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公开课牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit8 Grammar 课件

Unit 1 Friends Task,Teenagers magazine is inviting teenagers to write about their best friends for the writing competition.,9232019,What would you lik

公开课牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit8 Grammar 课件Tag内容描述:

1、Unit 1 Friends Task,Teenagers magazine is inviting teenagers to write about their best friends for the writing competition.,9/23/2019,What would you like to write about your friend?,Future plans _,Looks _,Personality _,.,My friend,Hobbies _,9/23/2019,Who is Daniels best friend?,When did Daniel first meet her?,What does she look like?,What would she like to be when she grows up?,Whats she like?,Kate,five years ago,be a teach。

2、Unit 2 School life Task,Read & enjoy,School Some things you like, some you hate. Wake up at six, but youre still always late. Not talking about when you can pick your classes, Im sick of hearing, “Where are my glasses?!” Homework takes up the rest of your time, I want to be a kid, I dont care whose faces on the dime.,Some questions,1. What time do the students in the school get up? 2. Do they have much homework? 3. Do you like the school? Why not?,The students in the school get。

3、Unit 8 A green world,Grammar,Students clean the classroom.,一般现在时的被动语态,Revision,The classroom,动作执行者,谓语动词主动形式,动作承受者,动作承受者,谓语动词被动形式,is cleaned,动作执行者,by students,一般现在时的被动语态结构:,am/is/are +V.pp,Students cleaned the classroom.,一般过去时的被动语态,动作执行者,谓语动词主动形式,动作承受者,The classroom,was cleaned,by students.,动作承受者,谓语动词被动形式,动作执行者,一般过去时的被动语态结构:,was/were+V.pp,vt. 陈列,Look and learn,These new clothes 。

4、Unit 7 International charities Study skills,punctuation marks,symbols,Why do we punctuate sentences?,woman without her man is nothing,Please add the punctuation marks and read it aloud.,Woman! without her, man is nothing.,woman without her man is nothing,Woman, without her man, is nothing.,Do you know her dad,another example,Do you know her dad?,Do you know her, dad?,Why do we punctuate sentences?,Punctuation tells readers when a sentence ends. It also tells them when to pau。

5、Unit 7 International charities Reading (I),Oxfam,UNICEF,ORBIS,WWF,Do you know these logos?,What does the logo look like?,an eye,ORBIS,a plane,A charity that helps people with eye problems.,a special plane,Why is there a plane in the logo?,Why is it a special plane?,Read and answer,Dr Ma,an ORBIS doctor,an interviewer,How many questions does the interviewer ask? What are they?,Interview: Dr Ma, please tell us something about blindness.,Interview: How does OBRIS help?,Interview: Why dont yo。

6、Unit 7 International charities Integrated skills,How can Daniel use his pocket money?,a 5-cent coin,What could a 5-cent coin do?,useless?,useless,powerful,give a child clean water for 2 days,stop the spread of the preventable disease,help protect the children and their right to a bright future,A 5-cent coin,It can also ,can:,when,why,where,what,how,Read and help Daniel find the information.,when,why,where,what,how,Listen and put the sentences into the correct order.,2. Underline the 。

7、Project 2 A report on charity,Lead-in,Discussion,How do the charities help people? What charity do you like best? Why?,A report on charity,Planning and preparing,Disasters and accidents,Actions which do harm to wild animals,A report on charity,Some charity projects in China, Project Hope Project Green Hope Spring Bud Project Save Chinas Tigers Happiness Project,Name: Project Hope Time: In 1989,Aim: To help schools and students in poor areas,Name: Project Green Hope Time: In 1999,Ai。

8、Project 1 An information folder,Do you like travelling?,Design an information folder about your favourite country.,An information folder,An information folder shows you where information can be stored.,A folder on the computer screen,Planning and preparing,Which country is your choice?,Why do you choose this country to visit? Whats special about it? Can you describe some famous places of interest in that country?,Discussion,Where is it?/What about its language/ population/money?,How big 。

9、Unit 7 International charities Task,Describe the pictures in your own words.,in the past,now,changes,a secretary of a company,an ORBIS nurse,9/20/2019,r,Diana was a secretary of a company.,She was afraid of flying.,She saw a TV programme about ORBIS.,Discuss the pictures.,What was her life like?,Which does Diana like better, travelling by car or by plane?,In which way did she learn about ORBIS?,details,She trained as a nurse.,She works for ORBIS.,She enjoys her work.,After learning about i。

10、Unit 8 Birthdays Cartoon time & Checkout time,Talking time,Whens birthday?What do/does do on birthday?Do/doesusually on birthday?,a play 一场戏剧,a hero 一个英雄,Bobby should open the door. What does he need?A: He needs a key.B: He needs the password.,password密码,Can Bobby work out(解出) the password?Why?b. Whats the password?c. Does Bobby win the fight against(赢得战役) the pig?d. Who does Bobby save(拯救)?,自读课文,找出问题的答案,A. Can Bobby work out(解出) the password?Why?,自读课文,找出问。

