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牛津译林版四年级上册 Unit3 How many1课件

Unit 3 How many? Sound time & Rhyme time,Teaching aim:,1. I can count from one to nineteen. 我能从1数到19。 2. I can read the rhyme. 我能读小诗。 3. I know the so

牛津译林版四年级上册 Unit3 How many1课件Tag内容描述:

1、Unit 3 How many? Sound time & Rhyme time,Teaching aim:,1. I can count from one to nineteen. 我能从1数到19。 2. I can read the rhyme. 我能读小诗。 3. I know the sound of letter “l”. 我知道字母“L”的发音。,Lets play,If you see a number, read it out. 如果你看到了一个数字,请把它读出来并表演出来。,If you see a thunder, please say “Oh, no! ” 如果你看到了一个闪电,请说“Oh, no!”。,twelve,fourteen,thirteen,sixteen,nineteen,eight,fifteen,one,eleven,three,10,Lets spell,th_ _teen,i r,Lets spell,f_ _。

2、Unit 3 How many? Story time,Teaching aim:,1. I can use “What do you have?” and “How many do you have?” to ask questions. 我能运用句型来提问。 2. I can read the story. 我能读故事。 3. I can understand and act Story time. 我能理解和表演故事。,l,Lets count,让我们数一数,one,three,two,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,twelve,eleven,How many pandas? 多少?,thirteen,Lets count,fourteen,stickers 贴纸,fifteen,Try to read,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,Story time,Who are they?,They are Mike, Liu Tao, Helen。

3、Unit 1 Lets make a fruit salad,Have a guess!猜一猜,I am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small black seeds. What am I? 我是一种水果,外面黄色,里面白色,并且有小黑籽。我是什么呢?,banana,How to say “你喜欢香蕉吗?“,Do you like these fruits? 你喜欢这些水果吗?,grape,banana,mango,pineapple,Its a fruit salad.,How to make a fruit salad?,Wash, peel and cut(into cubes). 洗、去皮、切(块状)。,1,2,3,Buy some fruit and a packet of salad. 买些水果和一包沙拉酱。,Mix the fruit cubes。

4、Lets make a fruit salad,On the farm,animals,Think: 农场里有些什么?,apple,pear,orange,On the farm,animals,fruit 水果,I have a mango.,mango,Do you have a mango?,Yes, I do. No, I dont.,I have some bananas.一些,bananas,Do you have any bananas?一些,Yes, I do. No, I dont.,_,_, I have a mango.,Do you, do you have _ bananas?,Bananas, bananas, I _some bananas.,Yes, yes. yes,_ _.,No, no, no, I _.,Do you, do you _ a mango?,Mango,Mango,have,I,do,have,any,dont,。

5、Unit 3 How many? Checkout time & Ticking time,2,Warm up,2. Play a game,1. Number song,how many,Can I have a look?,Sure.,very beautiful,What do you have?,fifteen stickers,1.Count from 1 to 19, then count from 19 to 1.,2.Count the odd numbers and the even numbers.,Count the numbers,5,Count the numbers,Say the next number,12,16,14,13,17,15,说出下一个数字,6,Count the numbers,Say the last number,eighteen,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,seventeen,fifteen,说出上一个数字,7,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eig。

6、Unit 4 I can play basketball (Period 2),Super Kids Club,Fun time,Song time,Sound time,Survey time,Words time,Revision time,I can! I try! Im super!,Revision time,Try to recite,Revision time,Revision time,Revision time,Revision time,Act it out,Super Kids Club,Fun time,Song time,Sound time,Survey time,Words time,Revision time,Words time,Can you name some sports? (用英语说出“运动名称”),sports,Brain Storm,sports,jump,run,skate,swim,play basketball,play football,play table tennis,Words tim。

7、,Unit 6 At the snack bar,Story time,What similar words can you say?(你能说出多少同类词?),apple,hot dog,milk,Brain storm,Unit6 At the snack bar,car,cap black,What can you see at the snack bar? I can see,food,Anything else?还要别的东西吗?,many,any,+ thing ,anything,Lets learn,food,hamburger,rice,sandwich,noodles,some,some,a,a,Lets learn,a cup of tea,a cup of coffee,a glass of juice,a glass of milk,cup 通常指带柄的瓷杯,用来喝茶、咖啡等,glass通常指玻璃杯,用来饮酒、喝水等。,drink,Lets guess.,1.W。

8、Unit 1 I like dogs (Period1Story time),Super Kids Club,Welcome to,Super Tasks,超级任务,Song time,New words,Game time,Work time,I can! I try! Im super!,Whatre the animals on the farm? 农场里有什么动物?,Watch a film and answer the following question,Super Tasks,超级任务,Song time,New words,Game time,Work time,dog,a dog,dogs,eight dogs,cat,a cat,cats,two cats,elephant,an elephant,three elephants,horse,a horse,Four horses,lion,a lion,five lions,elephant,horse,lion,monkey,panda,tiger,Super Tasks,超。

9、,U,n,o,D,8,i,t,s,l,l,(Story time),My doll,I have a lovely doll. Shes my friend. Her name is Lucy. She can sing.,Lets learn.,She can with(用)her_.,nose 鼻子,ears耳朵,eyes眼睛,mouth 嘴巴,listen听,see看,sing 唱歌,smell闻,She can with(用)her_.,She can with(用)her_.,She can with(用)her_.,Listen, speak and do.,If I say Touch your eyes, you do it andsay Eyes, eyes, eyes!,Lets,play,Lets think,What do you think of this doll?你觉得这个娃娃怎么样?,。

