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,Unit 2 My favourite season,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets tryLets talk,Lets talk 视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Lets try 视频,Warm-upRevision,The Season Song,spr


1、,Unit 2 My favourite season,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets tryLets talk,Lets talk 视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Lets try 视频,Warm-up/Revision,The Season Song,spring summer autumn winter,Presentation,【单词巧记】 rain(下雨) + y = rainy(下雨的),rainy (形容词)下雨的;多雨的,Its rainy outside. 外面在下雨。,【对应词】 hot 炎热的,Im cold. 我很冷。,cold (形容词)寒冷的,【单词巧记】 wind(刮风) + y = windy(有风的),Is it windy today?今天刮风吗?,windy (形容词)有风的,【单词巧记】 sun(太阳)+ ny = sunn。

2、Unit 6 Work quickly Part B Lets talk,What is it?,quiet,No eating,library,library,Where is Tom and John?,Listen and answer.,Read and answer.,They are talk _,quietly,B. loudly,A.,Tom:My name is Tom. Whats your name? John:Shh. Talk quitely. Im John. I can show you the English book. Tom:Thank you! John:Here they are! Tom:Ok! Can I read the book here? John:Yes. Of course. Tom:Anything else? John:Ok. Keep you desk clean. Tom:Ok,I will. Thanks.,Listen and repeat.,Tom:_。

3、,Unit 3 My school calendar,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learnRead and say,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Read and say,Work in pairs,Warm-up/Revision,When ?,Its in,Presentation,Jan.,January /dnjuri/(名词)一月,When is New Years Day?,Its in January.,New Years Day 元旦,Feb.,February /februri/(名词)二月,Mar.,March /mt/ (名词)三月,When is Tree Planting Day?,Its in March.,Tree Planting Day 植树节,Apr.,April Fools Day is in April.,April /eprl/(名词)四月,May Day 劳动节,W。

4、,Unit 4 When is Easter?,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets tryLets talk,Lets talk 视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Lets try 视频,Warm-up/Revision,New Years Day,Tree Planting Day,Easter,Mothers Day,Childrens Day,Teachers Day,Mid-Autumn Day,Chinas National Day,Thanksgiving Day,Christmas,When is ?,Its in.,Presentation,Childrens Day,Fathers Day,Dragon Boat Festival,There are some special days in June.,特殊的日子,special /spel/ 特殊的;特别的,Teachers Day。

5、,My favourite season,第四课时,Lets try.,Which is Zhang Pengs pictures?,picture,Listen and answer.,Whats Amys favourite season?,Lets see,Why?,Whats Miss White s favourite season?,Lets talk.,Amy: Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture. Miss White: Good job! I like trees. The colours are very pretty. Amy: Yes, I like autumn best. The weather is good and the colours are beautiful! Which season do you like best, Miss White? Miss White: Summer. Amy: Why? Miss White: Because I like the summer。

6、My classroom Part B (Lets learn & Colour and say),Unit One,Revision,Look and say,What colour are they?,red,green,yellow,black,brown,white,orange,Presentation,Lets learn,Lead in,OK!Lets go and see.,Hey,Zip!Lets go to the classroom.,This is the new classroom,Whats in the new classroom?,One blackboard,two lights,many desksand chairs.,Whats this?,Its a computer.,I have a new computer.,短语:computer games 计算机游戏,Can you see a fan?,Yes,Its a blue fan.,Please t。

7、Unit1 Winter Vacation,Part A,play football,go to the museum,take photos,make dumplings,How do you spend the Spring Festival?,I make rice cakes.,How do you spend the Spring Festival?,We go to the fair.,How do you spend the Spring Festival?,I get New Years money.,How was your winter vacation?,你的寒假过得怎么样?,How is the weather today?,今天的天气怎么样?,是,It was wonderful.,过得好极了。,good,great,bad,I visited the Great Wall.,I visited the zoo.,I visited the park.,我去参观长城。,How about you。

