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牛津译林8Bunit 2

掌握一些重点词组和句型的用法2. 用学过的有关自然灾害知识来描述这样类似的事件二、词汇、短语 1. a loud noise like thunder2. start to shake3. in fear4 run in all directions5 come down6 not at all7

牛津译林8Bunit 2Tag内容描述:

1、 掌握一些重点词组和句型的用法2. 用学过的有关自然灾害知识来描述这样类似的事件二、词汇、短语 1. a loud noise like thunder2. start to shake3. in fear4 run in all directions5 come down6 not at all7 beat fast8 be trapped9 say to oneself10 pull myself slowly through11 find ones way out12 calm down三、句型(语法) 1. fear n.害怕 in fear 提心吊胆我的脑中掠过一阵恐惧,但我告诉我自己要镇定下来.A moment of _ my mind but I told myself to calm down2. mind n. 头脑,想法, 精神 vt./vi. 介意,在乎常用搭配:make up ones mind to do sth 下决心做某事 Never mind 不要紧, mind doing sth 介意做某事1)wou。

2. 理解不同场合衣着得体常识。
二、词汇、短语1. lady (c.n.) ladies; gentleman (c.n.) gentlemen ladies and gentlemen 女士们、先生们 2. style (c.n.) 风格、样式 different styles of clothes 3. comfortable (adj.) 舒适的4. popular (adj.) 受喜爱的 be popular among sb. 5. among (prep.) 在.(三者或以上)中间 between 在 (两者)之间6. smart (adj.) 衣着讲究的;精干的 look smart7. cool (adj.) 酷的 8.scarf (c.n.) 围巾 (pl.) scarvesboot (c.n.) leather boots; trainer (c.n.) =(Am E) sneakerjeans (c.n.) a pair of blue jeans9. silk (u.n.) 丝绸; cotton (u.n.) 棉; w。

3、 1 8A Unit 2 School life Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 预习成果展示预习成果展示查阅课本 P1819,翻译下列短语和句子。

4、 1 8A Unit 2 School life Grammar1 预习成果展示预习成果展示 词汇学习词汇学习 1.最少的;最小的 2.较远 far 的比较级 3.最远 far 的最高级 课堂我行我秀课堂我行我秀 Grammar A 一写出。

5、 1 8A Unit 2 School life Grammar2 预习成果展示预习成果展示 1.Kitty has little orange juice than Amy. 2.Jack has little free time tha。

6、 1 8A Unit 2 School life Reading2 预习成果展示预习成果展示一一.单词拼写单词拼写 1. Mary is sweet and she always has smile eyes. 2. To lose wei。

7、 1 8A Unit 2 School life Reading1 预习成果展示预习成果展示一查阅课本,翻译短语。
1.英国学校的生活2.在八年级 3.一所混合的学校4.学外语 5.在一周之中6.从借更多的书 7.从家里带来书和杂志8.在这。

8、 1 8A Unit 2 School life Integrated skills 预习成果展示预习成果展示 课前预习课前预习 1翻译下列词组 1得分最多 score the points 2植树最少 plant the trees 3做。

9、 1 8A Unit 2 School life Revision 预习成果展示预习成果展示 1复习本单元所学的词汇和语言知识点。
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of。

10、 1 8A Unit 2 School life Task 预习成果展示预习成果展示 1. Check the questionnairePart A1 on Page 28. 2.Listen to the tape of Part B,。

11、(舒适的 adj.).,cotton,leather,trainers,omfortable,Revision,4. The girl and the mother wear the same _.(尺码) 5. People wear different _(风格n.) of clothes. 6 Sandy is wearing a _ (丝 n.) blouse and a black _(羊毛n.) shirt. 7 People like to wear_(围巾) to keep warm in winter. 8 Young people like _(牛仔裤),size,styles,silk,wool,scarves,jeans,What are you doing now?,We are having an English lesson.,What is he doing?,He is dancing.,What is he doing?,He is sleeping.,What is sh。

12、Listen and answer,2.What do the students want to be?,What do the students want to be,Listen & circle,dancer,b.,astronaut,a.,policewoman,pianist,f.,waiter,c.,dentist,d.,football player,e.,g.,writer,h.,b.,a.,b.,a.,b.,a.,c.,b.,a.,c.,b.,a.,c.,b.,a.,c.,b.,a.,c.,b.,a.,g.,g.,Think & circle,Mike wants to be _. Wang Bing wants to be_. Liu Tao 。

13、 1 8A Unit 1 Friends Grammar2 预习成果展示预习成果展示形容词比较级和最高级的构成 1.规则变化短词 : 构成方法构成方法 原级原级 比较级比较级 最高级最高级 大部分单音节词在词尾大部分单音节词在词尾 加加 l。

14、 1 8A Unit 1 Friends Reading2 预习成果展示预习成果展示复述课文 Betty is . She is slim and has . Betty is . She is willing to . She is al。

15、 1 Unit 2 School life 教案教案 Period 1 Welcome to the unit Teaching aims and demands: Talk about the school life and review。

16、,C.,B.,D.,E.,F.,G.,根据课前图片,圈出与圣诞有关的人或物,Christmas is coming soon.圣诞节快要到了。
,Christmas Eve平安夜,Christmas Day圣诞节,Before Christmas圣诞节之前,时间轴,12.24,12.25,Before Christmas,Christmas Eve,Christmas Day,Contents目录,At Christmas- By Mike,Christmas Eve,Christmas Day,a,b,c,d,Watch and choose,Contents目录,Before Christmas,Watch and choose,1,2,3,4,turkey,Turkey 土耳其,First, we _ presents for our family and friends. We also _ a Christmas tree. We sometimes 。

,presents,a present,buy presents for our family and friends,为我们的家人和朋友买礼物,Under the Christmas tree,put a stocking on the bed and wait for presents,等待,Christmas Eve 圣诞前夕,a stocking,stockings,Father Christmas,一位专门为好孩子在圣诞节前夜送上礼物的神秘人物。
,cards,a card,First,take out a piece of paper. Next, fold it i。

18、 1 8A Unit 3 A Day Out Grammar2 预习成果展示预习成果展示 一按人称顺序默写出所有的反身代词。
1.亲自 2.伤了自己 3.独自 4.玩得开心 5.自学 6.自言自语 来源:学 。

19、 1 8A Unit 3 A Day Out Reading2 预习成果展示预习成果展示 翻译下列短语 1. 名胜 2. 去北京的学校旅行 3. 迫不及待地去做某事 4. 由.制成 5. 世界的主要风景 6. 把照片放到主页上 课堂我行我秀。

20、on about victim,Age: Occupation: Last seen place: Last seen time: How the victim be attacked:Place be found:Time be found: Place be murdered: Time be murdered:,25,a computer engineer,East Town,about 7 p.m.,be attacked with a knife and bled to death,in West Town,9 p.m. - 1 a.m.,last night,not sure about it,Information about suspect,Male or female: Appearance: Place be seen: Time be seen: Reasons for being suspected:Rewards:,male,a short and thin man,Corn street,10 p.m. last night,He was breath。

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