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人教pep版四年级上册英语Unit 5 第一课时课件

,Part B第一课时 Lets learn make a map and talk,Unit One,My school.,Warm up,单击播放视频,Warm up,Free talk:,Whats in our school?,T:Is this a teachers desk?,Ss:Ye

人教pep版四年级上册英语Unit 5 第一课时课件Tag内容描述:

1、Part B第一课时 Lets learn make a map and talk,Unit One,My school.,Warm up,单击播放视频,Warm up,Free talk:,Whats in our school?,T:Is this a teachers desk?,Ss:Yes,it is.,T:Is that Zhang Peng?,Ss:Yes.,单击播放视频,We can see a computer in that room. Is that the computer room?,No,it isnt.,Do you have a library?Where is it?,Constitution,S1:Welcome to my school. This is my classroom. S2:Its so big. Do you have an art room? S1:Yes,we do. Its on the second floor. S2:Is this the teachers office? S1:No,it。

2、Unit 4 At the farmPart A 第一课时1、选择正确的中文翻译。( ) 1. Try some!A. 尝一些! B.看一些!( ) 2. They are tomatoes.A.它们是土豆。 B.它们是西红柿。( ) 3. I like carrots.A.我喜欢胡萝卜。 B.我喜欢兔子。2、单项选择。( ) 1. What are_ ? A. it B. these C. this( ) 2. Are they bananas?Yes, _.A. it is B. they are C. They arent( ) 3. Are they _?A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos( ) 4. Are_ carrots?A. this B. these C. that( ) 5. They are_.A. apple 。

3、Unit 3 WeatherPart A 第一课时1、选词填空。1. Whats the weather like in London? Its _(有风的).2. Is it_? Yes, it is.3. Its _ (阳光充足的)in Sydney.4. Its _ (下雪的). Lets make a snowman.2、单项选择。( ) 1. Can I_ outside?A. go to B. go C. to( ) 2. Can I have some soup?_A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, you can.( ) 3. _ Its 6 oclock.A. What time is it? B. Can I go outside? C. Whats this?3、选择合适的句子补全对话。Mum: 1._Zhang Peng:。

4、Unit 2 What time is it?Part A 第一课时1、翻译下列句子。1. School is over._2. Lets go to the playground._3. What time is it?_4. Its time for dinner._5. Its 6 oclock._2、单项选择。( ) 1. Its time _dinner.A. at B. for C. to( ) 2. Lets _!A. goes B. go C. going( ) 3. Where are you? _A. Im Sarah. B. Its 6 oclock.。

5、Unit 1 My schoolPart A 第一课时一、按要求写单词或短语。1. two (序数词)_2. teachers(名词所有格)_3. wheres (完整形式)_4. 紧邻(汉译英)_二、单项选择。( ) 1. Where _ the dog?A. is B. an C. are( ) 2. _ the teachers office? Its on the second floor.A. Where B. Wheres C. Whats( ) 3. The library is _ the first floor.A. on B. to C. at( ) 4. Heres _ homework.A. I B. you C. my( ) 5. _ you have a library?A. Do B. Does C. Doing3、给下列问句。

6、Unit 6 Shopping Part A 第一课时1、英汉对应连线。1. too small 2. just right 3. too big 4. of course 5. try on A.试穿 B. 太小了 C.当然 D.太大了 E.正好2、单项选择。( ) 1. Can I help_?A. you B. your C. yours( ) 2. Can I try them_?A. in B. on C. at( ) 3. Here you_.A. am B. is C. are( ) 4. They are_ small.A. to B. too C. little( ) 5. Lets try_ 6.A. size B./ C. it3、翻译下列句子。1. Can I help you?_。

7、Unit One,Part A第一课时 Lets talk Look, ask and answer,My school.,Warm up,Song: Our school.,单击播放视频,Teachers office,Free talk,Why do you like our school?,单击播放视频,How many American friends are there? What do you do in the playground?,T:Whats in the first picture?,Ss: Its a library.,T:Whats in the second picture?,Ss:Its a teachers office.,on the first floor,on the second floor,Is this?,Yes,it is. /No,it isnt.,Consolidation,1.一学生用手举起图片背对其他学生面向黑板站立,另一学生依照图的提示。

8、,Unit 5 Whose dog is it?,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets tryLets talk,Lets talk 视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Lets try 视频,Warm-up/Revision,Lets guess,Whose picture is it?,Its ,Presentation,Guess,There is an art show in the school. Here are three pictures.,Which is Johns picture?,Lets try,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Listen and tick . Which is Johns picture?,Lets try,Listen, read and check,The school art show is great!,Yes. I like this picture. The trees are be。

