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    1、1Test for Unit 8 (A) 姓名班级得分听力部分 30%一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。(听一遍)5%( ) 1 A with B what C wish( ) 2 A family B friend C father( ) 3 A rst B early C turkey( ) 4 A presents B pretty C parents ( ) 5 A Christmas Eve B Christmas tree C Christmas song二、听录音,判断图片正误,用T或F表示。(听两遍)5%1 2 3 4 5 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,

    2、根据所听问句选择相应的答句。(听两遍)10%( ) 1 A They read storybooks. B They make some Christmas cards. C They play the piano.( ) 2 A On the Christmas tree. B On the bed. C Under the Christmas tree.( ) 3 A Turkey and pudding. B Bread and coffee. C Noodles and tea.( ) 4 A Yes, you do. B Yes, we have a good time. C No.

    3、 We are very happy.( ) 5 A Im ill. B Shes tired. C Hes sad.2四、听录音,补全句子。(听两遍)10%1 On Day, we all have a lot of .2 We a Christmas tree and some things on it. 3 We get up and have a big on that day. 4 , we go and Father Christmas.笔试部分 70%一、 英汉互译。10%1 买一个圣诞树 2 过得愉快 3 给他写封信 4 所有的孩子们 5 早早起床 6 look great 7

    4、 have a big lunch 8 make a card 9 Merry Christmas 10 wait for them 二、单项选择。20%( ) 1 Then, Christmas Eve .A come B comes C coming( ) 2 We are all very happy Christmas.A at B on C in( ) 3 Mr Turkey sad.A sees B looks C watches( ) 4 Christmas!A Happy B Mary C Merry( ) 5 I send some Christmas cards all m

    5、y friends.A for B / C to( ) 6 We have dinner six oclock the evening.A on; in B at; in C in; after( ) 7 Whats with ?A wrong; him B matter; him C the matter; he( ) 8 We buy presents our family friends. A for; and B to; and C to; or( ) 9 I always have a dinner Christmas Day.A pretty; at B big; at C big

    6、; on( ) 10 Sam and his friends have .A both; a lot of fun B all; a good time C all; lot of fun3三、根据所给中文,完成句子。15%1 首先,我们去购物和看圣诞老人。, we go and Father Christmas.2 在我们的起居室里有一棵大大的圣诞树。There a big Christmas in our room.3 我们把礼物放在树的下面。We presents the tree.4 多么漂亮的圣诞树啊!a Christmas !5 露茜把长筒袜放在床上等待礼物。Lucy the st

    7、ocking her bed and waits presents. 四、从II栏中找出I栏句子的相应答句。5%I II( ) 1 What do you do at Christmas? A Thank you.( ) 2 Heres a Christmas card for you. B Yes, I can.( ) 3 Merry Christmas! C I usually have a big lunch.( ) 4 Can you make a Christmas card? D Yes, he looks very sad. ( ) 5 Does Mr Turkey look s

    8、ad? E Merry Christmas!五、联系上下文情境,完成对话,每空一词。5%A: Do you have a lot of at Christmas?B: Sure. We always have a good .A: Do you pretty things on the Christmas tree?B: Yes, and we also put our presents the tree.A: your brother put a stocking his bed?B: Yes, and he for presents.A: On that day I have a lunc

    9、h with my family. Howyou?B: too.六、阅读短文,判断句子正误,用T或F表示。5%Christmas is a very popular holiday in Western countries. Before Christmas, people clean their houses. They send cards to their relatives (亲戚) and friends. A nd they buy Christmas trees. They put presents under their Christmas trees. Some famili

    10、es 4open their Christmas presents on Christmas Eve, and some on Christmas Day. Most families get together and have a big dinner. Everyone feels very happy. ( ) 1 Christmas is a popular holiday in Western countries.( ) 2 Before Christmas, people like to clean their clothes.( ) 3 People like to send e

    11、mails to their friends before Christmas.( ) 4 People buy Christmas trees and make them beautiful.( ) 5 People usually put their Christmas presents in the bedroom.七、阅读邮件,回答问题。10%Dear classmates,Tomorrow is Christmas Day. We are getting ready for a party after school. First, we are going to make some

    12、invitation cards and send them to our teachers. Next, we are going to clean the classroom and decorate the Christmas tree. Then, we are going to practise some songs and dances. Finally, we are going home and wait for presents from Father Christmas. Welcome to our class at 6:30 on tomorrow evening!Co

    13、co1 What festival is coming near?2 What are the children going to do tomorrow? 3 What are they going to do rst? 4 Are they going to clean the classroom? 5 What are they going to do nally?5Test for Unit 8 (A)听力原文一、1 We wish you a Merry Christmas.2 What does your friend do?3 Do you get up early every

    14、day?4 I get a lot of presents.5 Lets sing a Christmas song.二、1 The Christmas tree looks great!2 Heres a Christmas card for you. Merry Christmas!3 I always put a stocking on my bed.4 A: Who is he? B: Hes Father Christmas.5 We eat Christmas pudding at Christmas.三、1 What do children usually do at Chris

    15、tmas ?2 Where do we put our Christmas presents?3 What do we eat for lunch on Christmas Day?4 Do you have a lot of fun at Christmas?5 Whats wrong with him?四、1 On Christmas Day, we all have a lot of fun.2 We buy a Christmas tree and put some pretty things on it. 3 We get up early and have a big lunch

    16、on that day. 4 First, we go shopping and see Father Christmas.参考答案听力部分一、1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 C 二、1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F三、1 B 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 C四、1 Christmas, fun 2 buy, put, pretty 3 early, lunch 4 First, shopping, see笔试部分一、1 buy a Christmas tree 2 have a good time/have a lot of fun3 write him a letter/write

    17、 a letter to him 4 all the children65 get up early 6 看起来很棒 7 吃一顿丰盛的午餐 8 制作一张卡片9 圣诞快乐 10 等待他们二、1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 A 9 C 10 B 三、1 First, shopping, see 2 is, tree, sitting3 put, our, under 4 What, beautiful/nice, tree5 puts, on, for四、1 C 2 A 3 E 4 B 5 D 五、fun, time, put, under, Does, on, waits, big, about, Me六、1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F七、1 Christmas.2 Have a Christmas party.3 Make some invitation cards and send them to their teachers.4 Yes, they are.5 Go home and wait for presents from Father Christmas.


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