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    1、1Mid-term test (B)姓名班级得分听力部分 30%一、听录音,判断下列各图是否与录音相符,相符的写T,不符的写F。6%1 2 3 ( ) ( ) ( ) 4 5 6 ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。6%( ) 1 A mouse B house C mouth ( ) 2 A love B live C give ( ) 3 A some B small C sun ( ) 4 A cheer B chair C hair ( ) 5 A mother B matter C centre( ) 6 A sharp B deep C help 三、听录音,根

    2、据所听问题给下列答句排序。7%( ) A A doctor. ( ) B Of course, I did.( ) C Yes, we do. ( ) D The aeroplane.( ) E I went to Beijing. ( ) F Im sorry.( ) G Its my brothers.2四、听录音,根据所听对话及问题选择相应的答句。6%( ) 1 A Yes, they can. B No, they cant. C I dont know.( ) 2 A Yes, she does. B No, she doesnt. C A lot of fruit.( ) 3 A

    3、Its Jims bedroom. B Yes, it is. C No, it isnt.( ) 4 A Liu Tao. B Yang Ling. C Wang Bing.( ) 5 A In a shop. B At school. C At home.( ) 6 A It was sunny. B It was rainy. C It was cloudy.五、听录音,根据短文内容选择正确答案。5%( ) 1 Mary was years old.A nine B ten C eleven( ) 2 Mary had a birthday party .A at school B at

    4、 home C in a park( ) 3 Lucy and her parents went to the party .A on foot B by car C by bus( ) 4 Lucy gave a to Mary as a present.A kite B bike C dress( ) 5 The watch is from .A Lucys father B Lucys mother C Lucys friends笔试部分 70%一、选择填空。10%( ) 1 Dont in class. We should listen to the teacher .A talk;

    5、careful B read; carefully C talk; carefully( ) 2 Tom does well in and . A Maths; singing B PE; jump C running; China( ) 3 The football game is very . The girls are cheering for the boys.A excited; exciting B exciting; excitedly C exciting; excited( ) 4 They feel today.A happy B happily C badly( ) 5

    6、We have to our classroom now.A cleans B clean C cleaning3( ) 6 Jim helped his mother housework last weekend.A does B did C do( ) 7 We can see juice and tomatoes in the fridge. A many; much B a little; a few C a lot of; a little( ) 8 Chinese people often have in the morning. A sausages and eggs B cer

    7、eal and bread C porridge and steamed buns ( ) 9 There two boxes of potatoes in the fridge yesterday. A were B was C are( ) 10 How can we cross the road ?A safety B safe C safely二、选出每组单词中画线部分的发音与众不同的单词。5%( ) 1 A visitor B for C horse( ) 2 A out B house C brought( ) 3 A teacher B breakfast C heavy( )

    8、4 A snow B window C how( ) 5 A food B cook C good三、用所给词的适当形式填空。5%1 He brings some water (quick) and pours it into the hole. 2 One day, a rabbit walked by and (wake) the tiger up.3 Did you go (sh) last week?4 Do you want (drink) a glass of orange juice?5 He always (study) hard at school.四、根据所给汉语填入相应的

    9、词或词组。5%1 “Dont eat me,” said the mouse (安静地).2 David is (强壮的) because he can lift the bike.3 The little boy pointed at the king and (笑).4 Mike (从不) watches TV from Monday to Friday. 5 Where did you go for the (国庆节)?4五、根据上下文完成对话,每空一词。10%Liu Tao and Wang Bing are (1)about their living habits.A: Do you

    10、 get up (2)in the morning?B: Yes.A:(3)do you get up?B: I often get up at six. How (4)you?A: I often get up at seven. And I have porridge and steamed buns for breakfast. B:(5)you eat fruit every day?A: Sure.B: You have a (6)diet. I like (7)sweets, cakes and ice cream.A: Too (8)sweet food (9)good for

    11、your teeth. Eat only a(10)sweet food every day.B: I see. Thank you.六、完形填空。5%Bill is my e-friend. He is twelve years old. He 1 in London. He is a student at Wood Primary School. He studies English, Maths, Science, Art and some other 2 . He likes English and Art best. He will 3 primary school soon 4 g

    12、o to middle school (中学).This is a photo of 5 family. He has a big family.( ) 1 A works B visits C lives( ) 2 A subjects B lessons C classes( ) 3 A start B nish C go to( ) 4 A or B but C and( ) 5 A his B hes C he七、阅读短文,根据短文内容给漫画排序。5%Today is Sunday, but Jack is very busy. In the morning he gets up at

    13、 7:00, and then at 8:00 he has a drawing lesson in the park. After that, he plays football with his friends in the playground from 10:00 to 11:00. He has a big lunch with his parents at KFC. He is so hungry and tired. After lunch, he has a rest at home. In the afternoon, from 2:00 to 3:30, he does h

