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冀教版英语四年级上Lesson 11 Toys课件2

,Lesson 2 Is this your?,pen,pencil,book,watch,coat,dress,skirt,shirt,car,house,Lesson 4 Is this your?这是你的吗?,school 学校,daughter 女儿,son 儿子,father,mother

冀教版英语四年级上Lesson 11 Toys课件2Tag内容描述:

1、,Lesson 2 Is this your?,pen,pencil,book,watch,coat,dress,skirt,shirt,car,house,Lesson 4 Is this your?这是你的吗?,school 学校,daughter 女儿,son 儿子,father,mother,son,suit 一套西装,。

2、Lesson 17 How old are you?,教学目标 1.学习用英语询问生日的日期,会用英语回答具体的生日时间。 2.学习在情景中熟练应用以下问句:How old are you? Im _ years old.When is your birthday? My birthday is on _ _.When is(人名)_s birthday? Its on _ _.,自学指导 1.听老师唱的歌曲,思考歌词的含义。回忆歌词的发音,试着跟唱歌曲。 2.听老师和示范生的对话,心理默默的思考和模仿。 3.利用手中的照片和同桌做对话练习。 4.听阅读短文,完成问题。,How old are you?How old are you?Im ten years old.Im ten years old.,When is yo。

3、Lesson 8,TV and Phone,冀教版四年级英语上册,What do you do in the evening?,I _.,read a book,What do you do in the evening?,I _.,write a story,What do you do in the evening?,I _.,do my homework,What do you do in the evening?,I _.,play a game,What do you do in the evening?,I _.,draw a picture,What do you do in the evening?,I _.,sing a song,What do you do in the evening?,I _.,wash my clothe。

4、,bike,car,taxi,bus,go to school go to the zoo go home go to the restaurant by bike by car by bus by taxi How do you go to school? I go to school by bus ,重点知识,one two three four five six seven eight nine ten,Numbers 1-10,eleven twelve thirteen fourteen 。

5、Lesson 10 Brush and Wash,Brush teeth刷牙,He brushes his teeth.,Wash clothes洗衣服,They wash their clothes.,Comb hair,He/she combs his/her hair.,Put on clothes,They put on their clothes.,I brush my teeth. I wash my face. I brush my teeth. I put on my clothes.,我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们,I You He She It We You They,我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的,My Your His Her Its Our Your their,I _my teeth. I _my clothes. I _my hair. I _ _my clothes. She _her bed. He washes _clothes. She 。

6、Lesson 14 Near and Far,Whats this?,Its a playground.,Whats this?,Its a school.,Whats this?,Its a library.,Whats this?,Its a classroom.,near(在.附近),Im near the school.,far(远的;遥远的),Im far from the school.(离.远),Wheres LiMing?,LiMing is near the school.,LiMing is far from the school.,Is the liarbry far from the school?,Yes,its far.,Is the classroom near the playground?,Yes,its near.,Danny:Excuse me! Wheres the library? XiaDonghai:I can show you. Danny: Is the liarbry far from the sch。

7、Lesson 2 New and Old,a new sweater,This is a new sweater .,This is an old sweater .,an old sweater,_schoolbag,_new schoolbag.,_old schoolbag.,_schoolbag,a new,an old,This is a,This is an,new trousers,These are new trousers.,These are old trousers.,old trousers,_ pencils,_pencils.,_pencils .,_ pencils,These are new,These are old,new,old,。

8、冀教版四年英语上册,Unit 1 The Clothes We Wear,Liu Linyuan,shirt skirt coat cap trousers sweater,new old this these it they,衬衫 裤子 裙子 毛衣,线衣 旧的,年老的 它 这些 他们,她们,它们 帽子 大衣;外套 新的 这,这个,冀教版四年英语上册,Lesson 4 Shoes and Socks,skirt,dress,Part 1 What are they wearing ?,trousers,shorts,shoes,socks,He is wearing shorts. He is cool. She is wearing a dress.She looks nice.,What is this? This is a shirt. This is a sweater. This is a skirt. This is a dress.,What are th。

9、Unit 1 The Clothes We Wear,Lesson5 Days of the Week,Lets play!,Simon Says,要求:根据指令做动作, 如果指令开头用了“Simon says”就做出动作; 如果指令开头没有用“Simon says”则不做出动作。,星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六,Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday,Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.,在西方,犹太教和基督教星期日要做礼拜,这一天他们叫做“礼拜日”,一星期七天称“一个礼拜”。敬神这样的事情自然要优先,所以放在每星期的第一天来做,于是星期日也就是每星期的。

10、Unit 2 At Home,Lesson 7 Homework,home house work homework,-“家,家庭”,指我们和家人一起生活的地方。,-“房子,住宅”,指居住的建筑物。,-工作。,-家庭作业。,What do you do in the evening?,In the evening, I do my homework.,I read a book.,I write a story.,I draw a picture for my story.,do my homework read a book write a story draw a picture,做我的家庭作业,读书,写故事,画画,Lets sing!,This is the way I wash my clothes, on a Sunday morning. This is the way I do my homework, on a Monday morning. This i。

11、Lesson 15 In the City,在城市,Where is my mother?,Where is the zoo ?,A:Excuse me ,can you help me?B:Yes?A:Im lost . Where is the zoo?,Go straight and turn left.,zoo schoolDanny,turn left turn right,go straight,Thank you,。

12、Lesson 2,New and old,1. New and old,new pants,old sweater,new sweater,old pants,Lets chant,I like my new shirt.,shirt and skirt, on me and you.,new and old ,old and new,It fits you right.,You like your old skirt.,Its black and white.,Thanks,I like your skirt.,Is it new ?,Yes. It was a birthday gift from my mom.,I like your pants . are they new ?,No. theyre old.,They re nice,Theyre my favourite pants.,BYE,。

13、Lesson11: Toys,play with a ball 拿玩,和一起玩,toys,kite,On Saturday afternoons, I like to play with my friends. We fly kites.,星期六下午,我喜欢和朋友们一起玩耍。我们一起放风筝。,We play with jennys skipping rope. I like to jump rope .,我们一起玩珍妮的跳绳,我喜欢跳绳。,Part 2,What do you do on Saturday?,Do some exercises,Blank filling,_ Saturday afternoons, I _ _ my friends. We _ _. We _ _ Jennys _ . I like 。

14、Lesson 11,Toys,play with toys,toys,catch with a ball,ball,fly a kite,kite,What do you do on Saturday?,Answer my question:,2.What do Li Ming, Jenny and Danny do first?,3.What do Li Ming, Jenny and Danny do last?,1.What day is it?,On Saturday, I play with my friends.,We fly kites,We play catch with a ball.,We read books. Jenny plays with her toys. Saturday is fun.,2.Lets do it !,What do you do on Saturday, Jenny?,I read a book. What do you doon Saturday?,3.Letters and Sounds,sh shirt shoes。

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【冀教版】英语四年级上《Lesson 11 Toys》课件(1)
【冀教版】英语四年级上《Lesson 11 Toys》课件(2)
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