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    牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit3 Reading (I) 教案

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    牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit3 Reading (I) 教案

    1、Unit 3 Teenage problems Reading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. have a better understanding of Millies and Simons problems;2. learn to share problems and give advice in their everyday lives;3. share their findings, thoughts and feeli

    2、ngs in reading.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: hardly, doubt, worth, friendship, stay awake, be worth doing sth, offer me some suggestions, become the cause of my problem, be strict with sb, valuable advice2. New structures: I do not know how I should deal with it.I have no choice but

    3、 to do it.What about choosing your hobby according to the time you have?III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Describe Millies and Simons problems;2. Share problems and give advice. IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Pre-reading1. Enjoy a song Trouble is a Friend2. Have a free talk(

    4、1) Do you have any problems? (2) Whats your problem? How do you solve your problem?3. Predict what problems Millie and Simon probably have according to the picture【设计意图:让学生初步了解本课内容,使其能进入良好的学习状态,为新的学习做好准备。】Step 2 While-reading1. Skim and answer the following questions(1) What problems does Millie hav

    5、e? (2) What is Simons problem?【设计意图:让学生通过听课文,使其了解文章大意。 】2. Scan Millies letter and do “T” or “F” questions(Scanning: read the letter quickly and silently to get specific information you need)( ) (1) Millie may feel tired and sleepy the next day because of staying up late to play computer games.( ) (

    6、2) Millie has spare time for her hobbies.( ) (3) Millie wants a long holiday in order to have time for her hobbies.( ) (4) Millie is sure that it is worth spending much time on homework.( ) (5) Millie thinks it important to have hobbies in her life.【设计意图:让学生使用查读法来获取 letter 1 的相关信息。 】3. Read Millies

    7、letter again(1) Try to finish the flow chart(2) Offer some advice to Millie(3) Help Mr. Friend complete his letter for Millie and sum up the advice【设计意图:让学生再读 letter 1 找出 Millie 问题的原因,同时给 Millie 提出建议。 】4. Read Simons letter to answer the following questions(Scan: read the letter quickly and silently

    8、 to get specific information you need)(1) What does Simon love doing in his spare time?(2) Why does Simon get into trouble when he gets home?(3) What does Simon think of his parents?(4) Why does Simon think it important to develop hobbies?【设计意图:让学生通过细读 letter 2 获取主要信息。 】5. Read Simons letter aloud (

    9、1) Try to complete the article below and have a reading competition thenSimon is so _ about football that he always plays football for hours after school. He never worries about the time and sometimes he even when to stop. Simon believes it to develop hobbies, as they can help him and make his life

    10、more .However, his parents about him a lot. They dont him to play outside after 6 p.m. Simon doesnt understand why they are so . Sometimes, he feels . (2) Offer some advice to Simon(3) Help Mr. Friend complete his letter for Simon and sum up the advice【设计意图:使学生再读 letter 2,找出 Simon 问题的原因,同时学会如何给 Simo

    11、n 提建议。】a lot of homework stay awake stays up late often doubts a long holiday has little time forMillie problems cant _the next dayhas _ her hobbies_Feelings:_ whether it isworthwishes:_Step 3 Post-reading1. Make a dialogue to share your problems with your partnerA: I have a problem Im very worried.

    12、 /I dont know how to deal with it. Can you ? B: Im sorry to hear that. Perhaps you should A: Thats a good idea. Ill try.B: A: Thank you for your advice./.B: .【设计意图:创设语言情境,让学生运用本课所学表达方法来表达思想、提出建议。 】2. Make a conclusionTrouble is a part of our life. What we can do is to face it and try to deal with it. No matter what happens, never lose your heart! Youll surely achieve a better future!【设计意图:渗透情感教育,让学生学会勇敢面对困难,拥有战胜困难的勇气。 】V. Homework1. Try to retell the two letters.2. Write an article about your problems and the ways to deal with them.


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