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,Unit 6 In a nature park,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Part B Read and write 认真的,clean(动词)清洗;清洁,短语 be careful小心,例句 Its not safe! Be careful!不安全!小心!,拓展 care,人教版 (三


1、,Unit 6 In a nature park,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Part B Read and write & Lets check & Lets wrap it up,2,课前热身,Review,Are there any bridges in the nature park? Yes,there are. Are there any buildings in the nature park ? No, there arent.,话题导入,What does Robin see?,课文原文,Read and write,课堂互动,我来判断, Robin is in Mr Smiths house. ( ) There is a nature park near the house. ( ) There are many ducks on the lake. ( ),Practice,课文原文,Read and 。

2、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 1 Whats he like?,Learning goals,1. 能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的特征,学习-y在单词中的发音规则。2. 能够根据-y的发音规则读出生词;通过听录音给单词标号的活动强化-y的音形对应关系。3. 能够按照-y的发音规则拼写出单词。,Lets spell,Read, listen and chant.,baby,happy,windy,sunny,sorry,Y发音/I/,字母y的发音规律,Listen, number and say.,4,3,1,2,6,7,5,9,8,Listen, write and say.,The is .,I like .,I am .,Listen, write and say.,The is .,I like .,I am .,baby,happy,candy,sorry,The is。

3、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 5 There is a big bed,Learning goals,1.能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的特征,学习ai/ay在单词中的发音规则;能够跟着录音说唱歌谣,强化记忆ai/ay的发音规则。 2.能够根据ai/ay的发音规则读出生词;能够通过听录音圈单词的活动强化ai/ay的音形对应关系。 3.能够按照ai/ay的发音规则拼写出单词。 4.能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范正确。,New words,Lets spell,Read,listen and chant.,rainy 下雨的,rainbow 彩虹,paint 绘画,wait 等待,say 说,way 道路,birthday 生日,Monday 星期一,/ei/,。

4、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 2 My week,Learning goals,1.通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的特征,学习ee/ea在单词中的发音规则,跟着录音说唱歌谣,强化记忆ee/ea的发音规则。2.根据ee/ea的发音规则读出生词,拼写出单词。,Lets spell,feet,beef,meet,tea,read,eat,Listen, repeat and circle.,遇见,脚,读,茶,吃,喂养,重复,牛肉,Listen, write and say.,I like to by the sea.,read,Listen, write and say.,the baby.,Have some and .,beef,tea,Feed,ee,t,m,f,t,b,f,gr,n,J,p,f,d,tr,/i:/,sea,tea,eat,read,flea,跳蚤,容易,请,pea,please,easy。

5、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 4 What can you do ?,Learning goals,能够听、说、读、写5个有关课余文化活动的单词或词组:dance, sing English songs, do kung fu, play the pipa, draw cartoons。 2. 能够在语境中正确运用这5个单词或词组。 3. 能够完成关于课余文化活动的调查并填写调查表。,New words,Lets spell,Read,listen and chant.,book,look,football,good,balloon,food,zoo,noodles,Tips for pronunciation,Listen, circle and say.,Look, listen and write.,I have a,I make,You,good food,.,look cool,.,football,book,.,Write and 。

6、,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Unit 3 What would you like?,Part C Story time,2,Whats your favourite food / drink?,Review,Whats their favourite food?,点击“课文朗读”,跟我一起练听力吧!,课文朗读,Story time,What would Zoom like to eat?,What does Zip have?,What does Zip ask Zoom to do?,What do they think of the food?,What will Zip drink?,Lets act the story !,Practice,复数形式 tomatoes,carrot(名词)胡萝卜,复数形式 carrots,careful(形容词)小心的;认真的,clean(动词)清洗;清洁,短语 be careful小心,例句 I。

