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牛津译林版英语必修二Unit1 Grammar课件

第 1 页 共 7 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained板 块:Welcome to the unit设计思路:本单元的学习内容主要是关于一些世间未解之谜。作为本单元的第一课时,主要是起热身作用,将鼓励学生充分发挥他们的想象力,同时还将充分利用

牛津译林版英语必修二Unit1 Grammar课件Tag内容描述:

1、第 1 页 共 7 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained板 块:Welcome to the unit设计思路:本单元的学习内容主要是关于一些世间未解之谜。作为本单元的第一课时,主要是起热身作用,将鼓励学生充分发挥他们的想象力,同时还将充分利用网络、报纸、电视新闻等多种渠道的信息让学生对后面即将要学的内容有个粗略的了解,希望借此来激发学生对将学内容的兴趣,培养学生探索发现问题的能力和英语口语表达的能力,并将学习本节课教材中出现的一些重点词汇及句型。(PPT3)Teaching aims:After learning this section, th。

2、Unit 2,Grammar and usage,To learn the Attributive Clauses with preposition + which/whom,2. To learn the Attributive Clauses introduced by relative adverbs “where, when and why”,Objectives,Observe the sentences. (新概念第二册) 1. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. 2. Mrs. Brabant is talking to the manager of the local factory where the crop is processed.,Have A L k,3. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where it is said pirates use。

3、Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good,Grammar and usage,Objectives,To learn to identify a non-restrictive attributive clause (非限制性定语从句),To learn to write a non-restrictive attributive clause,To get some ideas about question tags (反义疑问句),Non-restrictive attributive clauses 非限制性定语从句,Observe the sentences. (新概念第二册) 1. The operation, which lasted for over four hours, proved to be very difficult because of the hard resin (树脂) which covered the skin. 2. Perhaps the most extrao。

4、School life in the UK,Unit 1 School Life,enjoyable experience headmaster earn respect devote literature average,adj. 有乐趣的 n.&vt. 经历,体验 n. 校长 vt. 获得,赚,挣得 n.&vt. 尊敬,敬重 vt. 致力于,献身 n. 文学 adj. 一般的,普通的,平均的,Words Review,strugglechallenging encouragement cooking extra,n. 难事,斗争,努力 vi. 奋斗,努力,挣扎 adj. 具有挑战性的 n. 鼓励 n. 做饭,烹饪,烹调 adj. 额外的,外加的,Words Review,fond Spanishsculpture dessert satisfaction academic exchange,adj. 喜爱的,喜。

5、Unit 1 School Life,Hello, everyone! This is our first English class. You are senior high school students now. Are you accustomed to your new school life?,freshmen registration,the beginning of school life,Opening Ceremony,the beginning of school life,possible patterns: My name is Im from I am a I was born in My hobby is Im good at,self-introduction,the beginning of school life,Military Training,the beginning of school life,Objectives,To get a general idea of what we are going to lear。

6、Future Continuous Tense,Grammar and usage,Translation,We leave London on 15th July, and we will be flying to Morocco, in northern Africa. (7月15号, 我们将离开伦敦, 然后飞往北非的摩洛哥。),2. Since we will be walking every day for almost two weeks, I will need to buy a large, strong light backpack.(既然我们将每天行走将近两周, 我需要买一个又大又结实的背包。),Future continuous tense,will/shall be + doing,When do we use it?,Sunday Tuesday Saturday,Start climbing,finish climbing,talk about som。

7、Word power,Revision and Lead-in,Look at the pictures, guess what they are.,UFO,aliens,Questions:,Where are the aliens from?,What can you think of when we talk about space?,Brainstorming,space,space exploration,spaceship,unmanned spaceship,exploration,astronaut,spacewalk,spacesuit,space,outer space,spaceship: a vehicle for carrying people through space space shuttle: a vehicle that is designed to carry people into space and back to the Earth several times to do experiments,Words explanation,spa。

8、Project Telling about an unexplained mystery,Unit 1 Tales of the Unexplained What does the title mean? mysteries mysterious stories,Review,Vocabulary Brainstorming,无法解释的神秘事物 2. 先进的科学技术 3. 遇见 4. 寻找 5. 失踪 6. 出现 7. 对感兴趣 8. 令人困惑的亮光 9. 由于 10. 害怕 11.根据. 12. 目击者,unexplained mysteries,advanced science and technology,run into,search for,go missing,show up,show interest in,due to,get 。

9、Boy missing, police puzzled,Reading,A boy is missing, and the police are puzzled.,Note: The title of a news story is usually incomplete.,Boy missing, police puzzled,boy missing + a UFO + What happened last Friday,= ?,What can you know from the title and the pictures?,Who is in charge of the case?,Friday night.,The article is about a missing boy.,Detective Sam Peterson,Read the following newspaper article quickly and answer the questions.,Who is the article about?,When was Justin last s。

