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Unit 5 Dinners ready Part A,Brainstorming: (头脑风暴),Think about the food you know!说出食物的单词,看谁说的多,Boys PK girls,fish,Id like some fish.我想吃一些,chicken,Id li


1、Unit 5 Dinners ready Part A,Brainstorming: (头脑风暴),Think about the food you know!说出食物的单词,看谁说的多,Boys PK girls,fish,Id like some fish.我想吃一些,chicken,Id like some chicken.,beef,Id like some beef.,:,noodles,Id like some noodles.,u:,Id like some soup.,soup,u:,Id like some bread.,bread,e,vegetables,Id like some vegetables.,rice,soup,beef,fish,bread,vegetables,noodles,Which is missing? (哪个不见了?),chicken,Fish, fish, Id like some fish. Bread, bread, Id like some bread. So。

2、2020-2021 年人教版小学四年级英语上册教学计划年人教版小学四年级英语上册教学计划 教材分析教材分析 本教材的教学目标是激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语学习的 积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生装一定的语感 和良好的语音、语调,书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯;使他们形成初步 用英语进行简单交流的能力,同时,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维和创造 的能力。 翻阅此教材,总体感觉此。

3、Unit 6 Meet my family! Part B,grandfather,grandmother,father,mother,brother,doctor,Whats my grandfather?,He is a doctor.,Whats my grandmother?,She is a farmer.,farmer,driver,Whats my father?,He is a driver.,nurse,Whats my mother?,She is a nurse.,baseball player,Whats my brother?,He is a baseball player.,nurse,farmer,driver,baseball player,doctor,teacher,Lets read the words!,Lets do!,Act like a teacher. Act like a doctor. Act like a nurse. Act like a farmer Act like a driver. Act l。

4、Unit 2 My schoolbag Part B,Think and say,Whats in your schoolbag?,Lets learn!,candy,Its red.,Lets learn!,notebook,Its black.,Lets learn!,key,Its golden.,Lets learn!,toy,Its pink.,Lets talk!,What color is it?,Excuse me. I lost my schoolbag.,Lets talk!,OK. Whats in it?,Its green and yellow.,Lets talk!,An English book, two toys and a notebook.,Lets talk!,Here it is!,Thank you very much!,Lets play!,Three keys, two toys and an English book.,Whats in your schoolbag?,Lets play!,Tw。

5、Unit 4 My Home Part B,bed,sofa,table,phone,fridge,bed, sofa, table, phone, fridge,连连看,Moms in the living room. Dad is too.,kitchen,Brothers in the kitchen.,Sister is too.,Im in the bedroom.,Where are you?,Are they _?,apples,rulers,erasers,pencils,books,Listen and answer: Where are the keys?,Where are the keys?,A. Theyre near the phone. B. Theyre in the door. C. Theyre on the table.,Listen and choose,They are _.,on the sofa,on the chair,under the bed,on。

6、Unit 3 My friends Part B,Lets learn!,brown shoes,My friend has brown shoes.,Lets learn!,blue glasses,My friend has blue glasses.,Lets learn!,long hair,My friend has long hair.,Lets learn!,short hair,My friend has short hair.,Lets learn!,a green bag,My friend has a green bag.,Lets talk!,A boy or girl?,Hi, John. I have a new friend.,Lets talk!,A boy. Hes tall and thin.,Lets talk!,Who is he? Zhang Peng?,No, he has brown hair and red shoes.,Lets talk!,Is he Brooklyn?,Yes. Youre right.。

7、Unit 6 Meet My family! Part A,Raise your hand. Sit down. Stand up. Get the book. Open/close your book. Come here. Go back.,boy,girl,man,woman,baby,beibi,婴儿,sister,sist,brother,br,姐妹,兄弟,father,f:,mother,m,爸爸,妈妈,Who are they?,They are Amys parents.,My uncle is my fathers or mothers brother.,My aunt is my fathers or mothers sister.,Family,fmili,家庭,Look, thi。

8、Unit 2 My schoolbag Part A,Whats in your schoolbag?,a Chinese book,a math book,an English book,a pencil case,a ruler,a pencil,a notebook,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Whats missing?,Lets do!,Put your notebook on your desk.,Lets do!,Put your pencil on your pencil case.,Lets do!,Put your ruler near your pencil case.,Lets do!,Put your Chinese book under your notebook.,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiu。

9、Unit 3 My friends Part A,Lets learn!,tall and strong,I have a good friend. Hes tall and strong.,Lets learn!,short and thin,I have a good friend. Hes short and thin.,Lets learn!,friendly,I have a good friend. Shes friendly.,Lets learn!,quiet,I have a good friend. Shes quiet.,Lets talk!,Mum, I have a new friend.,Really? A Chinese friend?,Yes, hes very friendly.,Lets talk!,Whats his name?,His name is Sun Yue.,Lets talk!,Yes, he is.,Look! Hes tall and strong.,Lets play!。

10、Unit 4 My home Part A,Hello! Im Miss Yao. This is my home. Welcome to my home.,-What can you see in the picture? -I can see ,living room,You can see a living room.,study,You can see a study.,kitchen,You can see a kitchen.,bed,+,room,=,bedroom,the bedroom,You can see a bedroom.,the bathroom,You can see a bathroom.,Lets play!,Guessing Game(猜她在哪儿),-Is she in the _? -Yes, she is/No, she isnt.,Guessing Game(猜她在哪儿),-Is she in the _? -Yes, she is/No, she isnt.,-Is sh。

