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4.20通分 1.比较310和710 的大小。 2.比较比较25和14的大小。 3.在括号里填上合适的数。 45 ( )( ) 15 13 =( )18 1416 = ( )8 答案提示 1.解:710 310 2.解:25 =2454 =820 14 =1545 =520 因为820520 所以2


1、4.20通分1.比较310和710 的大小。2.比较比较25和14的大小。3.在括号里填上合适的数。45 ( )( ) 15 13 =( )18 1416 = ( )8答案提示1.解:710 3102.解:25 =2454 =820 14 =1545 =520因为820520 所以2514 。3. 35 25 6 7 (前两个答案不唯一)。

2、2 2 液体液体 一、选择题 考点一 液体的表面张力 1关于液体表面的特征,下列说法正确的是( ) A液体表面层的分子分布比内部密 B液体有使其体积收缩到最小的趋势 C液体表面层分子之间只有引力而无斥力 D液体有使其表面积收缩到最小的趋势 答案 D 解析 液体表面层的分子分布比内部稀疏,故 A 错;液体由于表面张力作用,有使其表面积 收缩到最小的趋势,故 B 错,D 对;液体表面层分子之间既有引力。

3、功率一、填空题(易)1一架我国自行研制的歼-10战斗机的质量为1.5103kg,发动机用9104N的推力使飞机在10s内前进6000m,这段时间内飞机发动机做的功为_J,推力的功率为_W。(g=10N/Kg)(中)2在台湾漫画家几米向左走,向右走的漫画中,在50s的时间内,男孩提着重15N的小提琴水平向左匀速走了100m,女孩用5N的水平拉力拉箱子向右匀速走了100m,他们中,对物体有做功的是 (选填“男孩”或“女孩”),做功的功率是 W。(中)3甲乙两同学进行爬杆比赛,爬到杆顶(杆长相同)时,甲用10s,乙用9s,若甲乙两人的体重之比为5:6,则甲乙两人爬。

4、4.15约分1把下面各分数约分。915= 1624= 2520= 1435 =2.一个分数的分子和分母的差是21,约分后是25 。原来这个分数是多少?3.把20克盐放入100克水中。盐占水的几分之几?盐占盐水的几分之几?答案提示1. 35 23 54 252. 14353.20100=15 ,20120=16。

5、力一、选择题1如图所示,物体运动状态没有发生改变的是( )2如图所示,使一薄钢条的下端固定,现今分别用大小不同的力去推它,使其发生如图所示的形变,如果F1=F3=F4F2,那么,能说明力的作用效果跟力的方向有关的图是( )A图a和图c B图b和图d C图a和图b D图a和图d3观察图中的四个情境,找出它们的共同特征,可以归纳得出的结论是( )A力可以改变物体的形状B力可以改变物体运动的方向C力可以改变物体运动速度的大小D力的作用效果与力的作用点有关4“鸡蛋碰石头”,鸡蛋被碰破,而石头却完好,这个现象正确的解释是( )A鸡蛋受到力的作。

6、滑轮一、填空题(中)1如图1所示,重物G重40牛,若不计摩擦,匀速提起重物所用拉力为22牛,则动滑轮的重力是_牛,钩子1受到绳子的拉力为_牛,钩子2受到重物G的拉力为_牛。图1(中)2如图2所示的滑轮组,不计滑轮重和摩擦,则F1=_G,F2=_G。(中)3如图3所示,绳子与滑轮重不计,物体处于静止状态,如果M1=5kg,那么M2应等于_kg。图2M1BM2图3二、选择题(中)4如图4所示,用三个滑轮分别拉同一个物体,沿同一水平面做匀速直线运动,所用的拉力分别是F1、F2、F3,比较它们的大小应是( )F1F2F3图4A、F1F2F3B、F1F2F3C、F2F1F3D、F2F1F3(中。

