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    1、Unit 4 Growing up课 题Unit4 Comic strip and welcome to the unit 来源主备人:学科主备人网ZXXK主备人:来源:Z.xx.k.Com课 型来源:Zxxk.Com新授 来源:Z+xx+k.Com课时:第 1 课时教 学目 标After learning this period , the students should be able to master the key words, expressions in this unit.use what theyve learnt to talk about the ways or reas

    2、on they learn about the world. .教学重点Some key words , phrases &sentences 1. time, whenever through, deal 2. as soon as, a great deal of, t on one;s mind whats on your mind? Whats up?教学难点1. 掌握新词汇和短语whenever,through, deal, on ones mind, as soon as, a great deal, through the Internet等。2. 学习谈论了解世界的方式和理由的

    3、句型。教学准备Tape recorder教学内容及过程二次备课Teaching proceduresStep1:Lead inTeacher ask: How old are you? How tall are you? Do you remember your height when you first came to this school?Teacher says: You are growing older and taller, so ,you are growing up. What comes into your mind when talking about “growing

    4、up”? Encourage the students to talk about the words or sentences about ”growing up”?Step2:PresentationQ: Do you feel happy to grow up? Do you want to grow up?Teacher makes a survey and tells the students that it is necessary for us to grow up. So, boys and girls, do you want to know Eddiess thought?

    5、Ask the students to listen to the comic strips and answer the following questions:1What is on Eddies mind?2Will Eddie build his house by himself?Ask the students to read the dialogue after the recording and then play the role to read . Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.Step3: Presen

    6、tationTeacher says: Just like what Eddie said,“Growing up is hard.” Growing up also means that you learn more about the world. How do you learn about the world? Show them some pictures to encourage the students to say out the full sentences and finish PartA.Simon and Millie are talking about how the

    7、y like to learn about the world .Lets listen to the conversation and then tell me your favourite way.Listen to partB.Ask: How does Mille learn about the world? Why? How does Simon learn about the world? Why?Work in pairs to practice the dialogue.Sample conversation :S1:How do you learn about the wor

    8、ld?S2:I like to learn about the world from films.S1:Why do you like to learn that way?S2:Because I can see、Step4:Language points1on ones mind2be worried about(doing)3Growing up is hard.4You have been happy since I first met you.5wake sb up6learn that way7through the Internet8as soon as9a great deal

    9、ofStep5: Practice in class (See the students self-study-sheet )Step6:Homework3. Revise the contents weve learned in this period .4. Recite the comic strip fluently .5. Finish exercises in .6. Pre-learn Reading .板书设计教学反思课 题Reading (1) 主备人: 课 型新授 课时安排:第 2 课时教 学目 标understand and recite the key words.le

    10、arn about Webbs growing up. .learn the spirit of not giving up and master some reading skills.教学重点Some key words , phrases &sentences , e.g.教学难点2.Learn something from Spuds spirit教学准备Tape recorder教学内容及过程二次备课Teaching proceduresStep1: Lead-in1. Show the Ss pictures about the basketball match and ask:

    11、Many people like basketball What about you? Do you like basketball? Some other questions like this.2. Ask some questions about Yao Ming: and say: Many people like him. What do you think makes a good basketball player? For example: Does a basketball player need to practice a lot? Is it important for

    12、basketball players to have team spirit? Basketball players are always very tall, arent they?Step2:Presentation1. Show the Ss the picture of Spud Webb and tell them: Today were going to learn about another NBA player. Hes called Spud Webb.2. Ask:What do you know about Spud Webb? Let them say sth abou

    13、t him without looking books, then use PPT to learn new words,&finishB1 on P52Step3:Skimming .When and where was Spud Webb born? When did he join NBA?Step4:Scanning Read and fill in the table:At firstThenAchievementsJunior HighHe was_ to play for the school team.He didnt_.He got the_ and scored _ in

    14、his first game. He became the _ of the team.Senior HighHe had to_because of his height.He got the coach to_.He became_of the team. In his last year, he was named_ in Texas.College/university_ university invited him. He played at_.He got_from North Carolina State University.He led his team to_Step5:

    15、Listening Listen to the CD and try to imitate . Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation .then finish B2 on P52.Step6 Homework7. Read the article again and again .8. Review the new words and try to recite them .9. Finish exercises in .板书设计教学反思 课 题 Reading (2) 主备人:课 型新授 课时安排:第 3 课时教 学目 标 ret

