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第4 讲,二次函数,第三章 函数及其图象,2020年广东中考复习课件,1.通过对实际问题情境的分析,体会二次函数的意义. 2.会用描点法画出二次函数的图象,能通过图象了解二次,函数的性质.,3.会用配方法将数字系数的二次函数的表达式化为 ya(x h)2 k(a0)的形式,并能由此得到二次函数图象的


1、第4 讲,二次函数,第三章 函数及其图象,2020年广东中考复习课件,1.通过对实际问题情境的分析,体会二次函数的意义. 2.会用描点法画出二次函数的图象,能通过图象了解二次,函数的性质.,3.会用配方法将数字系数的二次函数的表达式化为 ya(x h)2 k(a0)的形式,并能由此得到二次函数图象的顶点坐 标、开口方向, 画出图象的对称轴,并能解决简单实际问题.,4.会利用二次函数的图象求一元二次方程的近似解.,1.(2019 年河南)已知抛物线 yx2bx4 经过(2,n),) B.4 D.4,和(4,n)两点,则 n 的值为( A.2 C.2 答案:B,2.(2019 年内蒙古呼和浩特)二次函。

2、第3讲,二次根式,2020年广东中考复习课件,第一章 数与式,1.了解平方根、算术平方根、立方根的概念,会用根号表 示数的平方根、算术平方根、立方根. 2.了解乘方与开方互为逆运算,会用平方运算求某些非负 数的平方根,会用立方运算求百以内的整数(对应的负整数)的 立方根,会用计算器求平方根和立方根. 3.了解二次根式、最简二次根式的概念,了解二次根式(根 号下仅限于数)加、减、乘、除运算法则,会用它们进行有关实,母有理化).,答案:B,答案:C,3.(2019 年广西)若二次根式 有意义,则 x 的取值范围 是_. 答案:x4,答案:B,答案:,(续表),。




6、第四章 解答题(三)突破10分题,第2讲 圆的综合题,第二部分 专题突破,3,一、与全等相结合 【典例1】(2018广东)如图,四边形ABCD中,ABADCD,以AB为直径的O经过点C,连接ACOD交于点E. (1)求证:ODBC; (2)若tanABC2,求证:DA与O相切; (3)在(2)条件下,连接BD交O于点F,连接EF,若BC1,求EF的长,方法突破,4,5,6,7,8,9,【方法归纳】切线的判定主要有两条途径:1.圆心到直线的距离等于半径;2.证明直线经过圆的半径的外端,并且垂直于这条半径(注意:若无切点,作垂直证半径;若有切点,连线证垂直)在综合题的解答过程中一般会涉及直角三角形。

7、第四章 解答题(三)突破10分题,第1讲 函数综合题,第二部分 专题突破,3,方法突破,一、待定系数法 【典例1】已知一次函数图象经过点(3,5),(4,9)两点 (1)求一次函数解析式; (2)求这个一次函数图象和x轴、y轴的交点坐标 【思路点拨】(1)设函数解析式为ykxb,利用待定系数法可求得k,b的值,可求得一次函数解析式;(2)分别令x0和y0,可求得图象与y轴和x轴的交点坐标,4,【方法归纳】用待定系数法求函数解析式是必须掌握的一种方法,要熟练掌掌握解二次一次方程组的解法,5,6,7,8,9,【思路点拨】(1)由反比例函数图象在第一象限可得2k1满足的条。

8、第7讲 形容词和副词,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Most foreign visitors become _ (interest) in traditional Chinese culture than before. 2.Nowadays, English is _ (wide) used in the world because its far easier than any other language. 3.Volunteers are everywhere.You can find them _,(easy) in China.,more interested,(the) most widely,4.The soup was too _ (salt) because I put too much,salt in it.,easily,salty,healthy,5.Parents are paying more at。

9、第9讲 动词的时态和语态,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,单项填空,C,D,(,)1.China successfully _ the World Horticultural,Exposition (世界园艺博览会) from April to October in 2019, with the topic “Green Living, Beautiful Home”.,A.hosts C.hosted,B.had host D.has hosted,(,)2.Wheres my packed lunch, mom?,In the kitchen.I _ two sandwiches for you.,A.makes,B.make,C.made,D.have made,(,)3.Its true that not every goal _ and not every,dream will come true.The most beautiful scenery is on the way.,A.achi。

10、第12讲 主谓一致,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Look! Each of them _ (bring) a birthday gift for,you.,brings,needs,was,is,goes,2.Either the players or the coach _ (need) to be there to play soccer now. 3.There _ (be) a dog and two cats in the house yesterday. But they are missing. 4.Three kilometers _ (be) a farther distance.Youd better catch a bus there. 5.Everybody except Mike and Linda _ (go) to school by bus every day.,主谓一致主要掌握它的三个原则:语法一。

11、第11讲 句子种类和成分,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,句型转换,每空一词 1.There must be something wrong with my computer.(改为一,般疑问句),Must,anything,Dont,shout,_ there be _ wrong with your computer? 2.You shouldnt shout back to your parents while youre arguing with them! (改为祈使句) _ _ back to your parents while youre arguing with them!,3.Helen ever hardly watches TV shows.(变成反意疑问句) Helen ever hardly watches TV shows, _ _? 4.This action movie is quite interesting, and。