10、Unit 8 Dolls,Look and say,Her hair is Her eyes are Her ears are Her nose is.Her mouth is.,long,big,small,small 小的,small,Look and say,His hair is. His eyes are. His ears are. His nose is. His mouth is.,Listen and answer.,Who is the king? why?,crown 皇冠,国王,boy doll,girl doll,Read and fill in the blanks.,Reading.,Repeat. Practise reading in different ways.eg .Read in very high voice.Read in very low/soft voice.Read in roles.,Introduce your friend.,_is my friend. Her/His hair is_. 。

11、,(Period 3),H,Unit 7,o,w,m,u,c,h,?,Rule:当你看到飞机时大声说出上面的内容并将它击落。,Game: Shoot planes,Game: Shoot planes,Chaoyang Primary School ZoeZhou,(Period 3),H,o,w,m,u,c,h,?,Unit 7,I can act the dialogue in cartoon time. 我会表演cartoon time.,Learning aims,I can sing the song “The clothes shop”. 我会唱歌曲”The clothes shop”.,I can talk about the prices very well. 我能很好的谈论价格。,Introduction,?,bowknots,Community life,学校,餐馆,理发店,社区服务中心,医院,杂货店,礼品店,书店,药店,电。

12、Unit 7 How much?,Unit 7 How much?,Find the numbers in our life.,找出各场景中藏着的数字,注意左上角提示的数字哟。,How much?,10,13,17,Three,10,Go !,Ready,How much?,11,12,A15,8,Four,A15,12,11,Ready,Go !,How much?,1,Five,2,5,3,10,Sometimes numbers can also be price 同学们,数字也可以代表价格哦!,Ready,Go !,How much?, 15,10,5,11,How mu。

13、Unit 7 How much ?,Can you say?,Can you say?,Lets guess,How much is it?,Its yuan.,¥ 10,Its ten yuan.,Where did I buy it? 我是在哪里买的呢?,Lets guess,Charity fair,Charity fair,Try to say,Lets learn,umbrella,an,Tip:说出吆喝的语气哦!,Try to say,Look! This umbrella is nice.,Lets learn,Lets learn,Lets learn,Lets learn,socks,Lets chant,two new socks.,look very nice!, ,Socks, socks,Try to say,Wow! These socks are very .,Tip:说出夸赞的语气哦!,Lets learn,Lets say,Id like 。

14、,PPT模板下载:www.1ppt.com/moban/,4A Unit3 How many?,story time,Lets play,If you see a number, read it out. 如果你看到了一个数字,请把它读出来。,If you see a thunder, please say “Oh, no! ” 如果你看到了一个闪电,请说“Oh, no!”。,twelve,fourteen,thirteen,sixteen,nineteen,eight,fifteen,one,eleven,three,10,Spell fast,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,13-19的数字均以teen结尾,这里除eleven, twelve, thirteen, 。

15、,Unit 3 How many? (Rhyme time Checkout time&Ticking time ),I can count and write from one to nineteen.,I can use “How many . do you have?“ to ask questions.,I can say the rhyme.,If you see a number, read it out. 如果你看到了一个数字,请把它读出来。,If you see a , please clap your hands. 如果你看到了一个笑脸,请击掌三次。,Lets play,twelve,fourteen,twenty,2+?=20,eight,fifteen,eleven,7+?=20,thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen,thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen e。

16、,Unit3 How many?,(Story time),Enjoy a song,l,Lets count,让我们数一数,one,three,two,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,twelve,eleven,小小数学家,1.Find rules(找规律),2.Lets count(数一数),Find rules,Lets count,How many toy cars? 多少,9,4,9+4=,?,13,13,th_teen,girl shirt,ir,Lets count,How many dogs?,5,10,5+10=,?,15,15,f_fteen,sister big,i,How many birds?,Lets count,6,12,6+12=,?,18,18,_ghteen,eight,ei,Find the rule,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,teen ti:n,fourteen,14,fo。

17、,Unit 3 How many?,(Story time),Lets review,A: I have a/an. Do you have a/an. B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.,A: I have some.s.Do you have any.s? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,Lets practise,B: What do you have?,A: I have a/an/some.,A: I have a/an/some.,你有什么?,Rules If you see the words,please read it loudly.If you see the picture ,please say “Boom”. 如果你看到单词,请大声说出来;如果你看到图片,请说“Boom”.,play a game,one,Bobby,eight,how many,mango,three,five,eleven,twelve,Toda。

18、Unit 3 How many? (Period 2),数字歌,Lets play,If you see a number, read it out. 如果你看到了一个数字,请把它读出来并表演出来。,If you see a thunder, please say “Oh, no! ” 如果你看到了一个闪电,请说“Oh, no!”。,Number rain,twelve,fourteen,thirteen,sixteen,nineteen,eight,fifteen,one,eleven,three,10,Lets spell,th_ _teen,i r,f_ _ _teen,o u r,_ _ _teen,f i f,_ _ _ _ teen,e i g h,nine_ _ _ _,t e e n,Story time,Listen and repeat,Look at my toy cars.,Theyre nice. How many cars do you have, Mike?,Thirt。

19、Unit 3 How many? (Period 1),Sing songs,Number song,I have some purple grapes here.,Lets count. 让我们数一数。,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,How many?,I have twelve grapes.,本课时学习目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读词汇1319,sticker, how many, can, have a look, very, sure。 拓展数字:20 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型How many.do you have? I have/What do you have?3. 理解句型Can I have a look?/ Can I have one?,Miss Chen,(Toy animals),(fruit),?,Do you have any s?,How many s do yo。

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