    16、ell the text. learn and recite the important phrases and sentences. learn about Spud Webb and the spirit of not giving up.教学重点To learn and recite the important phrases and sentences.教学难点learn about Spud Webb and the spirit of not giving up.教学准备Tape recorder教学内容及过程二次备课Teaching proceduresStep1:Revisio

    17、n and lead-inRecall the contents of the articles by doing PartB3 on P53.After checking, read together.Step2:Learning and explanationDifficult points: sentences:1. While attending Junior high, Spud tried out for the school team, but he was refused to play at first because he was too small. try out fo

    18、r sth.参加.的选拔2. He did not lose heart. 泄气, 灰心3. and got the coach to change his mind. 使教练改变了主意。4. Spud went on to become leader of the team. 斯伯德接着成为了球队的队长。拓展:(1) go on to do sth “接着去做另一件事” eg. After reading the text, the students went on to do some exercises. (2) go on doing sth “继续做同一件事”eg.After a r

    19、est, we went on having our lessons.练一练:Thats all for the text. Now lets go on_(learn) the grammar.5. There he led his team to the national championship. 在那儿,他带领他的队伍取得了全国冠军。Leadto “引导通向” 过去式ledeg. The road will lead you to the seaside. 顺着这条路你就能到海边。拓展:lead to “通向,导致”eg. His careless driving led to the

    20、 traffic accident.6. This brought him to the attention of North Carolina State University. 这使他引起了北卡罗莱纳州立大学的注意。bring sb to the attention “引起某人的注意”eg. The school nurse is the first one to bring health problem to the attention of parents.拓展:pay attention to, 其中to 为介词,后接名词,代词或动名词。eg. We have paid attent

    21、ion to _(he). They paid attention to_(watch) the scene.7. As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship. 结果,他成功地获得了奖学金。(1) As a result 连词 “结果”拓展: as a result of = because of “因为,由于” eg. He was late as a result of the snow.(2) succeed 动词 “成功” 名succeed in doing sth eg. If you work hard, and you w

    22、ill succeed.按要求写:succeed-_(名词)_(形容词)_(副词)8. He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him. 在NBA注意到他之前,他在那儿带了大约一年的时间。remain 在这里做连系动词,指某人某物仍处于某种状态。“仍是;保留;待”Take notice of “注意到。”= noticeStep 3: Practice Finish Part B4. Step 5 Homework 10. Revise the contents we have learned and t

    23、ry to retell the article.11. Read the text fluently.12. Finish exercises in .13. Pre-learn Grammar .板书设计教学反思 课 题Grammar 主备人:课 型新授 课时安排:第 4 课时教 学目 标learn about the adverbial clauses introduced by before, after, when, while, till and until, as soon as and whenever. learn about the adverbial words.教学重点

    24、know how to do exercises about adverbial clauses and what they need to pay attention to while doing such exercises .教学难点use the object clauses correctly.Some key words , phrases &sentences 教学准备CAI paper教学内容及过程二次备课Teaching proceduresStep1:Lead- in1 .You have been happy since I first met you.2. Dont w

    25、ake me up until you finish building it.3.When he finally got the chance, he scored 2o points in his first game.4.After he graduated , he was forced to play in another basketball league.5.While (he was) attending junior high, Spud tried out for the school team.6. I can read books whenever I want to.7

    26、. As soon as I click the mouse, theres a great deal of information.Let the students read the sentences and translate them into Chinese and tell them they are time clauses.The conjunctions are :when,while,since ,until and as soon as.,after, wheneverEncourage the students to say out the others .For ex

    27、ample,before,till,.Step2:presentation1.Choose some students to read the sentences in the book and tell them the difference.When 引导的时间状语从句中可使用短暂性动词和延续性动词。While 引导的时间状语从句中只可以使用延续性动词。2. Let the students finish the exercises on page 54 and check the answers.3. Explanations: since 引导的时间状语从句中通常使用一般过去时,而主句

    28、一般使用现在完成时。till不能用于句首也不能用于not、until中的until.4. Let the students finish the exercises on page 55 .5 Help the students understand the meanings of as soon asandwhenever.,then let the students finish the exercises on page 56.Step 3 Summary1、 before, after, when, while, till, until, as soon as, whenever引导的

    29、时间状语从句中,如果主从句都是将来发生的动作,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。2、since(自从)常与现在完成时连用。3、while(当时)引导的时间状语从句通常要用进行时。 4、before, after, since, till, until还可作介词,后接时间名词。5、当主句和从句的主语是同一个人时还可用:before/ after/ when/ while doing sth.6、as soon as 引导时间状语,表示 “一就”7、till和until通常可以互换,但当“直到”这词用于句首或与not连用时只能用until。Step4: PracticeFinish the ex