12、第8讲 动词的分类,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,单项填空,C,A,(,)1.Could I play the computer game now, mom?,No, youd better not.You _ finish your homework first.,A.might,B.could,C.must,D.can,(,)2.If you always _ yourself with others, you,may have tons of pressure. I agree.We should believe in ourselves.,A.compare,B.communicate,C.create,D.consider,(,)3.A true friend will never _ from you when,youre in trouble.,A.take away C.put off,B.run away D.get off,(,)4.Who does the schoolwork e。

13、第13讲 复合句,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,单项填空,A,C,(,)1.What do you think of your Junior Middle School,life? I think its colorful _ I am always busy.,A.although,B.because,C.if,D.whenever,(,)2.Everyone wants to reach the top of the mountain, but,some climbers have to give it up _ it is too high.,A.while,B.unless,C.because,D.although,(,)3.If we _ take environmental problems seriously,D,B,the earth _ worse and worse. A.dont; wont be B.wont; isnt C.won。

14、第14讲 情景交际,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,单项填空,D,C,(,)1.Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow evening?,_.,A.Yes, its true C.Its upstairs,B.You really do D.Yes, Id love to,(,)2._.Hope is all around you.,Thank you, Mr.Lin.,A.Dont be late again C.Never give up,B.Dont hurry up D.Never get proud,(,)3.I must go now.My plane is ready to take off.,Goodbye._.,A.Dont worry C.No problem,B.Have a good trip D.With pleasure,(,)4.Its nearly lunch time.How。

15、第4讲 数词,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Today is Childrens Day.Its on the _ (one) day of,June.,first,Thousands,twelfth,forties,2._ (thousand) of people come to Guilin for vacations every year. 3.I got a beautiful iPad on my _ (twelve) birthday. 4.My mother looks very young, but she is in her _,(forty).,twentieth,5.Our company lies in the _ (twenty) floor of the high building.,基数词的构成和用法,一、基数词的构成,1.112 对应的英文单词是独立单词,必须分别记忆。。

16、专题二 语法知识,第1讲 名词,2020年中考复习课件,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1._ (friend) are those who make you smile, always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed. 2.Thanks to the _ (clean), our city becomes more and,more beautiful.,Friends,cleaners,knives,3.These _ (knife) are used to cut special paper. 4.The _ (develop) of Al (人工智能) will enable us,to learn more about our brains.,development,minutes,5.The high-speed railway station is not。

17、第2讲 冠词,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,用适当的冠词(a, an, the 或/)填空 1.Dont tell a lie.You are _ honest boy. 2.Playing _ violin is fun for us all. 3.The Longest Day in Changan (长安十二时辰) is such _ wonderful TV play that I want to see it _ second,time.,an,the,a,a,4.I spend _ hour playing _ chess every day,and now Im very good at it.,an,/,the,/,5.In the United States, Fathers Day falls on _ third Sunday in _ June.,冠词是。

18、第6讲 连词,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,选词填空 1.We cannot change reality, _ we can change the eyes,which see reality.,2.Tom can do some things at home _ he is still young. 3.I wonder if you have made a decision on the project, Jack. Not yet.I cant make it _ I have first-hand information on prices. 4.Swimming is exciting.But kids cant do it _ they go,swimming with adults.,5.I like listening to the music _ it makes me relaxed.,but,though,until,unless,because,连词是一种虚词。

19、第5讲 介词,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,单项填空,C,D,A,(,)1.Dont stay inside _ such a sunny morning.Lets,go out for a walk.,A.at,B.in,C.on,D.to,(,)2.I won the first prize in the exam, so I was proud,_ myself.,A.about,B.over,C.from,D.of,(,)3.The “teacher-free exam” means that students take,their exams _ teachers.Students must be more honest.,A.without,B.against,C.through,D.by,(,)4.Junior high school days will be over _ a,week.How are you feeling? Im trying to keep my c。

20、第3讲 代词,专题二 语法知识,2020年中考复习课件,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Tomorrow is Toms birthday, and he invited _ (we),to his birthday party.,us,hers,mine,themselves,2.This new e-bike is Helens, and the orange mobike is _ (she), too. 3.Who is that boy wearing a white hat? Ben, a friend of _ (I). 4.To achieve their dreams, they need to depend on _,(they).,our,5.Building beautiful China is _ (we) common dream. We must succeed.,代词是用来代替名词或名词短语的词,按其意义、特征及 语法功能分。

2020年广东中考数学一轮复习:第三章函数及其图象 第4讲 二次函数ppt课件
2020年广东中考数学一轮复习:第一章数与式 第3讲 二次根式ppt课件
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第7讲 形容词和副词
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第9讲 动词的时态和语态
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第12讲 主谓一致
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第11讲 句子种类和成分
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第8讲 动词的分类
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第13讲 复合句
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第14讲 情景交际
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第4讲 数词
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第1讲 名词
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第2讲 冠词
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第6讲 连词
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第5讲 介词
2020年广东中考英语专题复习二:第3讲 代词
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