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Unit 8 When is your birthday?第一课时 Section A (1a2e)A 基础起航 .根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1When_ is your birthday?Its on October 10th.2The last month of a year is Dece


1、Unit 8 When is your birthday?第一课时 Section A (1a2e)A 基础起航 .根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1When_ is your birthday?Its on October 10th.2The last month of a year is December_3The second month of a year is February_4My parents birthdays are in March_, the third month of a year.5My mothers birthday is in November_6There are twelve months_ in a year.7Chinas National Day is on October_ 1st.8January_ is the first month of a year.9Teachers Day is on September_ 10。

2、七七年级英语年级英语 Unit6Unit6 优化复习检测优化复习检测 一语法专练:一般现在: 1. I_(like)bananas but my brother _(like)apples. 2.Tom _(watch)TV every weekend. 3. My sister _(go) to school at six. 4.Mr.Green_。

3、Period II,My names Gina.,Unit 1,1. Memorize the words and phrases: first, first name, last, last name, boy, girl. 2. Learn about first name and last name. 3. Train writing and speaking skills.,Revision,NEW WORDS,first 第一的 last 最后的;上一个的 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 telephone 电话 number 数;数字 phone 电话 card 卡;卡片 family 家;家庭,first name = given name 名 last name = family name 姓,在英语中,通常先说名再说姓。如: Steve Mann, Steve是他的名,而Mann 才是他的姓。,Steve Mann,first 。

4、 1 七年级英语上期末七年级英语上期末语法基础知识点语法基础知识点复习复习(全册)(全册) (一)be 动词。 1 1、bebe 动词概说。动词概说。( (包括包括 am,am, are,are, is)is) 连系动词,本身有词义“是”,在句子中和其后的表语一起构成谓语。 e.g. I am tall.(表语) 助动词,无词义。 e.g. He is playing football. 2 2。

5、My favorite subject is science.,Unit9,Section B,Days of the week,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday,星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日,Weekdays (工作日),Weekends (周末),Sunday在古英文中的意思是suns day (属于太阳的日子)。对基督徒而言, 星期日是 “安息日”,因为耶稣复活的日子是在星期日。 约在西元三百年左右,欧洲教会和政府当局 开始明定星期日为休息的日子,直到今日,世界 上大多数的国家都以Sunday星期日为假日。,1a,Match the words on the left with their opposites on the 。

6、Unit 2 This is my sister.,Section B,ofphoto here next picture girl dog,属于(某人或某物);关于(某人或某物) 照片; 相片 这里; 在这里 下一个的;接下来的 照片;图画 女孩 狗,3a,Complete the passage with the words in the box. Then draw a picture of Pauls family.,brothers parents Cindy family,Hi. My name is Paul. This is a photo of my _. These are my _ and these are my _, John and Bob. This is my sister _.,family,parents,brothers,Cindy,3b,Bring a family photo to class and write about it. Then tell a cla。

7、,Unit 4,Wheres my schoolbag?,Section B,2a Write the words you know for the thingsin the picture.,bed quilt sofa,desk chair key,book notebook,clock schoolbag,drawer radio,2b,Read the passage and answer the questions: Is Kate tidy? Is Gina tidy?,Im Kate, and my sister is Gina. Im tidy,But Gina is not. In our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase. My keys are in my schoolbag. I have a clock. Its on the desk. Ginas books are everywhere on her bed, on the so。

8、My favorite subject is science.,Unit 9,Section B,3a,Number these parts of e-mail passage.,I have P.E. at 1:00. P.E. is fun. Then at 2:00, I have math. It is boring. At 3:00, I have art. It is cool.,2,Hi Mei Ling, Thank you for your e-mail. I want to meet you on Friday afternoon,but I am really busy.,Lets meet on Saturday. Is that OK with you? Dale,1,3,3b,Fill in the schedule below for your classes on Friday.,3c,Now write an e-mail message to a friend about your holiday.,1.busy 繁忙的free 空。

9、,Unit 4,Wheres my schoolbag?,Section B,radio clock tape model plane model plane player tape player,收音机;无线电广播 时钟 录音带;磁带;录像带 模型 飞机 飞机模型 播放机 录音机,Words and expressions,1a,Match the words with the things in the picture.,1.radio _ 2.clock _ 3.tape player_ 4.model plane_ 5. tape _ 6. hat _,a,d,b,f,e,c,1b,Look at the picture in 1a for three minutes. Then close your books and write down all the things you remember.,Possible answers:math book computer game video t。

