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牛津译林版七年级上Unit6 Task精品课件

Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Reading (II),Help me match the words with their correct meanings.,Word matching,d,f,e,a,b,c,Kittys lifestyle,milk and bread,

牛津译林版七年级上Unit6 Task精品课件Tag内容描述:

1、Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Reading (II),Help me match the words with their correct meanings.,Word matching,d,f,e,a,b,c,Kittys lifestyle,milk and bread,fish and vegetables,fish and vegetables,an apple or a pear,every day,half an hour,Daniels lifestyle,hamburgers, beef and cola,fruit, fish and vegetables,seldom,go swimming every week,My lifestyle,Im Mr Shen. I like to play badminton and I spend five minutes driving to work every day.For breakfast, I usually eat some pieces of bread and an egg, 。

2、,Unit 8 Fashion,Task,Designing clothes,学习目标,能够运用所学单词,短语和句子谈论衣服的名称、颜色、材质及特点。 能够列出写作提纲并写出一篇关于服装设计的作文。,What is he ?,a model,Who designs the clothes?,a designer,a famous designer from England.,/dzan/,Alexander McQueen (亚历山大麦昆,1969年3月17日2010年2月11日)是英国著名的服装设计师,有坏孩子之称,被认为是英国的时尚教父。,1998年, 亚历山大麦昆设计的“纪梵希99春/秋时装展”在巴黎时装周上获得一致好评。,1998年,亚历山 大麦昆为影片泰坦尼克号的女主。

3、Going shopping,Unit7,Task,请预习单词: 1.笔记,便条 2.公共汽车站 3.餐馆 4.(位置,级别等)最高的,note,bus stop,restaurant,top,课前热身,请在课文中找出下列词组和句子 1.有关阳光购物中心的笔记2.做有关-的笔记 3.靠近公共汽车站 4.五层的商店 5.每一层 6.许多服装店 7.买到不同种类的衣服 8.一个大的书店 9.有许多有趣的书,notes about Sunshine Shopping Mall,make notes about-,near the bus stop,five floors of shops,each floor,many clothes shops,get different kinds of clothes,a big bookshop,have lots of interestin。

4、Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Grammar,Odd One Out,A countable noun (可数名词) refers to something we can count, such as an apple, two pears and ten lemons.,An uncountable noun (不可数名词) refers to something we cannot count. For example, we cannot say a bread.,Odd One Out,Odd One Out,Odd One Out,Form the plural of countable nouns,an orange,two oranges,a cake,two cakes,most nouns: + -s,When to use “an”? When to use “a”?,Form the plural of countable nouns,a story,some stories,nouns ending in a c。

5、1Unit 6 Food and lifestyleIntegrated skills I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn about Bennys lifestyle through listening;2. know more about their own lifestyle and how healthy they are;3. make up a dialogue to show how to order food at a restaurant.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: less, than, less than, more than, take a walk, total, number, score, point, more, order, menu, bean, all right, taste, the total number 。

6、Unit 6 Food and lifestyleStudy skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. read the vowels, consonants they have learned correctly; 2. pronounce the new consonants correctly.3. read the sentences with the new sounds correctly and fluently.II. Teaching contentsConsonants: /f/, /v/, /, /, /, /, /s/, /z/, /tr/, /dr/, /t/, /d/, /ts/, /dz/ III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Read some difficult consonant。

7、Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Reading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. read the passage fluently;2. understand new vocabulary about food and lifestyle;3. describe Kittys and Daniels lifestyles;4. try to give some advice about how to keep fit.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: fit, meal, pear, sugar, tooth, change, plan, more, pool, swimming pool,cola, love/like dancing, every day/week, need to do, keep fit, 。

8、Unit 6 Food and lifestyleTask 同步练习一、翻译词组1对我们有益_ 2喝一杯牛奶_3吃健康的食物_ 4健康的生活方式_5午饭吃米饭或面条_ 6给我整个下午提供能量_二、单词拼写1. Meat can give us _(能量), but too much meat is bad for our health.2We can enjoy the_(整个的)afternoon in the park.3. What food do you want to_(点菜),Millie?4. He likes eating_(饺子)very much.5. Do you like eating_(汤)?三、从方框中选择合。

9、Unit 6 Food and lifestyle GrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. tell the difference between countable and uncountable nouns;2. form the plural of countable nouns, including regular and irregular forms;3. use nouns before uncountable nouns to show their amounts.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: piece, glass, salt, cup, kilo, bottle, plate, carton, a piece of, a glass of, a packet of, two bags of, th。

10、Unit 6 Food and lifestyleComic strip and Welcome to the unit I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know more vocabulary about food;2. talk about what food they like or dislike.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: noon, hamburger, keep, lemon, watermelon, chocolate, beef, carrot,sweet, meat, health, lifestyle, pork, snack, have a hamburger, half past ten, be good at, keep away2. New structures: I like/hate I dont like Do y。

