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    牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit3 Grammar 教案

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    牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit3 Grammar 教案

    1、Unit 3 Teenage problemsGrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know how to use object clauses introduced by question words;2. know how to give suggestions in English correctly.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: whom, silence,

    2、 worry, method, solve, dictionary, reply,need someone to share my worries with, solve the problem2. New structures: Daniel does not know whom he should talk to.Why not eat less and exercise more?Why dont you let your parents know you need them?What/How about choosing your hobby according to the time

    3、 you have?Lets write a letter to Mr. Sigmund Friend.Shall we have a meeting about this?III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Use object clauses introduced by question words correctly;2. Give suggestions in English correctly.IV. Teaching proceduresObject clauses introduced by qu

    4、estion wordsStep 1 Have a free talk1. Talk about ways to reduce stressT: We all have our own problems and sometimes feel stressed. What do you usually do when you feel stressed?S: I often T: I believe that music can make people relaxed. Lets enjoy a piece of music.T: What do you think of the music?S

    5、: T: Yes. It sounds soft and gentle. It makes me relaxed. 2. Talk about the program The Voice of ChinaT: Have you ever heard of a program called The Voice of China? It is very popular in China. Millie has become interested in it. Why is the program so popular? Millie wonders. In other words, Millie

    6、wonders why the program is so popular. T: How often is it shown on TV? Millie wonders. In other words, When can I watch the program? Millie wonders. In other words, Who will be the winners? Millie wonders. In other words, 【设计意图:由单元主题 teenage problems 引发如何缓解压力的讨论,由热播节目“中国好声音”导入新课,引出特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句。 】Ste

    7、p 2 Presentation1. Read and find out the structureT: Read the sentences and try to find out the structure of these sentences.T: Yes. In these sentences, there are object clauses introduced by question words.2. Read and work out the ruleT: Read the sentences and tell us what word we use to introduce

    8、an object clause that expresses a wh-question?S: A question word.T: Read the sentences again and tell us whether the word order in an object clause introduced by a question word are the same as that in a wh-question.S:3. Practice.T: The word order in an object clause introduced by a question word sh

    9、ould be different from that in a wh-question. Now the Class 1, Grade 9 students have some problems. I hope you can help them complete each object clause with a question word quickly and correctly. Finish Part A1 on page 40.T: Daniel has some questions too. Im sure you can help rewrite his questions.

    10、 Finish Part A2 on page 41.T: Millies classmates have so many problems. She thinks that Mr. Friend, a youth worker, can help them solve their problems. She wants to introduce Mr. Friend to her classmates. Help Millie complete her email with the correct question words. Finish Part A3 on page 41.【设计意图

    11、:先呈现与 wh-word 从句相关的语言材料,让学生感知语法,然后进行思维加工,从中归纳出规则。 】Giving suggestionsStep 1 Presentation1. Help solve my problemT: Suppose I like The Voice of China a lot. I want to take part in it. I spend so much time practising singing that I hardly have time for my schoolwork. I dont know how I can achieve a ba

    12、lance between singing and my schoolwork. Can you give me some advice? Discuss in groups.S1: Why not spend less time singing? In my opinion, schoolwork is more important than singing.S2: Why dont you practise singing in your free time?S3: What /How about planning your time carefully? Perhaps you shou

    13、ld finish your homework first. Then practise singing for an hour every day.T: So we often give suggestions using structures such as T: Do you know what suggestions end with a question mark? And what suggestions end with a full stop?2. Help solve Millies problemT: Millie feels tired these days. Amy a

    14、nd Sandy are trying to help her. Can you help Amy and Sandy give suggestions to her?3. Help solve more problemsT: We know Kitty needs silence when shes studying. She doesnt know where she can find a quiet place. She is asking Mr. Friend for advice. Listen to their talk. T: I think Kitty knows what s

    15、he can do now. Some other students in Class 1, Grade 9 have problems, too. Look at Part A1 on Page 40. Help Mr. Friend give suitable advice. Make up dialogues in pairs.【设计意图:由“我”的烦恼,引导学生思考如何用英语提建议,进而让他们用所学句式解决 Millie 和其他同学的问题,这种方式能够满足学生的需求,符合语法学习的基本规律。】Step 2 Practice1. Write to Na YingT: My favouri

    16、te singer Na Ying is one of the four coaches in the program. Id like to ask her what I should do to take part in the program. Help me write a letter to her.2. Enjoy an English poemT: Life is not easy. All of us have met, are meeting and will meet different problems. But no matter what happens, alway

    17、s believe ourselves. Lets read an English poem together.【设计意图:通过给那英写信寻求建议的设置,让学生真实使用、巩固所学的语法知识。最后用一首诗歌对学生进行情感教育,升华主题。 】V. Homework1. Use object clauses introduced by question words to talk about your problems.2. Use what weve learnt in this period to give suggestions.Dear Miss Na,I feel proud that I can write to you. I am a Grade 9student and I like singing very much. Im not sure _.I wonder _.I hope _.Yours sincerely,_


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