10、Welcome to the unit,Brainstorming,The most beautiful thing one can experience is mysteries. They are truly the basis of all arts and sciences.Albert Einstein,Thinking,1. In your opinion, what is the most beautiful things one can experience? 2. Why? 3. Have you heard of any unexplained things? 4. Can scientists explain these phenomena?,A spaceship from another planet? A satellite? A weather balloon? Cant tell? Thats why it is called a UFO!,Have you ever read some reports about UFOs in China? 。

11、Unit 1,Grammar and usage,Dear Tom, Its great to receive your email. Now Id like to tell you something that took place in my school yesterday. In the afternoon we held a growing-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday. At first we made an oath that as grown-ups we should have a sense of duty for our society from now on. Then we showed our thanks to our parents who had gone through hardships to bring us up and teachers who have been educating us patiently.,And our teachers also gave 。

12、Grammar and usage,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Objectives,To recognize the basic forms of “to infinitive” and “bare infinitive” To learn how to use “to infinitive” and “bare infinitive” in different situations To learn how to use the “verb-ing” form as a noun in various situations, To infinitive Bare infinitive Verb-ing form as a noun,To make friends, which way of communication do you prefer, chatting online or talking face to face? Why?,Free talk,Fill the blanks,Complete the pass。

13、Unit 1 Advertising,Grammar and usage Direct speech and reported speech & Reported speech: statements, questions and imperative sentences,To learn how to use reported speech in statements, questions and imperative sentences To learn the differences between direct speech and reported speech To learn the way to change direct speech into reported speech,Objectives,Look at the following sentences: Tom: What are you going to do this summer holiday? Amy: I am going to travel to Beijing with my pare。

14、第 1 页 共 3 页牛津高中英语教学设计 单 元: Unit 1 School life 板 块: Grammar and usage Thoughts on the design: 本节课是语法课的第二课时,学生通过上一节课的学习已经能够做到模仿造句,甚至自己生成句子了,所以本节课主要是让学生从语篇中总结出定语从句的规律,并运用这一规律解决实际问题。在课堂设计上,仍然设置了一条主线,即教材所提供材料中的人物:David Holmes, Kangxin 等。所有的教学活动都是围绕这条主线展开,注重从语篇输入开始,通过设置层次递进的活动,使学生能够达到预定的目标。同样也力求做到通过师生间。

15、第 1 页 共 3 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元: Unit 1 School life 板 块: Grammar and usage Thoughts on the design: 本节课是语法课的第一课时,是以认知定语从句、先行词、不定代词以及不定代词功能为主的语法教学课。虽然高一的学生在初中的时候已经接触过了定语从句,但对它的结构以及具体的应用还没有很好地掌握。所以在课堂设计上,以教师去澳大利亚这一经历为主线展开教学活动,注重让学生先从交际的角度出发,利用大量的图片和实例实现使学生自然地感知语言、通过模仿造句强化交际技能并进一步创造性口头输出定语从句这样一个逐。

16、第 1 页 共 3 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained板 块:Grammar Teaching aims:Learn the differences between the present perfect tense and the present perfect continuous tense.Teaching important points:1. Learn how to form and use the present perfect tense.2. Understand when the present perfect continuous tense is used in sentences.Teaching methods:Explaining and practicing.Teaching aids:the multi-media.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Compare the two tenses1. We use the present。

17、第 1 页 共 3 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained板 块:Grammar Teaching aims:Learn the grammar Present perfect tense and Present perfect continuous tense.Teaching important points:1. Learn how to form and use the present perfect tense.2. Understand when the present perfect continuous tense is used in sentences.Teaching methods:Explaining and practicing.Teaching aids:The multi-media.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead- inGo over the news story on Page 2 and find the sentences。

18、Grammar and usage,Unit 1 School Life,Objectives,1. To get some ideas about attributive clauses 2. To be able to find attributive clauses in an article 3. To know the usage of relative pronouns,Note: Pay much attention to “that” and “which”.,语法讲解建议采用归纳法,如尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语言规则和语法规律。,Observe the sentences you have learned. 1. Who do you think is the greatest person that has ever lived, Ed。

19、Discussion,What are they wearing?Can you describe the team using attributives?,Attributives,Attributive clause,Question: Which is an attributive clause?,The green team2. The team in green3. The team who are wearing green,prepositional phrase,attributive clause,adjective,Introduction An attributive clause modifies a noun in the same way that an adjective or prepositional phrase does. The noun it modifies is called an antecedent.,eg. The team who are wearing green.,Relatives,Attributive clauses a。

20、Grammar and usage,The form of the Present perfect tense,We form the present perfect tense with have/has and the past participle of the verb. have (has) +过去分词,The disappearance of Justin _ (make)Kelly very unhappy.,has made,We use the present perfect tense to talk about things that happened in the recent past, but are connected to the present.,Note:,The uses of the present perfect tense,I _ (not see) Justin since last Friday night.,have not seen,We also use the present 。

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