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Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!第 1 课时 Section A (1a-2c )学习目标 知识目标:熟练掌握句型:1. A:I think Im going to the party with Karen and An


1、Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!第 1 课时 Section A (1a-2c )学习目标 知识目标:熟练掌握句型:1. A:I think Im going to the party with Karen and Ann. B: If you do ,you l l have a great time.2. If you do , the teachers wont let you in.3. What will happen if they have the party tomorrow?熟练掌握并能正确运用以下词汇:jeans, have a good time, organize技能目标: 熟练运用“will+动词原形 ”和现在进行时表示将来的语言结构。了解并初步运用“if 引导的条件状语从句+will”结构来谈论因果。

2、1Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.Section A1 (1a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist, be sure about, make sure 能掌握以下句型: What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a basketball player. How are you going to do that? Im going to practice basketball every day. Where are you going to work? When are you going to start? Im not sure about that. 2) 能了解以下语。

3、Test for Unit 8(时间:120 分钟,满分:120 分)题号 总分得分听力部分(25 分).听句子,选择最佳答语。(5 分)( )1.A.Sure.Here you are. BIts an English book. CIts mine.( )2.A.Yes,I did. BNo,I havent. CIts great!( )3.A.Pop music is my favorite. B I like listening to music.CMusic can help me relax.( )4.A.I read it in the library. BI have read it before.CIts interesting.( )5.A.Yes,I will. BNo,I dont like it.CYes,its The Eagles.听短对话及问题,选择正确答。

4、Have you read Treasure Island yet?,义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册,Unit 8,Period3,Section B(1a-1d),Do you know who he is ? Do you like him ? And why?,Chopin,Mozart,Nie er,Who is your favourite singer or musician?,He must be popular. Do you have a favourite song of him?,Who is your favorite singer or musician? Why do you like him or her?,Warming up,He likes pop. He doesnt care for rock music.,n. 流行音乐,n. 摇滚乐,New words,band n. 乐队 e.g. Which band do you like?你喜欢哪个乐队?,_ The Toms。

5、Have you read Treasure Island yet?,义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册,Unit 8,Period 2,Section A(3a-4c),Robinson Crusoe,鲁滨逊漂流记由英国作家丹尼尔笛福所著。它是一部家喻户晓的现实主义回忆录式冒险小说。作者受一个苏格兰水手海上遇险的经历启发写成的。鲁滨逊漂流记是一部流传很广,影响很大的文学名著。它表现了强烈的资产阶级进取精神和启蒙意识。作者用生动逼真的细节把虚构的情景写得使人如同身临其境,使故事具有强烈的真实感。小说主人公鲁滨逊也成为欧洲文学史上一个很著名的文学形象。,小说分三部分:第一部分写鲁。

6、Have you read Treasure Island yet?,义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册,Unit 8,Period4,Section B(2a-selfcheck),fan n. 迷;狂热爱好者,laughter n. 笑;笑声,football fans,New words,beauty n. 美;美丽,record n. 唱片;记录v. 录制;录(音),The machine is recording now. (v.) 那个机器正在录音。,1. forever adv. 永远;不断地 e.g. The little boy is forever asking questions.这小男孩老是没完没了的问问题。 2. abroad adv. 在国外,到国外go study abroad e.g. Are you going abroad for your holiday?你打算去国外度。

7、Have you read Treasure Island yet?,义务教育教科书(人教)八年级英语下册,Unit 8,Period 1,Section A(1a-2d),Presentation,Look at the picture. Have you read these books?,1a Have you read these books? Check () the ones you know.,_ Alice in Wonderland _ Little Women_ Treasure Island _ Olive Twist_ Robinson Crusoe _ Tom Sawyer,Lets learn the new words.,1. treasure n. 珠宝,财富(不可数名词);珍藏品(可数名词)e.g. They went to there to look for treasure. 他们去那儿寻宝。This museum has many art treasu。

8、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Practice 2作业导航学习祈使句,进行描述事情的经过,以及按照说明做事。 .看图完成对话A:How do you make fruit salad? B:First _ three bananas,three apples and a watermelon.Next _ the fruit in a bowl._ put in two _ of cinnamonand a cup of yogurt._ _ it all up.Do you know how to plant a tree? 用所给的词填空完成下列种树的步骤large,hole,deep,stick ,sure,straight ,tree,hole,putearth ,pushdown,foot,keep,water1.Dig a_ for the tree.The hole shoul。

9、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Practice 1作业导航学习祈使句,进行描述事情的经过,以及按照说明做事。.看图填空A:How do you _a banana milk shake?B:OK, Let me tell you.1. First, _ the bananas. 2. Next _ the bananas.3. Next _ the bananas and _ into the blender.4. Next_ the milk into the blender.5.Then _ the blender.6.At last _ .看图填空Mr Wu is a 1 .He teaches English.He 2 to work 3 bike every day.Tomorrow is Saturday.He 4 free.He is。