8、 1 / 6人教版精通英语(三年级起点)五年上册 Lesson1 教学设计教学目标 本课主要以自我介绍为话题,依据基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标和五年级学生的实际,我将教学目标制定如下:知识目标:1. 能够正确地听、说、认读英语国家 Britain 的名称;2. 能够正确地听、说、读、写 以下单词: I, you, am, is, my, your, friend3. 能够正确地听、说、认读涉及住址的句子: I come from (Britain).能力目标:在适当的情景中正确地听、说、读、写下面的句子: Im (Bob). I m (eleven).情感价值目标: 进一步提高对英语学习的热情,培养更加稳定的。

9、,How was Lilys winter vacation?,She was in China.她在中国。,She visited the Great Wall.她参观了长城。,How was Peters winter vacation?,He went to Australia.他去了澳大利亚。,讲述过去发生的事情,需要用到动词的过去式。,am is are go visit watchplay,was,was,were,went,visited,watched,played,Unit1 Winter Vacation Part B,How was your winter vacation?,do my homework 做家庭作业,I did my homework.,How was your winter vacation?,play the violin,I played the violin.,How。

10、Unit 1 Meeting New Friends Part A,Let learn,girl,boy,girl,Who is that?,That is Lucy.,boy,Who is that?,That is Robert.,man,woman,woman or man?,who is that? (boy/man/woman/girl)That is +name.,Whos that boy?,Which boy?,The boy with a pair of glasses,The boy with a book.,Harry Porter,Conan,Which 哪一个,Which boy? The boy in the red car.,难点解析,in: 在.的里面。,1. 在白色房子里面的男孩。 2. 在教室里面的男孩。 3. 在卧室里的男孩。tips: The in,Which boy? The boy on the silver bicycle.,难点解析,on: 在.的。

11、Unit1 PartA 教学设计文化和语言注释1.本单元的主要话题是“结识新朋友”,功能为询问人物身份,描述人物的特征。主要语法内容是:以 which 开头的特殊疑问句;that 用作形容词和指示代词;介词 beside, behind, with 的用法; ch 和 tch 的读音规则。本套教材从五年级上册开始每单元只有 Part A教学语音,在 Part B 部分则增加了阅读回答问题栏目。2.Whos that boy?(那个男孩是谁?)Which boy?(哪个男孩?)The tall boy beside Wang Tao.(王涛旁边的那个高个子男孩。 )Thats Peter. Hes a new pupil.(那是彼得,一位新来的学生。 。

12、Unit 5,Whose dog is it?,Beijing,mine,his,Shanghai,yours,hers,我的,你的,他的,她的,hers,his,yours,mine,What are they talking?,Chen Jie:The yellow picture is mine.Are these all ours. Mike:Yes, they are. Chen Jie:Wow!That picture of Beijing is beautiful.Whose is it? Mike:Its Zhang Pengs. Chen Jie:Look! There is a picture of Shanghai,too. Mike:Its Yifans. Chen Jie:Oh,yes! Its his.,疑问句问答,Poit,ask and say,Whose _ is this? Its _ .,Whose _。

13、Unit 5 Whose dog is it?,A Lets Spell.,Free talk.,-Whose book is that? -Its _s book. -Ah, the book is _,April4th,April3rd,April5th,April2nd,April1st,Lets spell.,ng,long, sing, ring, young,nk,think ink trunk pink,Read write and listen.,trunk song,ring think sing thing,drink pink thank moring long bank,Open your books.,P50 1.Zoom is eating.2._.3._.,Homework,拼读带有-nk;-ng的单词。 预习课本P51 Lets try和Lets talk的内容。,。

