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牛津译林版高中英语必修3Unit 2 Section 课件

Unit 3 Tomorrows world,Section Writing建议信,谢谢观看,Unit 3 Tomorrows world,Section Reading()(Project),谢谢观看,Unit 1 The world of our senses,Section Language

牛津译林版高中英语必修3Unit 2 Section 课件Tag内容描述:

1、Unit 1 The world of our senses,Section Language points() (Word power,Grammar and usage & Task),reducing,volunteered,analyzed,ignored,recognized,suits,suit,hopeful,distance,far,to,to,most,rather,in,out,make the most of,works out,so far,Rather than,谢谢观看,。

2、Unit 3 Tomorrows world,Section Grammar被动语态,was given,had been cleaned,will be taught,are being watered,is loved,have been made,can be used,neednt be done,wasnt noticed to enter,was seen to walk,I was given,be made good use of,My house needs repairing/to be repaired.,The old require looking after carefully.,This question is easy to answer.,The bag is very heavy to carry.,are said to be,It is said that,was said to have invented,It was sa。

3、Unit 3 Tomorrows world,Section Language points()(Project),packed,float,escaped,shore,exits,worn,hire,upwards,mastered,mankind,terror,impression,of,with,off,a,across,in,up,to,in,came across,in the distance,All of a sudden,Hold on to,gives off,谢谢观看,。

4、Section Language points() (Welcome to the unit & Reading),Unit 3 Tomorrows world,urban,winning,disabled,studio,convenience,reality,presentation,disappointed,injured,confident,presentation,amaze,social,confident,disappointed,disabled,convenience,with,to,out,forward,in,out,in,with/to,for,to,as to,added to,Compared with,put forward,carried out,谢谢观看,。

5、Unit 1 The world of our senses,When something stimulates receptors in a sense organ,the receptors send nerve impulses along sensory nerves to the brain.Your brain then tells you what to do.,Senses are the physical means by which all living things see,hear,smell,taste,and touch.,Section Reading () (Welcome to the unit & Reading),stepped,to,frightened,that,Walking,footsteps,her,firmly,to know,a,谢谢观看,。

6、Unit 3 Back to the past,Because it affects water supply and agricultural productivity,human health and civil conflict.,Climate change.,Section Reading () (Welcome to the unit & Reading),谢谢观看,。

7、Unit 3 Back to the past,Section Grammar宾语补足语、either.or.和neither.nor.的用法以及主谓一致,washed,to buy,to play,waiting,reminded,is,are,is,are,are,has,is,Are,wants,are,is,runs,谢谢观看,。

8、Unit 3 Back to the past,Section Language points() (Word power,Grammar and usage & Task),solutions,ceremony,chairman,audience,complained,expressions,wooden historical extreme expression powerful,to,through,to,out,for,on,in,come to,in memory of,carried out,on board,谢谢观看,。

9、Section Language points() (Welcome to the unit & Reading),Unit 3 Back to the past,gradually,nearby,commercial,materials,lecture,Unfortunately,wealthy,disaster,destroyed,cultural,unfortunate,decorate,gradually,cultural,remains,from,as,over,alive,with,out,down,with,down,in,resulted in,break down,took over,was known as,turn out,谢谢观看,。

10、Unit 3 Back to the past,Section Language points()(Project),statue,trial,basis,march,troops,Judging,aware,salary,glory,poisons,glory,aware,trial,judge,poison,no,up,in,with,as,of,of,as,from,for,of,rise up against,No doubt,were aware of,searched for,谢谢观看,。

11、Unit 2 Language,Section Grammar名词性从句()与it作形式主语,when,why,How,Which,What,who,whom,ThatWhat thatwhat thatwhat whatthat,Whoever,whatever,Its important to remember this rule. It is pleasant lying in the sun in winter. It worried her a bit that her hair was turning grey.,谢谢观看,。

12、Unit 2 Language,Section Language points()(Project),deed,shortcomings,indicates,dragged,pattern,distinguish,convenient,represented,appearance,Thus,differappearance drawing simplify combine,from asforof,into of ason,differ from,stand for,as a whole,turned into,instead of,谢谢观看,。

13、Unit 2 Language,Section Reading()(Project),an,himself,went,where,books,However,practical,interested,to improve,representing,谢谢观看,。

14、Unit 2 Language,Section Language points() (Word power,Grammar and usage & Task),gentle,concerned,custom,mistaken,embarrassed,conclusions,mistaken Embarrassracial,totoof,in inoutto,left out,due to,In conclusion,ought,to,。

15、Unit 2 Language,Because our understanding of the number of languages increases constantly.,6,809.,Section Reading () (Welcome to the unit & Reading),谢谢观看,。

16、Section Language points() (Welcome to the unit & Reading),Unit 2 Language,mixture,process,raised,distinctions,vocabulary,therefore,replace,defeated,occupied,contributions,occupymixture officialcontribution distinction,of,of,after,from,to,of,towiththroughon,to take control of,lead to,consisting of,was named after,going through,谢谢观看,。

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