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1Mid-term Test (A)姓名 班级 得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 A watch B Maths C match( ) 2 A night B right C eight( ) 3 A lake B cake C make( ) 4 A Chine


1、1Mid-term Test (A)姓名 班级 得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 A watch B Maths C match( ) 2 A night B right C eight( ) 3 A lake B cake C make( ) 4 A Chinese B Maths C Science( ) 5 A Tuesday B twenty C Thursday( ) 6 A pity B pig C pear( ) 7 A 5:15 B 5:50 C 5:05( ) 8 A skate B name C late( ) 9 A three B meet C week( ) 10 A idea B done C fun二、听录音。

2、1Test for Unit 5 (B)姓名 班级 得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。6%( ) 1 A winter B window C river( ) 2 A fine B nine C thin( ) 3 A kite B bike C Mike( ) 4 A wait B wind C winter ( ) 5 A fly B try C high( ) 6 A watch B lunch C match二、听录音,圈出与所听内容相符的图片。4%1 A B 2 A B3 A B 4 A B三、听录音,选出与所听内容属于同一类的单词。10%( ) 1 A book B black C desk( ) 2 A cool B come C can( ) 3 A f lower B today C Sunday( ) 4 A Monday B usually C Maths( ) 5 A make B cake C lake四、。

3、1Test for Unit 2 (B)姓名 班级 得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出与所听内容属于同一类的单词。10%( ) 1 A Science B subject C sing( ) 2 A table B juice C cake( ) 3 A football B skate C down( ) 4 A our B we C you( ) 5 A day B Monday C today( ) 6 A school B twenty C grape( ) 7 A come B fun C aunt( ) 8 A duck B where C umbrella( ) 9 A breakfast B nose C bird( ) 10 A shoe B table tennis C lesson二、听录音,判断所听内容与图片是否相符,相符的画,不相符的画。12%1 2 。

4、1Test for Unit 8 (B)姓名 班级 得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出与你所听内容相符的图片。4%( ) 1 A B C ( ) 2 A B C ( ) 3 A B C ( ) 4 A B C 二、听录音,选择正确的答句。10%( ) 1 A Hello! B See you. C Thank you.( ) 2 A Great. B Im not so good. C Im sorry to hear that.( ) 3 A Im fine. B Yes, please. C Thank you.( ) 4 A Yes, you can. B Yes, speaking. C No, you cant.( ) 5 A Yes, I am. B Yes, I do. C I have a fever.三、听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,相符的画,不相符的画。8%1 23 42四。

5、1Test for Unit 6 (B)姓名 班级 得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 A warm B home C water( ) 2 A mother B meet C matter( ) 3 A try B f ly C pie( ) 4 A winter B when C water( ) 5 A woman B snowman C man( ) 6 A short B shirt C skirt( ) 7 A sticker B sweater C teacher( ) 8 A wrong B on C long( ) 9 A move B glove C love( ) 10 A have picnics B have fun C have a party二、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,相符的画,不相符的画。5%1 2 。

6、1Test for Unit 7 (B)姓名 班级 得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出与你所听内容相符的图片。4%( ) 1 A B C ( ) 2 A B C ( ) 3 A B C ( ) 4 A B C 二、听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,相符的画,不相符的画。10%1 2 34 5三、听录音,选出正确的答句。10%( ) 1 A Im nine. B Im hot. C Yes, it is.( ) 2 A Yes, I can. B Yes, I do. C Yes, I am.( ) 3 A Good evening. B Good night. C Good idea.( ) 4 A Thank you. B Sorry, I cant. C OK.( ) 5 A Heres a jacket. B Heres a cake. C 。

7、1期末测试卷( B)姓名 班级 得分第 I 卷(选择题 共 60分)一、听力(共 20分)第一部分 听对话回答问题(计 10分)本部分共有 10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段话前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有 5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。( ) 1. Which sign are they talking about?A. B. C. ( ) 2. What did Alan get for his birthday?A. B. C. ( ) 3. How does Lindas mother often go to work?A. B. C. ( ) 4. What does Miss Black look like?A. 。

8、1Test for Unit 8 (B) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。8%( ) 1 a short b not c fat ( ) 2 a there b here c hair( ) 3 a I b eye c ear( ) 4 a snow b nose c shoes( ) 5 a tall b small c tail( ) 6 a cats b fat c hats( ) 7 a bow b how c now( ) 8 a the thin doll b the tall doll c the short doll 二、听录音,将图片与其姓名连线。6%1 Sandy 2 Li Hong 3 Bella 4 Jack 5 Tom a b c d e三、听录音,判断所听内容是(T)否(F)与图片相符。10%1 2 3 4 5 ( ) ( )( )( )( )2四、听录音,选出正确的答。

9、1Test for Unit 7 (B) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 a there b here c where ( ) 2 a big b pig c but( ) 3 a shoes b shes c socks( ) 4 a 32 b 52 c 25( ) 5 a football b basketball c swim( ) 6 a four b forty c fourteen( ) 7 a how many b how much c how old( ) 8 a have a look b have a look at c look at ( ) 9 a Can I help you? b What would you like? c Anything else?( ) 10 a How much are they? b How old are you? c How are you?二、听录音,选出正。

10、1Test for Unit 3 (B) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。8%( ) 1 a look b book c take( ) 2 a ball b toy c tall( ) 3 a can b cant c car( ) 4 a pens b pears c pandas( ) 5 a do b dont c would( ) 6 a cute b salad c cat( ) 7 a how many b how nice c how old( ) 8 a have a box b have a ball c have a book二、听录音,选出正确的答句。8%( ) 1 a I have four. b I am four. c I can see four. ( ) 2 a Thank you. b Theyre nice! c Its cute.( ) 3 a Yes, I can. b No, I d。

