue again and find some useful expressions: A: may when Do you know what to do first when ?B: Sure. First, you should A: I see. What should I do after that?B: A

    18、: Should I ?B: No, you shouldnt. You should .A: All right. Thanks.2. Make similar dialoguesT: Now its your turn to talk about these three pictures. 【设计意图】引导学生总结讨论自救措施的框架,并编排新对话,从而达到学以致用的目的。Step 3 SummaryRead and think T: Read this: “Be a Herothe Smart Way”. What can we learn from this?【设计意图】通过阅读,让学生

    19、了解未成年人在面临危险时最重要的是在保证自己安全的情况下拨打电话报警;同时鼓励学生在红十字会或校医的帮助下学会一些简单的自救措施。V. Homework1. Learn the new words and phrases by heart.2. Read and recite the dialogue in “Speak up”. 3. Write down three dialogues using the one in “Speak up” as a model.4. Visit the following websites for more information. http:/kidshealth.org/http:/


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