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,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets talk,Part B Tick, then ask and answer,Unit 2 Spring Is Coming!,Lets talk 视频, Tick ,then ask and answer, Lets talk,你最喜欢哪个季


1、,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets talk,Part B Tick, then ask and answer,Unit 2 Spring Is Coming!,Lets talk 视频, Tick ,then ask and answer, Lets talk,你最喜欢哪个季节?为什么?,Warm-up/Revision,【例句】 Tree Planting Day is on March 12th. 植树节在3月12日。,Tree Planting Day 植树节,Presentation,interesting,/ntrst/,【单词巧记】 interest(兴趣) + ing = interesting(有趣的),【例句】 This story is very interesting.这个故事很有趣。,有趣的,游戏时间,Whats missing?,come on,season,ride a bike,interest。

2、陕旅版陕旅版 三年级起点三年级起点 六六年级上册年级上册 Lets learn moreLets learn more Unit 2 Im healthy 课前热身课前热身 take a walk play tennis go skatin。

3、Unit 2 Im healthy 陕旅版陕旅版 三年级起点三年级起点 六六年级上册年级上册 Lets learnLets learn 课前热身课前热身 2 话题导入话题导入 新词展示新词展示 go boating 划船划船 boatbt 。

4、 Read and actRead and act Read and tick ;学习学习 twice 两次两次 once 一次一次 do well in 在在做得好做得好 healthy 健康的健康的 a lot of 许多许多 how 。

5、,Revision,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,3.Lets play5.Read and tick or cross, Listen and tick or cross, Lets play,Listen and tick or cross 视频,Where did you go on your holiday?,Warm-up/Revision,请把正确序号填入下列短语前面,north,northwest,west,northeast,east,southwest,southeast,south,Where is it?,Presentation,Lets play,Lets do it !,Listen and tick or cross,点击“Listen and tick or cross”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Read and tick or cross,Answer the questions1.Where did Bill live?He lived。

6、,Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part A Lets talk Part B Ask and answerMake new conversations and act, Ask and answer,Make new conversations and act,Lets talk,Lets talk 视频,throwing,100-meter race,have a sports meeting,running race,long jump,high jump,请快速说出闪现的词组并拼写,Warm-up/Revision,Whats your favourite sports?,A:Whats your favourite sports? B:My favourite sport is. A:How often do you play it? B:I play it.,Presentation,1.How does Liu Zhaoyang lo。

7、,Unit 1 May I speak to Kitty?,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part A Lets talk Part B Lets playLets chant,Lets talk 视频,Presentation, Lets play, Lets chant,Lets talk,read an e-book,send a message,go on the Internet,make a phone call,mobile phone,send an e-mail,请快速说出闪现的词组并拼写,Warm-up/Revision,1.What are these? 2.Do you want to have one?,Watch and answer the questions,Presentation,1.What are they doing?2.Who are speaking?,Read the dialogue and think about the questio。

8、,Unit 7 Shanghai Is in the Southeast of China,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part A Think and chooseLets talk Part B Lets playAsk and answer, Lets play, Ask and answer,Lets talk,Lets talk 视频, Think and choose,Free talk,Do you like traveling?,Warm-up/Revision,Think and choose,Do you like traveling?,b,e,a,c,d,Presentation,1.Where does David hope to go?2.Where will they go?3.How will they go?,Read the dialogue think about the questions,思考,Mom: David and Kitty,come on.Were。

9、,Unit 5 What Is He Like?,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part A Lets talk Part B Ask and answer Part C Complete the conversations,Ask and answer, Complete the conversations,Lets talk,Lets talk 视频,clever,kind,shy,hard-working,outgoing,friendly,请快速说出闪现的词组并拼写,serious,lazy,Warm-up/Revision,Look,read and choose,c,a,b,Mr. Bean,Ms. Li,Miss. Zhang,Presentation,1.Mr.意为“先生”,一般用于男子的姓氏、姓名或职务前。英美人的姓在名字后面,如果一个英国男子叫John Brown,就称他为Mr.Brown或Mr.John Bro。

10、,Unit 8 Whats Your Dream?,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part A Lets talk Part B Lets guess Part C Listen and tick or cross, Lets guess, Listen and tick or cross,Lets talk,Lets talk 视频,Listen and tick or cross 视频,become a tour guide,travel around the world,land on the moon,join the National Team,go to college,study the stars,请快速说出闪现的词组并拼写,Warm-up/Revision,Think and circle,What would you like to be in the past?,Presentation,1.Whats Wu Chens dream?2.What。

