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    牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit1 Study skills 教案

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    牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit1 Study skills 教案

    1、Unit 1 Know yourselfStudy skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. understand the meaning of skimming as a reading skill;2. get the main idea of an articles by skimming. II. Teaching contentA new reading skillskimmingIII. Focus of the less

    2、on and predicted area of difficulty1. Learn how to skim;2. Use skimming to get the main idea of an article quickly. IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead in1. Free talk T: Boys and girls, can you tell me what you often do when you are free?S: T: We have a lot of things to do in our spare time. Do you w

    3、ant to know about my hobby? You can find it by finishing the saying: _ are the stepping stones of human progress.S: Books.T: Yes. Books are the stepping stones of human progress. I spend much time reading books every day because I think reading brings us everything. Do you like reading books?S: Yes,

    4、 of course.T: Id like to tell you a piece of good news. Our school will set up a reading club. If you want to join the club, please answer three questions about the reading skills. Lets do it together.【设计意图:设置语境,通过头脑风暴引出阅读这一话题,用类似游戏的模式展开教学,激起学生的学习兴趣,为下面的各项活动做好铺垫。 】Step 2 Presentation1. Understand th

    5、e meaning of the skimming(1) T: Now, the first question is “What is skimming?” If you dont know the answer, it doesnt matter. Ill help you.(2) Show the picture of “skim stones”, and talk about it.T: Look at the picture. Whats the young man doing?T: He is playing a game called “skim stones”. People t

    6、ry to throw a little stone onto the surface of the water, and make it float on the surface as far as possible before it sinks. And here “skim” means “漂过” or “略过”.(3) Make a choiceT: So, what does skimming mean while reading? Of the two idioms, which is more similar to “skimming”, “字斟句酌” or “浮光掠影 ”?T

    7、: I agree with you. “浮光掠影” is closer to skimming. What does“ 浮光掠影”mean in Chinese?T: So, when skimming, do we read fast or slowly? Do we expect to get the main idea or specific information?S: T: Skimming means reading the text quickly to get the main idea. You can understand the word in this way: “s

    8、” stands for the speed of the reading; “m” means the main idea. I hope it will help you understand “skim” better.【设计意图:通过游戏引入 skim 这个单词,让学生对词义有初步感知;利用中文成语对比,让学生对 skim 这一阅读技巧有准确认识,并顺利过渡至 skimming 的定义,实现让学生在情境中学习阅读技巧的目的。 】2. Learn how to skim when readingT: Since you have understand the meaning of “sk

    9、imming”, lets come to the second question: How to skim when reading? That is to say, how can we read fast and get the main idea at the same time? (1) Show the reading process of four people. Ask students to tell if they are skimming.(2) Discussion: In Which part of the text can we find the main idea

    10、 quickly?(3) Draw the conclusion: When skimming, read the title, the main headings, the first and last paragraphs, and the first sentence of each paragraph.【设计意图:通过小组讨论解决 how to skim 的问题,放手把问题交给学生,努力开发学生潜能,培养学生的自主学习能力和团队合作能力以及乐于分享的品质。 】3. Find the main idea of the article by skimmingT: Youve done a

    11、good job. The last task is to find the main idea of an article by skimming in one minute. Ill give you three questions to help you:(1) What is the article about?(2) Is it true that some aspects of your personality are formed by nature?(3) What can change your personality?T: As you have answered thre

    12、e questions correctly, you have the chance to be the member the reading club. 【设计意图:通过当堂限时阅读训练,检测学生对 skimming 技能的掌握和应用能力,教会学生抓住关键词句,真正将阅读技能的训练落到实处。 】Step 3 Practice1. A competitionT: Now, lets have a competition. We will vote for the best readers in our class. Who can find the main ideas of the foll

    13、owing articles in the shortest time will be the best readers in our class. 2. T: We all know that reading is a good habit to all of us. Lets share a saying about reading: Reading ten thousand books is like travelling ten thousand miles. In Chinese, we say “读万卷书,行万里路”. Actually, we have different way

    14、s of reading. Sometimes, skimming is useful. Sometimes, we need to get the specific information. Join the reading club, and more reading activities are waiting for you!【设计意图:利用竞赛活动,帮助学生巩固 skimming 技能,同时灌输终身阅读的理念。 】V. Homework1. Skim one or two articles to get main idea.2. Search the Internet to know more about reading skills.


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