    14、is homework. He has a swimming lesson at 4:30. One hour later, he goes home. After dinner, he watches TV at 7:00. He goes to bed at 9:00.What a busy and happy day!5A B C D E八、阅读表格,选择最佳答案。8%Alices invitationWelcome to Alices birthday party!Time: 3:30 p.m.Date: Saturday, Feb 7thPlace: Flat 15A Shangha

    15、i RoadTelephone: 87262533With snacks, fruit and drinks Play with toys, watch cartoons and play chess( ) 1 Alice is going to have a partyA Teachers Day B classmate C birthday( ) 2 The party starts (开始) at .A four thirty in the morningB half past three in the morningC three thirty in the afternoon( )

    16、3 If you cant nd the place, you can .A call your mother B go home C call Alice( ) 4 Alice wont at the party.A eat dumplings B have fun C play chess九、根据所给汉语完成句子。12%1 让我带你们参观故宫吧。Let me show you the Palace . 2 听!那个男士唱得很难听。Listen! The man .63 他从不睡觉前吃东西。He things before bedtime.4 我们应该早点起床。We should . 5 他

    17、有时在下午感觉困。He sometimes in the afternoon.十、写作。5%蒂姆马上就要上一年级了,请你以“Being a good student”为题,给他一些建议,告诉他如何做一名好学生。参考词汇:listen carefully in class, nish one s homework, put . in orderBeing a good student7Mid-term test (B)听力原文一、1 The mouse is very afraid of the tiger.2 Look at Lindas bedroom. Its clean and tidy

    18、.3 Western people often have bread, eggs and sausages for breakfast. 4 Its the green man. We can cross the road now.5 Helen brushes her teeth before bedtime.6 In a healthy diet, there is a lot of fruit and vegetables.二、1 The dog opened its mouth and bit the ball quickly.2 We all love to read Aesops

    19、Fables.3 We can buy some chocolate in the sweet shop.4 The girl with long hair is my sister.5 We went to the shopping centre on Chinese New Years Day.6 Be careful! The knife is very sharp.三、1 Don t talk in the cinema.2 Whose bedroom is this?3 What do you want to be?4 Did you visit your aunt yesterda

    20、y?5 What did the Americans invent?6 Where did you go for the holiday?7 Do you have a healthy diet?四、1 A: Nancy, can we cross the road now?B: Wait a moment. Look! It is the red man now. We must wait for the green man.Q: Can they cross the road now?2 A: What does Yang Ling have for her meals?B: Well,

    21、she has an egg and some porridge for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, she eats a lot of rice and vegetables. She also eats some meat, some sh and a lot of fruit.Q: Does Yang Ling have a healthy diet?3 A: Lily, whose bedroom is it?B: Its my brother Jims.A: Oh, there are a lot of books and toys on the

    22、 oor.B: Yes, he should put his things in order.Q: Is Jims bedroom clean and tidy?4 A: What good habits do your friends have?B: Well, Liu Tao listens to the teacher carefully in class. Wang Bing goes to school early in the morning. Yang Ling nishes her homework carefully at home. Q: Who goes to schoo

    23、l early in the morning?5 A: Mum, can I watch TV?B: No, its too late. You must go to bed now. Its Monday tomorrow. You should go to school early.8Q: Where are they?6 A: Whats the weather like this afternoon?B: It will be rainy.A: Rainy? But it was sunny in the morning.B: Well, spring is coming.Q: Wha

    24、t was the weather like this morning?五、 I m Lucy. Mary is my cousin. She is eleven years old. Last Sunday was her birthday. She had a party at home. Marys house is near our house. So Dad, Mum and I walked to her house. Mary got many birthday presents. She was very happy. I made a kite for her. She li

    25、ked it very much. But her favourite present was a new bike from her parents. My dad gave her a watch. My mum bought a beautiful dress for her. There were some presents from her friends. They are CDs, pictures, owers, lots of cards and a big birthday cake with lots of fruit. There are eleven candles

    26、on the cake. We had a good time that day.参考答案听力部分一、1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T二、1 C 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 C 6 A三、A 3 B 4 C 7 D 5 E 6 F 1 G 2四、1 B 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 C 6 A五、1 C 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 A笔试部分一、1 C 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 B 8 C 9 A 10 C二、1 A 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 A 三、1 quickly 2 woke 3 shing 4 to drink 5 studies四、1 quietly 2 strong 3 laughed 4 n ever 5 National Day五、1 talking 2 early 3 When 4 about 5 Do 6 healthy 7 eating 8 much 9 isnt 10 little六、1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A七、A 5 B 1 C 4 D 2 E 3八、1 C 2 C 3 C 4 A 九、1 around, Museum 2 is, singing, badly 3 never, eats 4 get, up, early 5 feels, sleepy十、略


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