11、,Unit 3 Whos That Man?,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part A Lets talk Part C Listen and matchLook and talk, Listen and match, Look and talk,Lets talk,Listen and match 视频,Lets talk 视频,pupil,basketball player,actor,scientist,repoter,police officer,请快速说出闪现的词组并拼写。,singer,Warm-up/Revision,1.Whos the young woman? 2.What does she do?,Read and answer the questions,Presentation,Colin: Whos the young woman,Wu Chen? Wu Chen:Her name is Li Ling.She is a teacher. Colin:What did s。

12、,Unit 6 A School Sale,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part A Lets talk Part B Make a list and sayChoose and talk in pairs, Make a list and say, Choose and talk in pairs,Lets talk,Lets talk 视频,Choose and talk in pairs 视频,glue,toy car,notebook,magazine,story book,plane model,请快速说出闪现的词组并拼写,a pair of scissors,Warm-up/Revision,1.Where will the sale be at? 2.What will they sale? 3.Will many pupils come and take part in it?,Read and answer the questions,Presentation,Alice: There will be a。

13、Unit 2,Ways to go to school 第二课时,Part A lets learn,I am a duck. I go to school by bike.,I am a monkey. I go to school by bike.,I am a bear. I go to school by bike,too.,How do you go to school?,How do you go to school?,by bike,on foot,by car,by bus,I go to school .,by taxi,How do you go to school? I go to school by bike. How do you go to school? I go to school by car. How do you go to school? I go to school by taxi. How do you go to school? I go to school by bus. How do you go to school?。

14、,第二课时,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,人教版 (三年级起点) 六年级上册,2,课前热身,Lets sing!,Teddy Bear Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Turn around Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Touch the ground Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Shine you shoe Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear That will do Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Go upstairs,Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Say you prayers Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Switch off the light Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Say Good-night Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Good bye,3,课前热身,Lets sing!,泰迪熊 泰迪熊 转个身 泰迪熊 泰迪熊 摸一。

15、,Unit 2 How Are You?,陕西旅游版 三年级上册,Part B Lets learn & Say and match& Lets chant,T:Hello,boys and girls.,Ss: Hello,.,T:Ah, who is this? S2? S3?,Ss: S1,T: Hello, S1. How are you?,Sl: Im fine. Thank you.,T: Nice to meet you.,S1: Me, too.,T: Aa.,Ss: A is in“apple”,T: Bb.,Ss: B is in “boy”.,T: Kk.,Ss: K is in “key”.,hair/he/ (名词) 头发,ice-cream /askrim/ (名词) 冰淇淋,juice /dus/ (名词) 果汁,key/ki/ (名词) 钥匙,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,活动开始啦!看图猜词,key?,L。

16、,Unit 1 What Would You like?,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part A Lets talk Part B Ask and answer, Ask and answer,Lets talk 视频,Warm-up/Revision,Can you read it?,完成下列各空。,a_of tea,a _of bread,a_of noodles,a_of beef,a_of juice,a_of water,cup,piece,bowl,plate,glass,bottle,Presentation,Read the dialogue, think about the questions.,思考,1.Where are they? 2.Who are they? 3.Why are they there?,Waitress: Welcome to Noodle House.What would you like to eat? Mom: Wed。

17、Lets talkLets talk Lets playLets play Unit 1 It is time to play the violin 陕旅版陕旅版 三年级起点三年级起点 六六年级上册年级上册 课前热身课前热身 连一连 pla。

18、 Lets talkLets talk 陕旅版陕旅版 三年级起点三年级起点 六六年级上册年级上册 Unit 3 Care for the Earth 课前热身课前热身 我们应该做什么我们应该做什么 话题导入话题导入 课文朗读课文朗读 小喇叭。

19、 Lets talkLets talk 陕旅版陕旅版 三年级起点三年级起点 六六年级上册年级上册 Unit 4 Lets Go on a Picnic 课前热身课前热身 A: :你周末经常做什么你周末经常做什么 B: :在家看电视在家看电视。

20、 Part A Part A Lets talkLets talk Part B Ask and answerPart B Ask and answer 陕旅版陕旅版 三年级起点三年级起点 六六年级上册年级上册 Unit 2 Im heal。

【人教pep版】六年级上册英语:Unit2 第二课时(ppt课件)
陕旅版三年级英语上册Unit2 第二课时课件
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