    30、ercises on the self-studyStep5: Homework14. Revise the contents weve learned in Grammar .15. Recite some key words , phrases & sentences mentioned in Grammar .16. Pre-learn Integrated skills .板书设计教学反思 课 题Integrated skills 主备人:课 型新授 课时安排:第 5 课时教 学目 标 listen carefully and try to get the details they n

    31、eed to finish some tasks. learn about the danger of the wars. talk about ones life experience according to time clues talk about the topic about wars.教学重点Some key words , phrases &sentences , e.g.教学难点 talk about ones life experience according to time clues talk about the topic about wars.教学准备Tape re

    32、corder 教学内容及过程二次备课Teaching proceduresStep1:Lead inPresent some pictures about World War II and teach the new words like symbol and victory etc. Then show a video about World War IIand introduce Anne and her diary.Step2:ListeningPart A1 1) Go through the table first with the students together , make

    33、sure they know what theyre going to listen to . 2) Play the CD for them to listen and get the information they need ,and finish A13)Ask some questions about Part1,after checking the answers.Q1:Who wrote the book The Diary of a Young Girl? 2:When was the book first published? 3:How many languages has

    34、 the book been translated into? 4:Why is the book so important?4).Let the students read partA1 loudly.Step3:ListeningNow we will learn more about the writer,Ann Frank.Next,we will listen to PartA2,pay attention to the time mentioned in the recording. Check the answers together.Step4:PracticePart A3

    35、Listen to the recording again and finish partA3 and then read the passage together.Step5: Speak up1) Listen with questions : .How old was the boy in the book I Am David? What does Simon admire? 2) Listen and answer .3) Read after the CD loudly .4)Read and act the dialogue.Step6:Homework Remember the

    36、 words,phrases and sentences. Finish exercises in Preview Study skills.板书设计教学反思 课 题Task主备人:课 型新授 课时安排:第 6 课时教 学目 标 learn to describe a person and his deed or achievements write a report on the people who influence you most.教学重点Some key words , phrases &sentences , e.g.教学难点write a report on the peopl

    37、e who influence you most.教学准备Tape recorder教学内容及过程二次备课Teaching proceduresStep1:Presentation & reading In this unit, weve learnt about Spud Webb,Yao Ming and Anne Frank. Theyve influenced us more or less. Today were going to write about the person who has influenced us most.Mr wu is also introducing a

    38、 similar article, listen to it carefully and answer the following questions.Q1: Who has influenced the author most? 2: How old is her father? 3: What is her father like? 4: What has her father done since 1990? 5: What surprised the author? 6: What does the author realize now?Ask the students to read

    39、 the article and encourage them to ask more questions.Step2:Language points.1in ones fifties 在某人五十多岁的时候Eg: Helen went abroad for further study in her twenties. 海伦二十多岁的时候,就出国深造了。(1)表示整十的数词后加s变成复数,用在“in ones数词复数”短语中,表示“在某人几十岁的时候”。 (2)表示整十的数词后加s变成复数,也可以用在 “in the数词复数”短语中,表示“在某个年代”。如:in the nineties 在九十

    40、年代。2.death n. 死,死亡辨析 die, dead, dying 与 death(1)die为非延续性动词,强调“死”的瞬间动作,不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用。His grandpa died at the age of 80.他爷爷是八十岁去世的。(2)dead是形容词,作表语或定语,强调的是“死”的状态,意为“死的,无生命的”。He has been dead for two years. 他死了两年了。(3)dying是die的现在分词,也可作形容词,意为“将要死的”,常用作定语或表语。Dr Wang is trying his best to save the dying

    41、 man. 王医生正在尽力抢救那个快要死的人。(4)death是die的名词形式。His little dogs death made him sad.他的小狗的死使他伤心。4To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death. 让我惊讶的是,他已决定死后捐献遗体供医学研究。to ones surprise意为“令某人惊讶的是”,一般用在句子的开头作状语。 To my surprise, he arrived there on time. 令我惊讶的是,他居然准时到达了。Step3:Writing Ask Ss to write according to the notes on P112课课练Step4:Choose an excellent composition to show the students.Step5:Homework17. Finish the rest exercises in .18. Finish writing their composition.板书设计教学反思


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