11、0七年级上册 Unit 6 Task 学案主备: 赵昌慧 审核: 日期:2018.8.2学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【板块要点】一、 教学目标1. 通过阅读短文,学生能够了解 Simon 的生活方式;2. 能够列出提纲并写一篇关于学生自己的生活方式的短文。教学重点、难点1. 能够找出关于生活方式文章写作的思路及段落结构。2. 写作时能正确地使用句型表达。二、词汇、短语 1 能量 (u. n.) energy a lot of energy 许多能量2 整个的 ( adj.) whole 3 keep fit=keep healthy 保持健康 keep+adj 保持某种状态4 for breakfast/ lunch/supper/dinner 对于早餐、中。

12、Unit 6 Outdoor fun TaskI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn how to make an outline before writing;2. choose suitable words and structures for an article; 3. write about what they think will happen to Alice next. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: sweet, become, enough, decide, enter, towards, forget, reach, climb, fail, a little, too . to2. New sentences: She was too small to reach the key.III. Focus of the lesson and p。

13、Unit 6 Food and lifestyle,Reading (2),What we eat and how we live,Feng xian Junior Middle School Jiang Lin,Step1:Warming up相信自己:我能行 !我最棒 !我能行 !我最棒 !,1.熟练掌握以下重点短语及用法:need to keep fit, have milk and bread for breakfast, feel hungrybetween meals, have too much sugar, be bad for my teeth , plan to eat more fruit and vegetables, a swimming pool 2.学会灵活运用本课所出现的重要语言点:have sth. for three meals,feel, too much, be bad for, exercise, plan to do 3.通过自。

14、1Unit 6 Food and lifestyleTask I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. retell Simons lifestyle.2. write about their lifestyles. II. Teaching contentsNew words and phrases: energy, whole, play football to keep fit, help me start the day well, give me energy for the whole afternoon, be good for us, need them to keep healthyIII. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Find useful expressions in Simons article;2. Analyze the 。

15、Unit 6 Food & lifestyle,Speak up StudySkills,Do you think you are healthy? Can you tell how to be healthy?,Talk,bean 豆,The beans t_ good.,有 的味道,aste,At a restaurant, we can o_ food and drinks according to(根据)the,rder,menu 菜单,点(菜),Speak up What would you like to order?,Listen to Millie and her cousin Andys conversation and fill in the blanks.,Millie: What would you like to _, Andy? Andy: Let me _ the menu, please. _ some beef? Millie: OK. Ill 。

16、Unit 4 Integrated skills,How to keep fit,丰县初级中学姜 琳,Task1:Warming up相信自己:我能行 !我最棒 !我能行 !我最棒 !,Task 2 Revision 写出下列名词的复数形式,watch story glass photo toy tomato child Chinese tooth woman hour month,watches,stories,glasses,photos,toys,tomatoes,。

17、Welcome to the unit,姜 琳 丰县初级中学,我爱学英语,我爱我的组员,我要释放热情,我要为小组争光,我要以小组为荣,小组要以我为傲!我自信,我积极, 我参与,我成功, 我学习,我快乐,加油,加油,加油!,我们的口号:,In this lesson, we will learn:,Words: noon, hamburger, keep, lemon, Watermelon, chocolate, beef, carrot, sweet, meat, health; Phrases: have a hamburger, half past ten, be good for, keep away . After this lesson, I hope:1. 90%同学能掌握以上所有的生词和短语。2. 80%同学学会用以上单词和短语讨论。

18、Unit 6 Food and lifestyle,Revision,How can we keep healthy/fit?,healthy food,do more exercise,fruit,vegetables,Now, well have healthy lifestyles.,an apple,2 apples,an egg,eggs,a hamburger,hamburgers,a cake,cakes,Singular countable nouns,Which word can be with “a” and which word can be with “an”?,a,an,cake,hamburger,egg,orange,uncle,boy,S,8,5,U,(可数名词单数),a 用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,如 a pen / a deska u etc,an 用于以元音音素开头的单词前, 如 an apple / an hour an h f l m n s。

19、Unit 6,Grammar,Oxford English 7A,丰县初级中学姜 琳,Task1:Warming up相信自己:我能行 !我最棒 !我能行 !我最棒 !,Task 2 Learning aims 1.识别并学会使用可数名词和不可数名词。 2.掌握可数名词的复数形式,包括规则变化和不规则变化。 3.学会正确使用量词修饰不可数名词。,Task 3 Revision,Word dictation 学生活动指导:1. 听写单词;2. 听写结束,立即交给搭档,搭档交换互阅;3. 统计单词批改情况,全对的每一人次加2分;,Words: 1. lifestyle 2. hamburger 3.sugar 4. sweet 5. snack 6. health 7. tooth 8.change 9. plan 10.。

20、Task,Unit 6 Food and lifestyle,如何保持健康 一周少于八次 多于9个小时 每天/每晚/每周 散步 需要多锻炼 不错 吃更多健康的食物 看一看菜单 计划点许多青豆 尝起来味道好 你想要些苹果汁吗? 我能要一瓶可乐吗?,how to keep fit/ healthy,less than eight times a week,more than nine hours,every day/night/week,plan to order lots of beans,take a walk,need to exercise more,have/take a look at the menu,eat more healthy food,not bad,Would you like some apple juice?,taste good,/go for a walk,Can I have a bottle of co。

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