11、Unit 1 My classroom Part A,classroom,We have a new classroom.,classroom,We have a new classroom.,Think and say,Whats in the classroom?,Lets learn!,door,Open the door.,Lets learn!,light,Turn on the light.,Lets learn!,window,Close the window.,Lets learn!,picture,Put up the picture.,Lets learn!,blackboard,Clean the blackboard.,Lets talk!,Hey, Zhang Peng. We have a new classroom.,Lets talk!,Lets go and see!,Really? Whats in the classroom?,Lets talk!,Its so big!,Look! My picture!,It。

12、练习一基础达标:一、填空 和万位相邻的数位是( )和( ) ,其中( )是个级的数位。 ( )个万是十万, ( )个十万是一百万,10 个( )是一千万。 从个位起,第( )位是千位,第 5 位是( )位,第( )位是百万位。 一个六位数,它的最高位是( )位;最高位是千万位的数是( )位数;八十万是( )位数。 3507000 是( )位数,最高位是( )位,读作:( ) 。 30167284 中的“1”在( )位上,表示 1 个( ) ;“3”在( )位上,表示 3 个( ) ;万位上的是( ) 。表示( )个一万。30167284 读作:( ) 。二、下面的每组。

13、Recycle 2,四年级上册,Read aloud,Wow! Its beautiful!,This is our living room.,Come and meet my family. Theyre in the kitchen.,Welcome!,Merry Christmas!,Merry Christmas!,Is that your father?,Yes, Hes Father Christmas now.,This is my mother. Shes a nurse.,Nice to meet you.,Nice to meet you, too.,What would you like?,Id like some turkey, please.,Would you like some juice?,Yes, please.,Help yourself!,Merry Christmas!,圣诞小知识,(1)圣诞老人从前有一个老人,他一生最爱帮助贫穷的人家。其中有一次他帮助三个。

14、Recycle 1,四年级上册,Let me help you.,Thanks.,Read aloud,Wow! Your bag is so heavy. Whats in it?,An English book, a maths book, a notebook and ten storybooks.,Ten?,Yes. Theyre my friends storybooks.,Whos your friend?,Can you guess? Shes friendly and she speaks English well.,I know. Its Amy!,No. shes tall. She has short hair and big eyes.,I dont know. Whats her name?,Sandy White, our English teacher.,Ah!,Kate,Mike,Rose,Tim,Bob,name,win,nine,dog,race,lake,doll,Tom,hot,game,Coke,fine,note,Jone。

15、,Recycle 1,人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册,2,课前热身,Friends If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands. If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands. If your friend is tall and quiet,if your friend is tall and quiet, If your friend is tall and quiet,clap your hands.,话题导入,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,Read aloud.,Who can read it?,Let me help you.,Thanks.,Wow!Your bag is so heavy. Whats in it?,An English book, a maths book,a notebook and ten storybooks。

16、,Recycle 2,人教版 (三年级起点) 四年级上册,2,课前热身,We wish you a merry ChristmasWe wish you a merry Christmas.We wish you a merry Christmas.We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.Good tidings to you, wherever you are,We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.,话题导入,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,课文原文,课文原文,Group work,请同学们分组进行表演。,课堂互动,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟读吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,Listen and number the roo。

17、 目目 录录 第一周 大数的认识和读写法 1 第二周 大数的改写和求近似数 7 第三周 公顷和平方千米13 第四周 角的度量18 第五周 三位数乘两位数24 第六周 积的变化规律及综合应用28 第七周 平行四边形和梯形31 第八周 平行四边形和梯形单元检测37 第九周 除数是两位数的除法39 第十周 商的变化规律44 第十一周 条形统计图48 第十二周 优化问题51 第十三周至第十五周 期末归纳复习54 小小 学学 数数 学学 小小 组组 班班 资资 料料 四上 1 第一周第一周 大数的认识和读写法大数的认识和读写法 1 1、亿以内数的认识:、亿以。

18、PEP 小学英语四年级上册期末测试卷一、 找出下面每组单词中与其它不同类的那个单词。(15 分)( )1. A. bed B. bedroom C. living room D. kitchen( ) 2. A. glasses B.sofa C. chair D.desk( )3. A. strong B. quiet C. friendly D. spoon( )4. A. study B. floor C. wall D. window( )5. A. father B. farmer C. driver D. cook二、 根据图片顺序抄写单词(10 分)six duck cake rose pig-。

19、陕旅版小学四年级英语上册教材分析1. 陕旅版小学四年级英语上册教育理念教材是实施课标的手段之一,是对课标的具体细化,在实际教学中是主要的教学资料,科学地对教材定位就是用教材教,而不是教教材。修订后的陕旅版小学四年级英语上册教材依据国家教育部颁布的 2011 版英语课程标准,严格遵循新课标的教育理念和教学目标,以“ 话题功能 结构任务” 为基本思路编写设计而成的。该书以 Alice、Su Nan、Kitty 、Wu Chen、Colin 、Kevin 、Li Shan、Liu Zhaoyang 以及活泼可爱、滑稽有趣的 Toby 和 Aggie 为主线形象;由他们带领同学们,在。

人教版四年级上册英语Unit 5 Dinner's ready Part A 同步课件
人教版四年级上册英语Unit 6 Meet my family! Part B 同步课件
人教版四年级上册英语Unit 2 My schoolbag Part B 同步课件
人教版四年级上册英语Unit 4 My home Part B 同步课件
人教版四年级上册英语Unit 3 My friends Part B 同步课件
人教版四年级上册英语Unit 6 Meet my family! Part A 同步课件
人教版四年级上册英语Unit 2 My schoolbag Part A 同步课件
人教版四年级上册英语Unit 3 My friends Part A 同步课件
人教版四年级上册英语Unit 4 My home Part A 同步课件
人教版四年级上册英语Unit 1 My classroom Part A 同步课件
pep人教版英语四年级上册Recycle 1课件
pep人教版英语四年级上册Recycle 2课件
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