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人教版七年级英语下册Unit 2 单元限时练习 一、根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 1. A(n) _(群) of us are going to the club this evening. 2. Mike usually goes to bed at twenty _(过) nin


1、人教版七年级英语下册Unit 2 单元限时练习一、根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. A(n) _(群) of us are going to the club this evening.2. Mike usually goes to bed at twenty _(过) nine. 3. About a(n) _(四分之一) of my friends like English.4. My sister has two long white _(连衣裙).5. These animals (动物) only come out at _(夜晚).二、根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1.Peter plays computer games in the evening. (改为一般疑问句)_ Peter _ computer games in the evening?2.。

2、七年级下册Unit 6知识点限时练(25分钟)一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词,完成句子。 1. He often _(学习)history in the evening.2. Do you know the _(年轻的)lady over there? No, I dont.3. Do you _(仍然)live there after so many years?4. Would you like some _(茶)?5. How many _(州)are there in the US?6. This _(商店)sells different kinds of things.7. Its a good habit to w_ hands before meals.8. My parents want to buy a new h_ to live in. But we d。

3、 Point 1 so I usually eat very quickly. (Page 11 2b) quickly adv. 很快地,修饰动词。 The dog runs quickly. 小狗快速地跑了。 Dont eat quickly. Its not a good habit. 别吃得太快,这不是个好习惯。 【拓展】quick adj. 快的;迅速的。 Tom eats a quick breakfast, then goes to school.汤姆快速吃完早饭,然后就去上学了。 【典例】I dont have much time for breakfast, so I usually eat very _. Lucy often eats a _ breakfast, too. A. quick; quick B. quickly; quick C. quick; quickly D. quickly; quickly 【答案】B 。

4、人教版七年级英语下册Unit 7 单元限时练习一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.The ground is too _ (干燥的)and it needs water.2.Its very _ (寒冷的)in winter.3.Its a _ (热的)day today.4.We all want to move to a _ (温暖的)place.5.My favorite season is _ (夏季)6.Drivers should drive more slowly on _ (有雨的)days.7.Would you like some _ (果汁)?Yes, please.8.You must study _ (努力地)9.It is a beautiful place and there are some _ (高山)here and there。

5、人教版七年级英语下册Unit 4 单元限时练习一、根据句意及首字母提示完成所缺单词。 1. Your room is d_, please clean it. 2. We must wash our hands b_ dinner.3. Children cant watch TV on school n_.4. Its time for lunch. Lets go to the d_ hall.5. We cant a_ late for class.6. And we also have to be q_ in the library.7. It is very i_ for us to learn English well.8. Dont f with your classmate, Bob.9. Dont stay o . Its too cold. Com。

6、 Point 1 also / ls/ adv.也;而且也;而且 (Page 5 2a) 【辨析】also, too 与 either also 也,用于肯定句中,常放在句中,位于 be 动词、情态动词或助动词之后,实义 动词之前。 too 也,用于肯定句中,一般放在句末。 either 也,用于否定句中,一般放在句末。 My brother can also play the piano. 我哥哥也会弹钢琴。 I like English, too. 我也喜欢英语。 I dont like it either. 我也不喜欢它。 Point 2 help /help/ n.讲授讲授 (Page 5 2b) Mr Smith teaches English in our school.史密斯先生在我们学校教英语。 【易错点】teach。

7、 Point 1 Mary wants to know what he thinks of the trip. 玛丽想知道他对这次旅行的看法玛丽想知道他对这次旅行的看法。 (1)这是一个复合句,主句的主语是 Mary,谓语部分为 wants to know。在宾语从句中,要用陈述语 序,其中特殊疑问词(词组)仍在句首,位置不变;另外,一般情况下,宾语从句的时态要由主句时态来定。 Did he tell you where he went last night? 他告诉你昨晚他去哪儿了吗? 【典例】David, look at the man in black over there. Can you tell me _? He is an engineer. A. who is he B. who he is C. what he doe。