10、单元测试Listening(略)Using LanguagePut the words into the correct column.Choose the correct word in the sentence.1First _ three bananas.2Then _ the bananas.3_ the bananas in the blender.4Next _ the milk into the blender.5_ the blender.6Now _ the smoothie.Put the word in its correct order.1ogrtuy _ 2aadls_3reykut _ 4ooeimtsh_5ieepcr _ 6zaizp_7eenldrb _ 。

11、八年级(上)单元测试 ( Unit 8 )亲爱的同学,好客的 Bobby 想邀请你到他家做客。有兴趣吗?来吧!你会有很多收获的哦。一、 Bobby 想为你制作一份 milk shake ,可是他忘了制作程序,你能给他指导指导吗?并说明关键动词(10 分)A B C D E F 1( )_ 2( ) _ 3( A ) put 4( )_ 5( )_ 6( )_二、Bobby 爱学习,也想考考你,试试选出你最满意的。(15 分)( )1、How _ relish do we need for the shake?A some B any C many D much( )2、_ the books in the bookcase, Jerry.A Put B To put C Putting D Puts( )3、How _ your mother _。

12、八年级上册 英语导学案Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Period 1 section A 1a-2c课时目标 : 知识目标:1.熟练掌握词汇:watermelon,shake,pour , pourinto, turn on, cut up, yogurt, honey, need2.熟练掌握以下句型:(1)cut up the bananas (2)pour the milk into the blender(3)How do you make?(4) How much do you need? 技能目标:1,会用本节新词和短语,能听说读写;2 能听懂,读懂描述程序的简短听力材料,能就某个操作程序对话,初步书面编写这样的对话;情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动和独立自主的生活态度。

13、Unit 7 Will people have robots?Language Goal【语言目标】Make predictions:in this unit,students imagine what the future will be like and make predictions.Key Wordspaper, pollution,future,pollute,environment,planet,earth,plant ,part,peace ,sea ,sky,apartment, space,human,dangerous,already,factory, believe,disagree,shape ,fall,inside,possible,impossible,side,probably ,during,holiday ,wordKey Phrasesin the future, in great danger,live on the earth, play a part,spac。

14、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater?Language Goal【语言目标】Discuss preferences and make comparisons:in this unit ,students learn to understand and use superlatives with (i)est,the most and irregular comparisons good,better,best,bad,worse,worst. They also learn to talk and read about shows.Key Wordstheater,comfortable,seat,screen,close ,ticket,worst,cheaply,song,choose,carefully ,reporter,fresh,comfortably,worse,service,pretty, menu,act,meal,talent ,common,beautifu。

15、Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister.Language Goal【语言目标】Talk about personal traits and compare people:in this unit,students learn to talk about personal traits and use some adjectives to describe and compare people.Key Wordsoutgoing,loudly,hard working,fantastic,which,win,talented,care,serious ,necessary,both,though,should,reach,touch,break,laugh,share,similar,informationKey Phrasescare about,as long as,be different from,bring out,the same as,in fact ,be simila。

16、Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Language Goal【语言目标】Talk about how often you do things:in this unit,students learn to talk about what things they do and how often they do these things.Key Wordshousework, hardly,ever ,once twice,full,maybe,least,junk,coffee,health,percent,online ,although,through,mind,body,such,together ,die,writer,dentist,magazine,however,than,almost,less,pointKey Phraseshow often,on weekends,go to the movies,hardly ever,twice a week,three 。

17、Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Language Goal【语言目标】Talk about how to make,accept and decline invitations and obligations:in this unit,students learn to how to make,accept and decline invitations and talk about obligations.Key Wordsprepare,exam,flu,available,until,hang,catch,invite, accept,refuse,weekday,invitation,reply,forward,delete,print,sad,goodbye,glad,glue ,preparation,without,surprised,opening,concert,event,guest,calendar,daytimeKey Phrasescome to.,p。

18、Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.Language Goal【语言目标】Talk about future intentions:in this unit,students learn to talk about future intentions and express future with be going to;want to be;what,where,when , how questions.Key Wordscook,doctor,engineer,violinist,driver ,pilot,pianist,scientist,college,education,medicine,university ,London,send,team,foreign,question,meaning,discuss ,promise ,beginning,improve ,physical,hobby,weekly,schoolwork,agree,ow。

19、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Language Goal【语言目标】Talk about how to make something:in this unit,students learn to follow instructions to make some food. They also learn how to describe a process and practice writing it.Key Wordsshake,pour,yogurt,honey,watermelon,spoon,add,finally,salt,sugar,cheese,corn ,machine,dig ,hole,sandwich,butter ,piece,traditional,autumn,traveler ,England ,celebrate, mix,pepper ,fill, plate,cover ,serve,temperatureKey Phra。

新目标人教版英语八年级下册Unit8 Section B(1a-1d)课件
新目标人教版英语八年级下册Unit8 Section A(3a-4c)课件
新目标人教版英语八年级下册Unit8 Section B(2a-selfcheck)课件
新目标人教版英语八年级下册Unit8 Section A(1a-2d)课件
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