9、Unit 5 What does he do?,第一课时,Sing a song,My family,My mother is a doctor.What about your mother?,football player,nurse,teacher,doctor,Read the conversation and find jobs.,A: My father is a pilot. B: Wow! Where does he work? A: He works near the sea. B: How does he go to work? By plane? A: No. By car! C: Hey! My mother works near the sea too. She is a fisherwoman.,What does my mother do?,She is a taxi driver.,“询问别人的父母的职业是什么”的句子为:What does your father/mother do? 在英语里,。

10、Unit 5 There is a big bed,第一课时 A Lets try & Lets talk,My small bedroom,There is a .,clock,plant,There is a .,water bottle,There is a .,photo,There is a .,bike,There is a .,There is,The room is really nice.,There is a big bed.,There is a nice photo, too., Is Zhang Pengs room nice?Yes, it is. Is the bed big or small?The bed is big. Where is the computer?It is on the desk.,听录音回答下面问题:,答疑解惑,在小组内试读对话,找出不懂或不会的 地方,做上记号,先在小组内互相帮忙解 决一部本分,都不会的。

11、Unit 5 My clothes Part B 第一课时1、按要求完成下列各题。1. new(反义词)_ 2. this(对应词)_ 3. I(宾格形式)_ 4. put on(反义词)_ 5. Mike(所有格 )_ 6. these(对应词)_二、单项选择。( ) 1. Whose_ are those?A. pants B. dress C. skirt( ) 2. Can you help_?A. I B. me C. she( ) 3. Its_.A. mine B. I C. your( ) 4. I like _ green coat.A. those B. these C. this( ) 5. Is this your_?A. jacket B. shorts C. pants。

12、Unit 5 My clothes Part A 第一课时1、将下列句子改成一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答。1. This is my jacket._2. These are my shoes._3. This is a hat._4. Those are Johns shoes._2、用所给词语的恰当形式填空。1. Are these_(your)? Yes, they are.2. Is this Johns? No, its_(Mike).3. My_(shoe) are white.4. Theyre_(Chen Jie).三、选择合适的句子补全对话。A: What time is it? 。

13、,Unit 5 My clothes,人教版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Lets talkLets play,Lets talk 视频, Lets talk, Lets play,Warm-up/Revision,Lets sing,This old hat This old hat, this old shirt, These old jeans, and this old skirt Put them away! Its a sunny, sunny day. Its time to wear your shorts to play.,Presentation,/jz/,【用法】yours是第二人称名词性物主代词,单复数同形。 yours在句中可作主语、介词的宾语,也可用作表语。,Are these apples yours?,Try,这些苹果是你们的吗?,常见的名词性物主代词,mine我的 ours我们的 h。

14、Unit 3 My Friends 第一课时一、说教材1 教材内容本节课是人教版小学英语 PEP 教材四年级上册 Unit 3 My Friends 中的第一课时,内容包括 P.A Lets learn Lets find out 两部分。本课的主要内容是学习生词 friends, long hair, short hair, thin, strong, quiet,以及会运用句型 My friend is He has2.教材的地位本单元围绕“My friends”展开教学,重点学习描述外貌特征和爱好的词汇与句型。教师在教学中,可联系三年级下册第六单元描述动物外貌特征,通过以旧引新的方式,进行教学,降低知识点的难度。同时,教师在教学描述人的体貌特征。

15、My school bag 第一课时一.说教材1.教学内容:我说课的内容是人教版九年义务课程标准实验教科书四年级上册 Unit 2 My schoolbag,这一单元主要围绕身边 schoolbag 里的相关学习用品和日常生活中遇到的关于学习文具的常见问语展开。本单元需要 6 个课时完成,第一课时主要学习书的种类词汇。2.教学目标:借助任务型教学,采用多样化的教学手段,将听、说、玩、演、唱融于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望,使学生通过合作,体验荣誉感和成就感,从而树立自信心,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际能力。结合学生的实际,本节课的教学目标。

16、Unit5 Dinners ready!,A Lets talk,rice,soup,beef,fish,bread,vegetables,noodles,Which is missing? (哪个不见了?),chicken,What would you like for dinner? Id like some,晚餐,fish,bread,rice,egg,chicken,juice,vegetables,soup,beef,noodles,rice,chicken,soup,vegetables,What would you like ?,Id like some _.,noodles,beef,dinner: the main meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday.,Mum, whats for dinner?,dinner,晚餐,Bread is ready!,Vegetables are ready!,Fish is ready!,Soup is ready!,D。

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