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牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit2 教案

erent expressions to refer to the same thing in British and American English;3. understand the rules of the differences between British and American E

牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit2 教案Tag内容描述:

1、erent expressions to refer to the same thing in British and American English;3. understand the rules of the differences 。

2、aphy.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: pilot, licence, navy, serve, test, aircraft, astronaut, spacecraft, 。

3、s with information from listening materials.3. talk about great people and the reasons they are admired.II. Teaching con。

4、rds and phrases.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: pilot, licence, navy, serve, test, aircraft, astronaut, s。

5、on;3. write an article about the person who you admire most.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: advantage, in。

6、continuous tense, the simple past tense and the past continuous tense, the simple past tense and the present perfect ten。

7、e new words from the context;3. identify the main idea of the passage by skimming;4. describe what colours can do and wh。

8、dys favourite colour and how the colour influences him or her.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: influence, 。

9、comprehension exercises.II. Teaching contentsNew words and phrases: be dressed in bluepink; dress baby boys in blueIII. 。

10、eading and listening materials;3. learn how to ask for advice and give advice;4. talk about what to wear and the role of。

11、e new words from the context;3. identify the main idea of the passage by skimming;4. describe what colours can do and wh。

12、dys favourite colour and how the colour influences him or her.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: influence, 。

13、eading and listening materials;3. learn how to ask for advice and give advice;4. talk about what to wear and the role of。

14、 or whether;II. Teaching contents1. New words: relationship, certainly, everyday, personal, ancient, suit, celebration2。

15、comprehension exercises.II. Teaching contentsNew words and phrases: be dressed in bluepink; dress baby boys in blueIII. 。

16、oods and the colours they choose to wear.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: trust, calm, warmth, handbag, ma。

17、in a rainbow;3. talk with their partner about colours.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: indigo, violet, rai。

18、oods and the colours they choose to wear.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: trust, calm, warmth, handbag, ma。

19、 or whether;II. Teaching contents1. New words: relationship, certainly, everyday, personal, ancient, suit, celebration2。

20、in a rainbow;3. talk with their partner about colours.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: indigo, violet, rai。

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