8、人教版七年级英语下册Unit 3 单元限时练习一、根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. My mother works in this school for 10 _(年).2. Look! A lot of _(小船) are on the river.3. Its five _(分钟) past seven.4. These _(村民)are very nice.5. There are two _(百) people in the hall.二、单项选择1. Susan lives far _ the library. She takes the bus to go there.Ato Bfrom Cwith Dat2. How can I go to your school?_.AYou can walk there with meBYou can take the red。

9、人教版七年级英语下册Unit 8 单元限时练习一、括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。1. The boys enjoy _ (play) computer games.2. Go down _ (one) Street and turn right.3. The bank is _ (cross) from the street.4. He is _ ( relax ) by listening to the music.5. Its _ (relax) to spend weekends like this .6. To get to the park, we just have to _ (cross) Center Street.7. I live in a (noise) neighborhood.8. Nancy likes _( spend ) time with 。

10、142Unit 1Can you play the guitar?第一课时Section A(1a2d)Target Navigation【目标导航】Key words and phrases:guitar,sing,swim,dance,draw,chess,speak,join,club,tell,story,play chess,speak English,be good atKey sentences:(1)Can you swim?Yes,I can./No,I cant.(2)What club do you want to join?I want to join the chess club.Skills:能够熟练地谈论表示能力的话题,以及自己的意愿。Emotion:通过互相询问或谈论自己或对方在某一方面的能力,使学生了解到自己的特长和特点,赏识他人的特长和特点,培养。

11、 【话题分析】来源:Z。xx。k.Com 能描述自己和他人的日常活动,倡导健康的生活习惯。 1. 能用一般现在时叙述日常活动; 2. 能使用频率副词 never,sometimes,usually 和 always 表达日常生活的习惯;来源:Zxxk.Com 3. 能掌握 then,so,after that,and,when,because 等连接词在写作中的运用。 【参考词汇和句式】 1. take a shower 洗淋浴 2. go to work 上班 3. eat/have dinner 吃晚饭 4. do ones homework 做作业 5. exercise 锻炼 6. brush ones teeth 刷牙 7. run 跑步 8. take a walk 散步 9. radio station 广播电台 10. on we。

12、 【话题分析】来源:学&科&网 能描述人们去上班或学生去上学所用的交通方式,内容包含出行方式、距离、所花的时间、感受及对 未来出行方式的憧憬。 1. 能用take/walk/ride/drive/by描述使用的交通工具; 2. 能用数字的英语形式描述时间或距离; 3. 写作微技能:能用 WH-questions 拓展写作内容。 【参考词汇和句式】 1. The bus stop is near my ho use, so I get to the library by bus. 公交站离我家很近,因此我去坐公交车去图书馆。 2. They live very far away from their workplace, so they take the subway. 他们住得离他们工作的。

13、 课标单词 1. up adv. _ 2. dress v. late for Point 5 What time do you get up on school days? 在上学日历你几点起床?(在上学日历你几点起床?(Page 9 3a) on school days 在上学日里 The boys play basketball on school days, and they play baseball on weekends. Point 6 What time does your best friend go to school? 你最好的朋友几点去上学?你最好的朋友几点去上学? (Page 9 3a) best 最好的(地) good 的最高级 My good friend is Jack, and hes my best friend. 杰克是我的好朋友, 他也是我的最好的朋友。 【典例。

14、 课标单词 1. guitar n. _ 2. sing v. _ 3. swim v. the B. the; / C. /; the D. the; a 【答案】C play 用作不及物动词时,常接介词 with,其宾语往往是物,表示玩耍某物, 也可以接人,表示与 某人玩。 Dolphins can play with the ball.海豚会玩球。 I often play with my brother after school. 放学后我经常和我的弟弟一起玩。 Point 2. speak English 讲英语讲英语 (Page 1 1a) speak 作及物动词,主要用于讲某种语言。 speak English 讲英语。 speak 作不及物动词时,常与介词 to 连用,即 speak to sb. 意为和某人讲话。 【辨析。

15、 课标单词课标单词 1. train n. _ 2. bus n. _ 3. subway n. _ 4. ride v. some also 2. _ (步行) or 3. _ (骑自行 车) to school. In other parts of the world, trips are different. In Japan, most students 4. _ (乘地铁) to school. In China, it depends on where you are. For example, Lin Fei is my friend, and his home is about 10 kilometers from the school. He 5. _ (动身去)school at。

