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    2019年秋牛津译林版9A Unit2错题集含答案

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    2019年秋牛津译林版9A Unit2错题集含答案

    1、9A Unit2 Colors知识点部分一、单项选择1. -I dont know what I should pay attention to _ the pollution.A.to reduce B. to reducing C. reduce D. reducing2. -The government should pay attention to _ the pollution.A.to reduce B. to reducing C. reduce D. reducing3. -Are you familiar with this place?-Yes. I have been t

    2、here _.A. some time B. some times C. sometimes D. sometime4. -Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long for Marcia, and Im afraid it will be ten minutes _ she comes back.A. when B. after C. before D. as soon as5. -Jim found it _ necessary for him to hand in homework on time.A. is B. was C. / D. B an

    3、d C6. -Many children like to be _ colorful clothes _ their birthdays.A. in, in B. in, on C. on, on D. on, in7. -Would you mind me buying this comic book for Dick?-_. Maybe he has already had it.A. I dont agree. B. I agree. C. No problem. D. You had better not. 8. -Dont worry. Lin Tong wont have any

    4、difficulty _ it in English.A. to say B. talking C. to talk D. saying9. -Its hard work. I require two children _ me.A. to help B. help C. helping D. helps10. -Daniel was _ a bad mood and talked to _.A. with, anyone B. in, no one C. in, anyone D. on, none11. -What a heavy rain! -So it is. I prefer _ a

    5、t home _ on such a rainy day.A. watch TV, to go out B. watch TV, go outC. watching TV, to going out D. to watch TV, going out12. -How could you make him _? I told him funny jokes.A. to stop crying B. stop crying C. to stop to cry D. stop to cry 13. -Daniel is so strange that he prefers _ in winter.A

    6、. to swimming B. to swim C. skating D. to skate14. -The book is of _. All of us think it is _.A. help, helpful B. help, helping C. helping, helpful D. helpful, help15. -Is this story the same as _ in that newspaper?A. it B. the one C. which D. what16. -Usually, Betty _ in a colorful T-shirt in summe

    7、r.A. wears B. is dressed C. is wearing D. dresses17. -Which _ you rather _, tea or coffee? A. do, to drink B. will, like C. do, to like D. would, drink18. -My younger brother had _ much homework that he felt _.A. so, relaxed B. such relaxed C. so, stressed D. such, stressed19. -The book is _ for a f

    8、ive-year-old child to read.A. easy enough B. enough easy C. easily enough D. enough easily20. -When I am feeling blue, I prefer _ around the lake _ myself up.A. to walk, to cheering B. to walk, to cheerC. walking, to cheering D. to walking, to cheer21. -For a long time they walked without saying _ w

    9、ord. John was the first tobreak _ science.A. a, the B. the, a C. a, / D. the, /22. -Tom is good at sports, but he _ playing football _ running.A. prefers, than B. would rather, than C. would rather, to D. prefers, to23. -We should be honest and not copy _ answers in the exam.A. nobody else B. someon

    10、e elses C. anybody else D. anybody elses24. -Something is wrong with the bus, _? A. are they B. arent they C. is it D. isnt it25. -I _ for a walk on the path _ my stay in the country. A. preferred to go, when B. preferred to go, while C. preferred to go, during D. preferred to going, during 26. -The

    11、re _ many animals on the hill. -Yes, you are right. A. maybe B. may have C. maybe have D. may be27. -The _ old man lives _ in the _ house. A. lonely, alone, lonely B. lonely, lonely, alone C. alone, alone, lonely D. alone, lonely, alone28. -On Christmas Day, _ of us was excited because we each _ a p

    12、resent. A. every one, was given B. everyone, was given C. every one, were given D. everyone, were given29. Why dont you _? They look very nice. A. try on it B. try it on C. try on them D. try them on30. We live in a world _ colors and colors can _ us. A. be full of, influence B. full of, influence C

    13、. be full of, influences D. full of, influences二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He _ (see) to enter the supermarket just now. You may find him there.2. -Have you worked out the problem?-Not yet. My teacher _ (explain) it to me.3. -Excuse me, when can I see the doctor?-Not until you _ (ask) to in five minutes.4. -Di

    14、d you see a man in black pass by just now?-No, sir. I _ (water) the flower.5. There _ (be) a wonderful film next week, isnt there?6. The sunlight we are used to _ (include) seven colors.7. Childrens action can be _ (影响)by their parents behavior.8. The famous writer _ (创造) lots of wonderful character

    15、istics in his books.9. _ (提醒) me to call Alan before I go out.10. My grandpa has much difficulty _ (hear) what people say.11. He will use what he has _ (buy) her a new dress.12. I dont think she noticed me, for she _ (enjoy) the photos.13. All the students _ (require) to wear school uniforms every d

    16、ay.14. The terrible blood _ (influence) these poor countries a lot, hasnt it?15. _ (wear) blue clothes is good for your mind.16. Some people prefer _ (sell) the old house _ (buy) a new one.17. Remember to keep a relaxed and natural mood while _ (face) difficulties.18. The boy _ (take) to hospital at

    17、 once after he fell off the tree.19. We were told not to make any noise during the visit, for the students _ (have) lessons.20. Both of his parents look sad. Maybe they _ (know) whats happened to him.21. He hardly _ (achieve) anything because he didnt work hard.22. It is reported that the new train