7、3.海洋海洋 一、填空题一、填空题 1.地球上海洋面积约为 亿平方千米。 2.海洋里生活着 余万种生物。 3)海洋为人类提供的资源有: 、 、 、和 ,是 人类的资源宝库。 二、判断题二、判断题 1.海洋是地上量大的水体,约占地球表面积的四分之三。 ( ) 2.淡水约占地球上水资源总量的 97.2%。 ( ) 3.海洋里的水可以直接饮用。 。

8、1 固体固体 一、选择题 考点一 晶体和非晶体 1下列固体中全是由晶体组成的是( ) A石英、云母、明矾、食盐、雪花、铜 B石英、玻璃、云母、铜 C食盐、雪花、云母、硫酸铜、松香 D蜂蜡、松香、橡胶、沥青 答案 A 2(2019 重庆市第一中学高二下期中)辨别物质是晶体还是非晶体,比较可靠的方法是( ) A从外形来判断 B从各向异性或各向同性来判断 C从导电性能来判断 D从是否具有确定的熔点来判断。

9、第四章第四章 锐角三角函数锐角三角函数 4.2 4.2 正切正切 基础导练基础导练 1.在 RtABC 中,C=90,sin A=,则 tan B 的值为( ) A. B. C. D. 2.在ABC 中,若|cos A-|+(1-tan B) 2=0,则C 的度数是( ) A.45 B.60 C.75 D.105 3在 Rt中,则边的长为( ) A B C 。

10、5 5 内能内能 一、选择题 考点一 分子动能 1(多选)对于 20 的水和 20 的水银,下列说法正确的是( ) A两种物体的分子的平均动能相同 B水银分子的平均动能比水的大 C两种物体的分子的平均速率相同 D水银分子的平均速率比水分子的平均速率小 答案 AD 解析 温度是分子平均动能的标志, 温度相同的物体的分子的平均动能相同, 故 A 对, B 错; 由水银的摩尔质量大于水的摩尔质量,知 D。

11、1社戏第一课时1.给下列加点的字注音。(1)归省( ) (2)行辈( ) (3)撺掇( )(4)凫水( ) (5)蕴藻( ) (6)潺潺( )2.根据拼音填汉字。(1)_(ju)蚯蚓 (2)_(x)叨(3)欺_(w) (4)_(di)慢3.依次填入下面横线处最恰当的一组词语是( )我们年纪都相仿, 论起行辈来, 至少是叔子,有几个还是太公,因为他们合村都同姓,是本家。 我们是朋友, 偶而吵闹起来,打了太公,一村的老老小小,也决没有一个会想出“犯上”这两个字来, 他们也百分之九十九不识字。A.可却因为如果而B.但却然而即使而C.但却然而即使可D.可。

12、Warm-up & Lesson 1 Language LearningPre-reading .阅读理解 A You may be surprised to learn that English gets 30 to 45 percent of its words from French.The reason goes back to the year 1066,when Norman forces invaded what is now Britain.The Normans were from northern France and spoke French.During the Norman occupation,French became the language of Englands rulers and wealthy class.This lasted for more than 300 years.Other people in England continued to speak English during this period. Over ti。

13、Warm-up & Lesson 1 Super AthletesLanguage Points 基础巩固 .单词拼写 1The officials were accused of abusing(滥用) their power to control the market price. 2The headmaster warned students that such behavior would not be tolerated(容忍) in this school. 3If you violate(违反) traffic regulations,you will be fined or arrested. 4His parents were opposed(反对) to his plan,which made him a little annoyed. 5Im not sure whether I should swap(交换) seats with this stranger. 6The man is pumping(用泵抽出) w。

14、Warm-up & Lesson 1 Global WarmingLanguage Points 基础巩固 .单词拼写 1.The young murder was condemned(判处) to death for what he had done. 2.What a coincidence(巧合) that I met my best friend in London! 3.The woman was only interested in something relevant(有关的) to her research. 4.The scientist walked into the reserve(保护区) and began to observe the animals. 5.Who was it that rescued the girl trapped(使困住) in the elevator? 6.You shouldnt take the car without permission and its the principle(。