14、Unit 3 My school calendar,A Lets Talk,Lets try!,Zhang Pengs parentsMikes parent,School meeting,When is the School meeting?,It is in _.,School trip,When is the School meeting? It is in _.,Sing contest,When is the Sing contest? It is in _.,English test,When is the English test? It is in _.,Lets talk.,When is the English test?,It is in _.,Pair work.,Mike: We have a few fun things in Spring. After sport meeting, we have an East party. Zhang Peng: When is the party? Mike: It is 。

15、Unit 5 Whose dog is it? A Lets learn,dog show,my dog,mine,his dog,his,her dog,hers,Yang Kuns dog,their dog,theirs,Zoom:Look, Thats my dog.Zip:Yes,its your dog. The dog is yours.,-Whose dog is that?,-Its teachers dog.,-Ah, The dog is hers.,Practice.,Work in pair.,我的,你的,他的,她的,hers,his,yours,mine,summary,跟同学询问文具。,Homework,。

16、Unit 4 When is Easter?,A Lets Spell.,April4th,April3rd,April5th,April2nd,April1st,When is Easter day?,festvial chart,Group work,(小组之间互相询问每月的节日吧!并完成festvial chart),Lets spell.,th,thin, three, threen, maths,th,this that mother brother,Listen circle and say.,1.mother maths2. father thin 3. brother fifth4. this birthday5. there three6.that third,连词成句,My father is thin.,There are three.,_,Open your books.,P40 1.Thats her birthday.2._。

17、Unit 3 My school calendar A Lets learn,How many months in a year?,Twelve.,February (Feb.),January (Jan.),March (Mar.),April (Apr.),May,June,July,August (Aug.),September (Sept.),October (Oct.),November (Nov.),December (Dec.),12个月份在四季中的归属,January (Jan.) February (Feb.) March (Mar.) April (Apr.) May June July August (Aug.) September (Sept.) October (Oct.) November (Nov.) December (Dec.),My birthday is in,。

18、Unit 4 When is Easter? A Lets learn,How many months in a year?,Twelve.,February (Feb.),January (Jan.),March (Mar.),April (Apr.),May,June,July,August (Aug.),September (Sept.),October (Oct.),November (Nov.),December (Dec.),twelfth,twentieth,eighth,Look and read.,March,When is the sport meeting?,It is on April 4th.,When is the maths test?,It is on Dec. 4th.,When is the school trip?,It is on April 4th.,When is the Miss Chens birth。

19、Part A 第三课时,Unit 2 My favourite season,Game,这四个数字分别代表四个季节。一名学生上台,抽取数字相应的纸片,通过动作或语言,帮助学生们猜出这是什么季节。 学生们猜出后,便将数字翻转,出现对应的图片。另一位同学继续抽,直到四个季节猜一遍。,What can we do in spring?,We can ,spring,What can we do in spring?,We can ,summer,What can we do in spring?,We can ,autumn,What can we do in spring?,We can ,winter,lets spell,brown brother breakfast library,br:,green grandma great grow grape grass,gr:,grandma,gr。

人教pep版五年级英语下册Unit 2 第一课时课件
人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit6 B Let's talk课件
人教pep版五年级英语下册Unit 3 第二课时课件
人教pep版五年级英语下册Unit 4 第一课时课件
人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit2 B Let's talk课件
人教pep版四年级上册英语Unit1 Part B Let's learn & Colour and say课件
闽教版小学五年级英语下册Unit1 Winter Vacation Part A 1课件
闽教版小学五年级英语下册Unit1 Winter Vacation Part B课件
闽教版英语五年级上Unit1 Meeting New Friends Part A 名师课件
人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit5 A Let's talk课件
人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit5 A Let's spell课件
人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit3 A Let's talk课件
人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit5 A Let's learn课件
人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit4 A Let's spell课件
人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit3 A Let's learn课件
人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit4 A Let's learn课件
人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit2 A Let's spell课件
五年级上册英语教案- Unit 1 We have new friends. Lesson 1人教精通版
闽教版英语五年级上Unit1 Meeting New Friends PartA 名师教案
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