    18、station _ (complete) at the end of this month.23. After hearing the latest news, Tom suggested _ (sell) the house but Ann was against it.24. Lets go and see who _ (sing) in the next room.25. In the past, womens main job was _ (look) for food for their family.26. Listen to the speaker carefully, or y

    19、ou _ (miss) some details.27. I wonder whether he _ (accept) the plan or refused it so far.28. If you go to a hospital, smoking _ (not allow) there.29. -How many groups _ they _ (divide) into in tomorrows competition?-Im not sure. Maybe five groups. 30. I was in a bad mood today, and the loud noise m

    20、ade me much _ (发疯的).31. Millie has lost her purse, so she is in a bad _ (情绪) today.32. Please remind me _ (get) up at 7:00 tomorrow morning.33. Our teachers often tell us _ (clam) down first when we are in danger.34. Young couples like to search for some _ (suggest) on how to name their babies on th

    21、e Internet.三、翻译句子1. 这张旧照片使我想起了美好的往日。 _2. 一些餐厅喜欢用暖色来创造温暖和舒适的感觉。 _3. 当我希望成功时,比起蓝色,我更喜欢黄色。 _4. 欣赏大自然的美景能给我们的身心带来安宁。 _5. 那位来自美国的学生和我们交流起来没有困难。 _6. 恐怕我们得尽快做出决定了。 _7. 如果你的精神上需要力量,红色可能对你有所帮助。 _8. 你知道黄色在中国古代是统治者的颜色吗? _9. 妈妈常常建议多吃蔬菜和水果来保持健康。 _10. 这个男孩允诺不再上学迟到了。 _11. 我穿橙色来使自己振作,但是没有奏效。 _12. 如果这个疗法不能改变你的情绪,可以全

    22、额退款。 _13. 他宁愿受罚也不愿向我们道歉。 _14. 直到我提醒他时,他才意识到自己的错误。 _15. 黑皮肤的人穿红色好看吗?_语法部分一、单项选择1. -Are you sure _ he _ the final exam? -Yes, I saw his marks just now.A. if, passed B. if, passes C. whether, has passed D. if, had passed2. -I know _ I promised to take you to dinner, but I wont finish working until ten

    23、oclock.A. that B. if C. what D. why3. -The teacher asked _ for the bus.A. if I was waiting B. was I waitingC. whether you are waiting D. I was waiting4. -Could you tell me _ in Room 202?A. that Mr Brown lives B. if Mr Brown livesC. does Mr Brown live D. whether does Mr Brown live5. -I dont know if D

    24、ad _ tonight. If he _, I will call you.A. comes back, will come back B. will come back, will come backC. comes back, comes back D. will come back, comes back 6. -She didnt know _ soon. A. if her son will be back B. that her son will be back C. whether her son would be back D. if would her son be bac

    25、k7. -He doesnt know _ to stay here or not. A. if B. whether C. that D. why8. -Im afraid _ you have lost it, you may pay for it. A. that whether B. that if C. whether if D. if that9. Can you tell me _? A. how old are you B. how old you are C. how you are old D. how are you old10. -I _ a rainbow in th

    26、e sky just now.-Really? Do you know how many colors _ in a rainbow.A. have seen, there are B. saw, there areC. have seen, are there D. saw, are there二、翻译句子1. 你能告诉我颜色能起什么作用以及它们代表什么样的性格特征吗? _2. 我不确定天气是否能够影响我们的心情。 _3. 我不确定我是否待在家里而不是去购物。 _4. 我们想知道他是否会给我们提供一些建议。 _5. 我想知道他是否愿意来参加我的生日聚会。 _参考答案知识点部分一、单项选择1-

    27、5:ADBCD 6-10: BDDAB 11-15: CBBAB16-20: BDAAB 21-25: ADDDC 26-30: DACDB二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. was seen 2. will explain 3. are asked 4. was watering 5. is going to be6. includes 7. influenced 8. created 9. Remind 10. hearing11. to buy 12. was enjoying 13. are required 14. has influenced 15. Wearing 16. to se

    28、e to buy 17. facing 18. was taken 19. were having20. have known 21. achieved 22. will be completed 23. selling24. is singing 25. to look 26. will miss 27. has accepted 28. doesnt allow 29. will be divided 30. madder 31. moond32. to get 33. To calm 34. Suggestions三、翻译句子1. The old photo reminded me of

    29、 the old good days.2. Some dining rooms prefer to use warm colors to create warm and comfortable feelings.3. I prefer yellow to blue when I hope for success.4. Enjoying the natural beauty can bring peace to our mind and body.5. The student from the USA has no difficulty communicating with us.6. Im a

    30、fraid we have to make a decision as soon as possible.7. If your mind requires strength, red may be of some help to you.8. Do you know yellow is the color of rules in ancient China?9. My mum often suggests eating more vegetables and fruit to keep healthy.10. The boy promised not to be late for school

    31、 again.11. I was dressed in orange to cheer myself up, but it didnt work.12. If the therapy cant change your moods, you will get all your money back.13. He prefers being punished to saying sorry to us.14. He didnt realize his mistakes until I reminded him.15. Do the people in black skins look good i

    32、n red?语法部分一、单项选择1-5: CAABD 6-10: CBABB二、翻译句子1. Could you tell me what colors can do and what characteristics they represent.2. Im not sure whether the weather can influence our moods.3. Im not sure whether I should stay at home instead of going shopping.4. We wonder whether he will offer us some suggestions.5. I wonder whether he is willing to take part in my birthday party.6


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