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牛津译林版八年级下英语 Unit5 教案

or correct),v. 问候,打招呼,adj. 符合习俗的,正确的,They are having a happy conversation .,knvsen,n. 交谈,谈话,(a small talk),When we talk with a woman, we should avoid

牛津译林版八年级下英语 Unit5 教案Tag内容描述:

1、or correct,v. 问候,打招呼,adj. 符合习俗的,正确的,They are having a happy conversation ,knvsen,n. 交谈,谈话,a small talk,When we talk with。

2、 should A:Anything else B: Dont . A: I see. Can we B: No, we shouldnt ,Manners in public,Manners in the UK,Greeting,hell。

3、y from,Public signs,3. 我们必须警告人们勿在此钓鱼.We must here. 4. 我们不应该随地乱扔纸屑.We the ground with paper,warn people not to fish,shoul。

4、e at home as well, arent they,Language points,1. proper,adj. 符合习俗的;正确的,the proper way to do sth,做某事的正确的方式,1 How should w。

5、 things with others,Revision,Translation,Is patient enough to,is never generous enough to,share,listen carefully others 。

6、e structure of the text;3. get specific information by using the indicating words;4. understand the importance of protec。

7、 properly; 3. rewrite the report in the perspective of Xi Wang. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: mean, be 。

8、lities, eating habits and danger in the context of animals;2. obtain the key information from listening;3. express opini。

9、 are very polite at home as well,Im sure these are helpful to us,They will be polite enough to wait till you move,A Usin。

10、 5. You cannot burn the at both ends,Actions,pain gain,indeed,perfect,candle,6. The early bird catches the . 7. It neve。

11、tap,leave the tap running,n. 水龙头; 旋塞,tp,vi. 流动,pick apples,vt. 采, 摘,pk,We must obey the traffic rules,vt. vi. 遵守, 顺从,be。

12、riting an outline;3. know how to write a good introduction and conclusion;4. know how to write a good paragraph in the m。

13、correctly;3. understand the rules in the zoo.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: closed, bat, bee, lost, save。

14、2. talk about wild animals from two aspects: characteristics and appearance;3. develop the ability of working in pairs.I。

15、interview about manners in the UK;3. know about manners in different cultures.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phra。

16、 materials;3. talk about public signs.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: public, explain, warn, parking, lit。

17、ding of the text; 3. respect other customs and cultures. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: proper, greet, k。

18、II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: successful, sometime, risk, pain, practice, candle, soon after2. New stru。

19、II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: purpose, guest, impolite, content, conclusion, host, above allthe purpose。

20、onality and abilities;2. use to be too adjective to infinitive to express a negative result.II. Teaching contents1. New 。

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