10、Unit 2 This is my sister.,Section B,son cousin daughter grandpa grandma mom dad aunt uncle,儿子 堂 (表) 兄弟 女儿 (外)祖父 (外)祖母 妈妈 爸爸 伯母;婶母;舅母 叔; 舅; 姨夫; 姑父,Add the words in the box to the family tree.,sister son cousin grandpa mom aunt,grandpa /grandma,dad/ mom,daughter (sister),son (brother),uncle/ aunt,daughter(cousin),1,grandpa_ grandma _ cousin _ dad _ mom_ uncle _ aunt _ brothe。

11、,Is this your pencil?,Unit 3,Section B,Words & Expressions,baseballwatchcomputergame card ID card notebookringbag,棒球 手表 电脑;计算机 游戏;运动;比赛 卡片 学生卡;身份证 笔记本 环;戒指 包;袋,Match the words with the things in the picture. 将下列单词与图中物品匹配。,1a,1. baseball _ 2. watch _ 3. computer game _ 4. ID card _ 5. key _ 6. notebook _ 7. ring _ 8. pen _,e,b,h,a,i,g,c,d,9. bag _,f,Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture.,A:Whats this? B:Its a watch. A:How d。

12、Unit 6,Unit 6,Do you like bananas?,Section B2 3a-Self Check,good (副词) _ 2. eat (三单) _ 3. health (形容词) _ 4. like (近义词) _ 5. 饮食习惯 _,eats,healthy,love,well,按要求写出正确的单词、短语或句子。,eating habits,6. 就早餐而言 _ 7. 就午餐而言 _ 8. 就晚餐而言 _ 9. 体育明星 _ 10. 最后一个问题 _ 11. 我不想变胖。 _。

13、Unit 6 Do you like bananas?,Section B,1a,Write the number of each word next to the correct word.,orange 3.eggs 5.ice cream 7.banana 9.rice salad 4.apple 6.hamburger 8.chicken10.carrots,3,4,7,10,6,1,8,2,5,9,1b,How many other words can you add to the lists?,fruits: _ _vegetables: _ _,pears,carrots,1c,Listen and circle the food you hear in 1a.,orange 2.salad 3.eggs 4.apple 5.ice cream 6.hamburger 7.。

14、My names Gina.,Unit One,Section B Period 4,Read the list of names. Write F for first name and L for last name.,2a,L LL LL,F FF F,Read the message and match them with the pictures. Circle the first names and underline the last names.,2b,1.My name is Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend is Gina Smith. Her phone nnumber is 232-4672. 2.Im Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My teleph。

15、Unit 5 Do you have a soccerball?,Section B2 3a-Self Check,3a,Write more questions about sports equipment?,1. Do you have a soccer ball?( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont.,2. ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont. 3. ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont. 4. ( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I dont.,Do you have a baseball bat?,Do you have a volleyball?,Do you have a ping-pong bat?,3b,Exchange books with a partner. Answer his or her questions in 3a.,。

16、How much are these socks?,Section B,2a.How much do you think these things cost? Match each clothing item with a price.,1.a skirt_ 2.a sweater _ 3.socks _ 4.trousers_ 5.shorts _ 6.shoes_,a.$3 b.$15 c.$30 d.$20 e.$22 f.$25,$20,$15,$3,$22,$30,$23,Mr. Cools Clothes StoreCome and buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell all our clothes at very good prices. Do you like sweaters? We have red and green sweaters for only sale $15! Yellow and white sweaters a。

17、Unit One,My names Gina.,Section B Period 3,one two three four five six seven eight nine,num. 一 num. 二 num. 三 num. 四 num. 五 num. 六 num. 七 num. 八 num. 九,telephone number phone telephone/phone number,n. 电话 n. 号码;数字 n. 电话;电话机 电话号码,one,two,three,four,0,zero,English numbers: 0 1 2 3 4,five,six,seven,eight,nine,5 6 7 8 9,Lets read these numbers. (朗读这些数字。),59732,2366,806536,60215。

18、Unit 5 Do you have a soccerball?,Section B1 1a-2c,baseball (复数) _ bat (复数) _ 3. do (第三人称单数) _ 4. have (第三人称单数) _ 5. do not (缩写形式) _ 6. does not (缩写形式) _ 7. 打篮球 _,bats,does,has,baseballs,按要求写出正确的单词或句子。,dont,doesnt,play basketball,8. 打排球 _ 9.。

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