11、Unit 5 Wild animals Grammar,Revision,1. Why do people call the panda “Xi Wang”? 2. What will happen to the pandas if the bamboo forests disappear?,1. Why do people call the panda “Xi Wang”?2. What will happen to the pandas if the bamboo forests disappear?,They may hope it will bring them a hope.,Pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat.,Revision,If we do nothing, there may be none left.,What will happen to giant pandas if we do nothing?,Now they can live happily in the zoo.,The per。

12、Unit 3 A day out Grammar,the West Lake, Hangzhou,the Slender West Lake, Yangzhou,5.66 square kilometres,1.68 square kilometres,as beautiful as,not as big as,The model Golden Gate Bridge is the real one.,=The real Golden Gate Bridge is the model one.,=The model Golden Gate Bridge is the real one.,not as big as,bigger than,smaller than,Complete the sentences:,(not) as + adjective + as,Carl is 1.70 metres tall.,Tom is 1.60 m。

13、Unit 4 Do it yourself Grammar,Grammar,Unit 4,Do it yourself,When Andrew painted the living room, what did his mum say?,She said, “ Stop it!”,gave instructions.,Andrew isnt good at DIY!,把一张图挂在墙上,Put up a picture on the wall.,Dont hit the pipe.,Giving instructions,Paint the walls blue.,Andrew isnt good at DIY!,Dont paint the cat.,Giving instructions,Giving instructions,Turn left,Turn right,Walk straight,Can you guess what these signs mean?,Dont smoke.,Dont talk loudly.,Dont take p。

14、Unit 7 International charities Grammar,More money is needed by ORBIS to help blind people.,The iPhone was invented by Jobs.,Passive voice,in the simple present tense and in the simple past tense,一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态,The students in Class1,Grade 8 will hold a charity show.,take part in the charity show,ORBIS,WWF,UNICEF,Oxfam,A: What is the plane used as? B: It is used as a hospital. A: Yes. It isnt used as a sports centre. B: What was done by the volunteer doctors just now? A: An op。

15、Unit 8 A green world Study skills,Develop the good habit of checking your work.,Survey,Lead-in,Advice,Lead-in,Kittys Album,Lead-in,Kittys Descriptions,How beautiful Switzerland is? It is a county with high mountains and clean lakes. Rubbish is separated different groups. Old clothes can be sent to factories for recycle. People who throw litter about will fine.,!,country,into,recycling,will be fined,Lead-in,Checking your work,Kittys Feelings,How beautiful Switzerland is! It is a 。

16、Unit 8 A green world Integrated skills,Pollution has become a serious problem all over the world. What can we do to protect the environment?,Free talk,Lets listen,A survey on _,Time: Survey: _Daniel and Sandy meet: _ Place: _ Number of students: _ ( Boys: _ & Girls: _ ) Number of questions: _,students daily habits,4 p.m. this Wednesday,3:40 p.m.,Room 201,50,25,25,6,Lets discuss,A survey on students daily habits of goi。

17、Unit 8 A green world Reading (I),What do you think of when we talk aboutSwitzerland?,Switzerland,banks,army pocket knives,chocolate,watch,Alps,Switzerland,Green Switzerland,琉森湖,世界森林,Why do we call Switzerland “Green Switzerland”?,Thinking,With lots of green trees and grass, its healthy to live in Switzerland. It has good environment. Its so nice and clean. .,Why do we call Switzerland “Green Switzerland”?,The second greenest country in the world,Prediction,Could you predict: What will。

18、Unit 8 A green world Comic strip and Welcome to the unit,张礼兰,Lets talk,What do you think of when you see the colour green?,Spring Nature Plants Growth New life Youth Hope Protection Safety Peac ,张礼兰,Lets watch,张礼兰,Trees are important to our life. Trees p_ air and shade for us. We also use trees to m_ paper and furniture. Sometimes we get f_ and fruit from them. Besides all these, trees also help to save our e_. They stop the rain from w_ away the earth so that flood。

19、Unit 8 A green world Task,Dear Mr Wu, Daniel and I did a survey this Wednesday. Students were asked about their daily habits. Here are the results of the survey. Only 20 students usually take showers for less than 10 minutes, but 35 students turn off the tap when brushing their teeth. Only 15 students recycle empty bottles, but 40 students use both sides of the paper. It is great that most students remember to turn off the lights when they leave a room, but few students take their own bags to th。

20、Unit 8 A green world Grammar,A friend without faults will never be found. Time past will not be called back again. As you salute, you will be saluted.,Translating,Proverbs,Lead-in,Lead-in,Otherwise, we will be punished. If we drop litter in a public place, we will be fined by the police.,Green Switzerland,Passive voice in the simple future tense,一般将来时被动语态,Lead-in,Discovering,Look at the sentences. The new film will be shown next Thursday. We shall be punished if we break the rule. The 。

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