15、Warm-up she is small and slight, and shes holding the hand of a little boy.55. her other hand, she holds a paper carrier bag.The boy steps back as my dog tries 56. (enthusiastic) to greet him.” Angie wrote in the letter. The elderly Chinese lady,Wing,is the mother of Angies neighbor,Nicole.She came to Canada 57. (help) take care of her grandson as Nicole went to Shanghai on business.Nicole told her mother that Angie had just had a heart 58. (operate) so Wing brings food every day fo。

16、Warm-up & Lesson 1 Living in a CommunityLanguage Points 基础巩固 .单词拼写 1When I tell someone I will not betray(背叛) his trust,I will keep my word. 2He is so stubborn that he never compromises(妥协) with anybody. 3The soldiers were warned to remain hidden and not to expose(暴露) themselves. 4For convenience,we may classify(分类) the students into four groups. 5Marriage is,first of all,a contract which must be governed by justice(公平) 6Its a good idea to give adolescents(青少年) a little 。

17、Warm-up & Lesson 1 FuturologyLanguage Points 基础巩固 .单词拼写 1The girl was asked to assist(协助) Mr Smith in preparing a report. 2To get the exact value of the ancient vase,my mother had it assessed(评估) by an expert. 3Having witnessed an increase in foreign legal conflicts(冲突),China is expected to see the number continue to rise. 4We Chinese stand for equality(平等) among all nations,big or small. 5After the flood,most of the villagers had to suffer from starvation(饥饿) 6The book is 。

18、Welcome to the unit & ReadingLanguage Points 基础巩固 .单词拼写 1She closed her eyes tightly in a vain(徒劳的) attempt to hold back the tears. 2Waterfalls are a favourite theme(主题) for the painters from very early times. 3After the 5- hour long journey,all the tourists were burnt out and desperate(渴望的) to have a good rest. 4It was generous(慷慨的)of her to contribute such a large sum of money. 5The criminal(罪犯)broke away from the policemen who were holding him. 6The director of the facto。

19、Lesson 3 Body Language 基础巩固 .单词拼写 1.The plane flew upwards(向上地) in the sky and soon out of sight. 2.The woman remained unconscious(无意识的) when I went to see her. 3.The new company decided to purchase(购买) a lot of new equipment. 4.I find that he resembles (与相似) his brother in appearance but not in character. 5.Generally speaking,possible side effects should be made explicit(清楚的). 6.The water in the river is so transparent(透明的) that we can see fish swimming. 7.The fact is。

20、Warm-up & Lesson 1 Language LearningLanguage Points 基础巩固 .单词拼写 1.The man decided to write an e-mail to inform(通知) them of the news. 2.Is there any way to ensure(确保) that we have enough time for our talks? 3.The girl folded(折叠) this letter in half and put it into her pocket. 4.Todays announcement(通知) of a peace agreement came after weeks of discussion. 5.The university will reach its target(目标) of 5,000 students next September. 6.About two minutes later,the runners accelerated(。

9.2 液体 课时练习(含答案)
11.2功率 课时练习(含答案)
7.1力 课时练习(含答案)
12.2滑轮 课时练习(含答案)
14 海洋 课时练习(含答案)
9.1 固体 课时练习(含答案)
4.2正切 课时练习(含答案)
7.5 内能 课时练习(含答案)
1 社戏 课时练习(含答案)
Unit19 Warm-up & Lesson 1 Language Learning—Pre-reading课时练习(含答案)
Unit21 Warm-up & Lesson 1 Super Athletes—Language Points课时练习(含答案)
Unit22 Warm-up & Lesson 1 Global Warming—Language Points课时练习(含答案)
Unit24 Warm-up & Lesson 1 Consumer Society—Language Points课时练习(含答案)
Unit23 Warm-up & Lesson 1 Living in a Community—Language Points课时练习(含答案)
Unit20 Warm-up & Lesson 1 Futurology—Language Points课时练习(含答案)
Unit1 Welcome to the unit & Reading—Language Points课时练习(含答案)
Unit19 Lesson 3 Body Language课时练习(含答案)
Unit19 Warm-up & Lesson 1 Language Learning—Language Points课时练习(含答案)
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