16、 一、表示一、表示乘坐交通工具乘坐交通工具有以下几种方法有以下几种方法 1.take+the/a+交通工具名称+地点名词意为乘去某地。 I usually take the train to the countryside.我通常坐火车去乡下。 【典例】They usually _ to work. A. by bus B. take the bus C. by the bus D. ride the bus 【答案】B 2.动词 walk/ride/drive/fly 等+to+地点名词,意为步行/骑自行车/开车/坐飞机去某地。来源:学.科.网 He rides to work every day.他每天骑车上班。 3.by+交通工具名词意为乘。 In big cities, going by subway is easy and fast.在大城。

17、 一、询问时间一、询问时间 询问时间用 what time 或 when。 what time 用来询问做某事的具体时刻;when 用来询问做某事的具体时刻或时间段。 What time/When does he go home? 他几点/什么时候回家? He goes home at half past four. 他四点半回家。 When do you usually watch TV? 你通常什么时候看电视? In the evening. 在晚上。来源:学科网 【典例】1._ is your mothers birthday? Its May 8th. A. What B. Where C. Which D. When 【答案】D 2. _, please? I think its about 5:30. A. What time is it B. What the time C. When 。

18、,第八章 走近国家,第六节 巴西,导入新课,新课探究,课堂小结,随堂训练,看了这些图片,你知道这是哪个国家吗?,导入新课,巴 西,大 西 洋,0,23.5S,1.地理位置,巴西位于南美洲的东部和中部,东临大西洋。 国土面积约占南美总面积的一半。,一,探究点:亚马孙平原与亚马孙河,新课探究,2.巴西地形、气候与河流,巴西地形以平原和高原为主,地势南高北低。 巴西高原是世界上面积最大的高原。 亚马孙平原约占巴西全境的1/3。,热带雨林气候,世界径流量最大、 世界流域面积最广,亚马孙平原是世界上面积最大的平原,终年高温多雨,境内有最大的热带雨林。

19、第3课时 七年级下册 Units 16,第3课时 七年级下册 Units 16,基础精梳理 ,men,women,pianos,teeth,lives,musicians,musician,villager,第3课时 七年级下册 Units 16,friendly,American,noisy,funny,lucky,right,dirty,infrontof,out,early,old,near,night,arrive,bring,after,noisy,第3课时 七年级下册 Units 16,forget,down,never,teacher,scary,useful,quickly,best,truly,第3课时 七年级下册 Units 16,too/either,lots of,work,smart,study,more than,a little,第3课时 七年级下册 Units 16,speak,play,play the,join,at,at,with,for,wi。

20、仁 爱 英 语 七 年 级 下 册 Unit 7 单 元 测 试第 一 部 分 听 力 ( 20 分 ) . 听 句 子 , 选 择 正 确 图 片 。 每 个 句 子 读 一 遍 。 ( 5 分 )A B C D E1. _ 2. _ 3._ 4._ 5. _ . 听 句 子 , 选 择 正 确 答 语 。 每 个 句 子 读 一 遍 。 ( 5 分 )( ) 6. A. Its Wednesday. B. Its May 11th. C. It was June 6th.( ) 7. A. Im sorry, Mr. Wang. B. Im late again, Dad. C. Just a short time.( ) 8. A. The same to you. B. No problem. C. Thank you.( ) 9. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I did. C. No, I dont.( ) 1。

专题2.2 Section B --七年级英语人教版(下册)培优讲义含答案
专题1.2 Section B --七年级英语人教版(下册)培优讲义含答案
专题3.2 Section B --七年级英语人教版(下册)培优讲义含答案
专题2.4 Writing --七年级英语人教版(下册)培优讲义含答案
专题3.4 Writing --七年级英语人教版(下册)培优讲义含答案
专题2.1 Section A --七年级英语人教版(下册)培优讲义含答案
专题1.1 Section A --七年级英语人教版(下册)培优讲义含答案
专题3.1 Section A --七年级英语人教版(下册)培优讲义含答案
专题3.3 Grammar --七年级英语人教版(下册)培优讲义含答案
专题2.3 Grammar --七年级英语人教版(下册)培优讲义含答案
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