7、,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Part A Lets try & Lets talk,Unit 3 What would you like?,2,Brainstorm!头脑风暴!,Say as many words as you can!,fruit,food,drink, What would you like to eat?你想要吃点什么? I would like. 我想要,drink drk喝,thirsty sti 渴的,词汇巩固,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起练听力吧!,Lets try,Lets try,bread,chicken,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读课文吧!,Lets talk,Lets talk,1. drink (动词)喝;饮,2. thirsty (形容词)渴的;口渴的,1. Im hungry.我饿了。,句型结构 主语+be动词+表示感受的形。

8、,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Part A Lets learn & Role-play& Lets spell,Unit 3 What would you like?,What would you like to eat?,sandwich /snwIt/三明治,tea /ti:/ 茶;茶水,hamburger /hmbg/ 汉堡包,1,2,3,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,Lets learn,1. ice cream (名词)冰激凌,ice(冰)+cream(奶油;乳脂) = ice cream(冰激凌),巧记,2. hamburger (名词)汉堡包,hamburgers,复数形式,3. salad /(名词)蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉,salads,fruit salad水果沙拉,复数形式,短语, What would you like to drink? 你想喝什么? Id。

9、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 6 In a nature park,Learning goals,1. 能够听、说、读、写5个有关自然公园的景物名称单词。 2. 能够在语境中正确运用这5个单词。 3. 能够观察词汇部分的图片,完成5个描述该图片内容的句子。,New words,树;树木;乔木,桥,建筑物;房子;楼房,村庄;村镇,房屋;房子;住宅,Lets learn,Are there any lakes on the mountains?,Yes, there is one.,village,house,tree,building,bridge,Play roles,This is a small village. I can see many trees in it.,Yes, I can see them, too. Are there any buildings in the vi。

10、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 6 In a nature park,Learning goals,1. 能够完成听录音选词填空的活动。 2. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 3. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。 4. 能够在情景中运用句型Are there any .? 询问并回答某 处是否有某物的问题并作答。 5. 能够在三幅图中选择一幅,然后通过问答找出与自己选相同图片的学生。,New words,arent=are not,rabbit,兔;野兔,不是,Lets try,Where are the tables? Listen and fill in the blank.,The tables are beside the _.,lake,在旁边,辨析near, beside和nex。

11、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 4 What can you do ?,Learning goals,能够在图片的帮助下理解故事内容,复习巩固单元核心句型What can you do? Can you .? 能够在教师的帮助下表演故事。,New words,邮寄,发送,want,send,email,at,电子邮件,后面接邮件地址,要;想要,Read and write,What is Robin like ? What can Robin do?,Read the article and answer questions.,Who can be my friend?,Do you want a new friend? Try me! I am Robin the Robot! I am friendly and funny. I can speak English and Chinese. I can do some kung fu. I can play。

12、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 6 In a nature park,Learning goals,1. 能够完成听录音选单词的活动。 2. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 3. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。 4. 能够在情景中运用句型Is there .? 询问并回答某处是否 有某物。 5. 能够在语境中理解生词forest, river, lake, go boating的意思,并能正确发音。 6. 能够和同桌一起就对话中的自然公园展开问答。,Lead in,Look at the picture and describe the room.,Look! There is a big white bird in the sky!,There are many pretty fish in the riv。

13、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 6 In a nature park,Learning goals,能够在图片的帮助下读懂短文,根据短文内容补画自然公园的景物。 能够写出3个关于文中自然公园的问题并写出答案。 检测部分要求学生能够熟练地听、说、读、写本单元对话部分的主要句型;能够听、说、读、写词汇部分的所有单词。 能够在教师的帮助下总结there be结构一般疑问句的结构和用法,完成相应练习。,Warm-up,Listen to the childrens song.,In a nature park,Up in the mountain, The mountain so high, There is a forest, Touching the sky.,Deep in the forest, The for。