11、1Test for Unit 4 (B) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 a Mike b like c milk( ) 2 a have a look b look at c have a try( ) 3 a those tigers b that tiger c these tigers( ) 4 a fat b cat c that( ) 5 a in the desk b on the desk c under the chair( ) 6 a some mangoes b many mangoes c any mangoes( ) 7 a fly b kite c floor( ) 8 a Im sad. b Im happy. c Im late.( ) 9 a I like horses. b Id like a horse. c I like boxes.( ) 1。

12、1Test for Unit 6 (B) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 a fish b fridge c fruit ( ) 2 a sad b dad c cat ( ) 3 a either b hamburger c sticker ( ) 4 a thank b quack c snack ( ) 5 a skate b salad c sandwich ( ) 6 a any b anything c many ( ) 7 a nice b rice c juice ( ) 8 a car b bar c glass ( ) 9 a of b on c our ( ) 10 a else b eleven c eight 二、听录音,判断所听内容是(T)否(F)与图片相符。10%1 2 3( 。

13、1Test for Unit 1 (B) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出与所听内容同一类的单词。10%( ) 1 a elephant b nine c crayon( ) 2 a apple b cute c duck( ) 3 a pig b baby c picture( ) 4 a door b cousin c rubber( ) 5 a robot b dinner c have( ) 6 a he b she c your( ) 7 a cake b cap c monkey( ) 8 a shout b where c lovely( ) 9 a right b there c white( ) 10 a for b too c ten二、听录音,给下列图片排序。 6%( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 。

14、1Test for Unit 2 (B) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。6%( ) 1 a pineapple b pear c picture( ) 2 a these b this c those( ) 3 a many b any c some( ) 4 a my b your c you( ) 5 a salad b seven c eleven( ) 6 a want b wonderful c with二 听录音,给下列图片排序。10%( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,判断所听内容是(T)否(F)与中文意思相符。 10%( ) 1 你有一个大书包。( ) 2 我有一件黑色的夹克衫。( ) 3 他们有多少个菠萝?( ) 4 该吃早饭了。( ) 5 。

15、1Mid-term test (A) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 a can b run c cant( ) 2 a lion b elephant c monkey( ) 3 a fourteen b sixteen c nineteen( ) 4 a let b like c look( ) 5 a fly b very c funny( ) 6 a play b skate c swim( ) 7 a ouch b out c about( ) 8 a oink b quack c tweet( ) 9 a many cars b how many cars c some cars( ) 10 a like dogs b like this dog c like these dogs二、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。6%( ) 1 a b c ( ) 2 a b c( ) 。

16、1Final Test (A)姓名 班级 得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 A Music B Maths C Science( ) 2 A listen B lesson C lake( ) 3 A Sunday B Thursday C Saturday( ) 4 A basketball B football C breakfast( ) 5 A hurt B shirt C short( ) 6 A hair B her C hear( ) 7 A some B same C sunny( ) 8 A cough B cold C coat( ) 9 A thirty B three C thirsty( ) 10 A car B care C cake二、听录音,给下列图片排序。10%( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出正确的答句。5%( ) 1 A Its f ive. B Its Frid。

17、1Final test (A) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 a home b some c long( ) 2 a any b only c very( ) 3 a family b father c funny( ) 4 a short b sad c salad( ) 5 a her b hair c have( ) 6 a forty b fruit c fourteen( ) 7 a 39 yuan b 56 yuan c 73 yuan( ) 8 a cute b skate c snack( ) 9 a a glass of milk b a cup of tea c a cup of coffee( ) 10 a in the kitchen b on the sofa c in the office二、听录音,判断所听内容是(T)否(F)与图片相符。12%1 2 3。

18、1Mid-term test (B) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 a dog b boy c toy( ) 2 a fat b sad c salad( ) 3 a bird b girl c good( ) 4 a four b fourteen c fifteen ( ) 5 a great b grape c get ( ) 6 a any b very c play ( ) 7 a mango b many c monkey( ) 8 a cool b cute c sure( ) 9 a family b father c funny( ) 10 a make a fruit salad b our fruit salad c make a fruit cake二、听录音,判断所听内容是(T)否(F)与图片相符。6%1 2 3 ( ) ( 。

19、1Final Test (B)姓名 班级 得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 A fish B fine C fun ( ) 2 A kite B cat C cold( ) 3 A hot B hand C hurt( ) 4 A grapes B great C gloves ( ) 5 A what B water C warm( ) 6 A make B move C may( ) 7 A spring B sticker C speak( ) 8 A hurry B happy C hungry( ) 9 A fifteen B five C forty( ) 10 A 5:05 B 5:55 C 4:55二、听录音,选出与所听内容属于同一类的单词。5%( ) 1 A shorts B small C nice( ) 2 A English B hill C match( ) 3 A apple B milk C din。

20、1Final test (B) 姓名班级得分听力部分 40%一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10%( ) 1 a cool b cute c come ( ) 2 a he b hes c his( ) 3 a 13 b 30 c 31( ) 4 a many b much c make ( ) 5 a bedroom b bathroom c bedrooms ( ) 6 a where b what c who( ) 7 a for b food c fruit( ) 8 a robot b red c orange( ) 9 a tail b tall c talk( ) 10 a have a look b look at him c look at me二、听录音,选出与所听内容同一类的单词。5%( ) 1 a nose b umbrella c monkey( ) 2 a fifteen b mango c ball( ) 3 。

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