14、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 6 In a nature park,Learning goals,能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的特征,学习ou在单词中的发音规则;能够跟着录音说唱歌谣,强化记忆ou的发音规则。 能够根据ou的发音规则读出生词;能够通过听录音圈单词的活动强化ou的音形对应关系。 能够按照ou的发音规则拼写出单词。 能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范正确。,New words,Lets spell,Read, listen and chant.,house,mouse,sound,count,是双元音,发音时声带振动。由/:/(或/ /)音滑向 音,前重后轻,口形随之变化。,Tips for pronunciatio。

15、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 3 What would you like?,Learning goals,能够完成听录音连线的活动。 2.能够在图片和教师的帮助下正确理解对话大意。 3.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话并能进行角色表演。 4.能够在情景中运用句型Whats your favourite food?询问对方的饮食喜好。,Warm-up,What would you like to eat?,A hot dog, please.,Warm-up,What would you like to drink?,A cup of tea, please.,New words,favourite food,adj. 特别喜爱的 n. 食物,Lets try,Zhang Peng and Sarah are thirsty. Listen and match.,Lets talk,Sarah: Whats yo。

16、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 3 What would you like?,Learning goals,能够完成听录音选单词填空的活动。 2.能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 3.能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话并能进行角色表演。 4.能够在情景中运用句型What would you like?询问对方饮食喜好。 5.能够观察对话部分的配图,描述图中其它食物。,Lead-in,Whats your favourite food?,New words,drinkthirsty,喝;饮,渴的,口渴的,Lets try,Sarah is hungry. What would she like to eat? Listen and fill in the blanks.,She would like some _ and _.,bread,chicken,Fathe。

17、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 3 What would you like?,Learning goals,1.能够听、说、读、写有关食物的单词:sandwich, salad, hamburger, ice cream, tea。 2.能够在语境中正确运用本课关于食物的单词。 3.能够完成关于课余文化活动对同学饮食进行问询的对话。,New words,三明治,蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉,汉堡包,冰激凌,茶;茶水,What would you like to eat?,Id like a sandwich, please.,ice cream,tea,sandwich,hamburger,salad,Lets learn,What would you like to eat?,Id like an ice cream, please.,ice cream,Would you like to eat a hamburge。

18、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 3 What would you like?,Learning goals,1.能够听、说、读、写5个形容食物的单词。 2.能够在语境中正确运用这5个词组。 3.能够完成看图片写词语,朗读句子的活动。,Warm-up,Whats your favourite food?,Beef noodles.,Whats your favourite drink?,I like tea best.,New words,新鲜的,刚摘的,健康的,美味的,可口的,辣的,辛辣的,含糖的;甜的,Lets learn,fresh,healthy,delicious,hot,sweet,Whats your favourite food?,Ice cream. Its sweet!,Role-play,Whats your favourite food?,Vegetable. Its healthy!,Whats。

19、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 3 What would you like?,Learning goals,1.能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的特征,学习ow在单词中的发音规则;能够跟着录音说唱歌谣,强化记忆ow的发音规则。 2.能够根据ow的发音规则读出生词;能够通过听录音圈单词的活动强化ow的音形对应关系。 3.能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范正确。,New words,奶牛,花儿,哇,向下,缓慢,雪,黄色的;黄色,窗户,Lets spell,Read, listen and chant.,cow,flower,wow,down,slow,snow,yellow,window,Tips for pronunciation,Listen, circle and say.,Listen, w。

20、PEP 五年级上册,Unit 3 What would you like?,Learning goals,能够在图片的帮助下读懂短文,根据短文内容勾选正确的答案。 了解书信基本格式。 要求学生能够熟练地听、说、读、写本单元对话部分的主要句型;能够听、说、读、写词汇部分的所有单词。 能够在教师的帮助下总结名词的复数形式,完成相应练习。掌握询问饮食喜好的句型。,Warm-up,Listen to the childrens song.,What would you like to eat today?,What would you like to eat today? Eat today? Eat today? What would you like to eat today? Something sweet to eat.,New wo。

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