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,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part B Lets learnLook,match and say,Unit 6 Work quietly!,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Look,match and say,Practice,Warm-upRevision,What


1、,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part B Lets learnLook,match and say,Unit 6 Work quietly!,Lets learn 视频, Lets learn, Look,match and say,Practice,Warm-up/Revision,What are you doing now?,I am ,Presentation,What are they doing?,Look, ask and answer.,They are walking on the bridge.,Keep to the right! 靠右,What are they doing?,Look, ask and answer.,They are writing.,Work quietly! 安静地工作!,What are they doing?,Look, ask and answer.,They are playing.,Take turns! 按次序来!,What is she doing?,Look, 。

2、Unit 6 Shopping Part B 第一课时1、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. sunglasses B. cold C. hot( ) 2. A. scarf B. nice C. shirt( ) 3. A. I B. my C. your( ) 4. A. umbrella B. shirts C. shorts( ) 5. A. what B. how C. pretty2、单项选择。( ) 1._ do you like this skirt?A. What B. How C. Whose( ) 2. Thats _expensive.A. to B. two C. too( ) 3. How much _this skirt?A. is B. are C. am( ) 4. I。

3、Unit 4 What can you do?第一课时 教案一、教学目标1.能力目标:(1)能够听、说、认读词组 cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom, empty the trash.(2)能够听懂、说唱歌谣“Dog, dog, what can you do?”,并熟悉运用句型:What can you do? I can2.知识目标:(1)掌握 A lets learn 的新单词、新句型。(2)运用新学的句型以及单词进行日常交际。3.情感态度、学习策略等目标:(1)情感态度:养成讲究卫生、热爱劳动的好习惯,培养乐于助人的优秀品质。(2)学习策略:注重小组合作学习,培养相互。

4、Unit 6 Shopping Part A 第一课时1、英汉对应连线。1. too small 2. just right 3. too big 4. of course 5. try on A.试穿 B. 太小了 C.当然 D.太大了 E.正好2、单项选择。( ) 1. Can I help_?A. you B. your C. yours( ) 2. Can I try them_?A. in B. on C. at( ) 3. Here you_.A. am B. is C. are( ) 4. They are_ small.A. to B. too C. little( ) 5. Lets try_ 6.A. size B./ C. it3、翻译下列句子。1. Can I help you?_。

5、Unit 2 My WeekPart A Lets tryLets talk,What do you have on Thursdays ?I have maths、English and music.,询问对方某一天的课程的句型:What do you have on + 星期名称 ?I/We have + 课程名称.,询问对方星期几做什么的句型:What do you do + 星期名称?I/We + often, usually + 动词(短语)原型 + 其他.,Cooking Class,自学提示:(1)自由读对话,找出下列问题的答案并画出来。 What does John have on Thursdays?He has maths、English and music. Which class does John like?Music. What does Johns grandpa do on T。

6、Unit 4 What can you do?,A Lets tryLets talk,A:What can Zhang Peng do for the party ?B:He can ( ).A. sing English songsB. clean the classroom,A. sing English songs,sing English songs,sing English songs,What can you do for the party? I can sing English songs.,Miss White : What can you do , John ? John : I can ( ).A. sing English songsB. do some Kung fu,B. do some Kung fu,do some Kung fu,do Kung fu,What 。

7、Alphabet song 字母歌,Unit 1 Whats he like ? A Lets try Lets talk,new classmates新同学,Meet some friends,Do you know who Olivers English teacher is ?,知道,Yes, I do . No, I dont .,Miss White,称呼未婚女性或教师,Mr Jones,称呼男性,art teacher,A Lets try P 4Whos Mr Li ?,Hes the maths teacher .,Whos your _?,Who is,who is he?,Is he .?,funny,friendly,strong,old,young,kind,strict,Oliver will have a new music teacher ?Whos he ? Listen and answer .,Mr Young,Q 1: Is Mr Young young ?,No, h。

8、Unit 5 There is a big bed,第一课时 A Lets try & Lets talk,My small bedroom,There is a .,clock,plant,There is a .,water bottle,There is a .,photo,There is a .,bike,There is a .,There is,The room is really nice.,There is a big bed.,There is a nice photo, too., Is Zhang Pengs room nice?Yes, it is. Is the bed big or small?The bed is big. Where is the computer?It is on the desk.,听录音回答下面问题:,答疑解惑,在小组内试读对话,找出不懂或不会的 地方,做上记号,先在小组内互相帮忙解 决一部本分,都不会的。

9、,Unit 3 What would you like?,A Lett try&talk,Chinese food restaurant,western food restaurant,Chinese food restaurant,What would you like to eat?,Id like,= I would like,western food restaurant,What would you like to eat?,Id like ( to eat ),= I would like ( to eat ) ,What would you like to eat?,What would you like to eat?,What would you like to eat?,= I would like ( to drink ),Id like ( to drink ),What would you like to drink?,Listen and say,hungry,hungry,Lets try,Sarah is 。

10、,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Listen and write the names. Call your friends and plan your weekends. Read and complete the dialogue. Find out your parents timetables and role-play with your partner.,Recycle 1,Sarahs weekend 视频, Page 32, Page 33,Warm-up/Revision,Read,do morning exercises,A riddle,竹外桃花三两枝,映日荷花别样红,最是橙黄橘绿时,梅须逊雪三分白,For English words,spring,summer,autumn,winter,Presentation,When do you do morning exercises?,What do you do on the weekend?,I do ,Sarahs weeke。

11、Listen and match. Listen to dialogue 2 and tick the right picture. What are the children doing? Read the chant and write the months in the correct column. A game: Animals and dates.,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Recycle 2,Mikes summer camp 视频, P66, P67,Warm-up/Revision,Read and findwhich two months are missing!,January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,请回答,Whats the date today?,What day is it today?,Its November 21st.,Its Monday.,Presentation,Read 。

12、Unit 6 How do you feel ?,第一课时,Do you like popcorn ?,When do you eat popcorn?,Tom is chasing the mouse all the time. Is the mouse afraid of him?,How do you feel now ?,We are happy.,Lets try,Its cold outside. Sam and Sarah is talking. Listen and circle. Where are they?A. At home. B. At school 2. What will they do?A. Eat some fruit. B. Watch films.,Who is he?,He is a police officer.,He chases the mice.,It is a mouse.,They are mice. They are bad.,They hurt people. The cat is a。

13、,Unit 5 Whose dog is it?,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets tryLets talk,Lets talk 视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Lets try 视频,Warm-up/Revision,Lets guess,Whose picture is it?,Its ,Presentation,Guess,There is an art show in the school. Here are three pictures.,Which is Johns picture?,Lets try,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Listen and tick . Which is Johns picture?,Lets try,Listen, read and check,The school art show is great!,Yes. I like this picture. The trees are be。

14、,Unit 1 My day,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets tryLets talk,Lets try 视频,Lets talk 视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Warm-up/Revision,What time is it?,Its time for/to,Its nine oclock.,【对应词】 start,Presentation,I finish class at 12:00 in the morning. 我12点结束上午的课。,【用法】三餐前不加the,可以用have替代eat。,I eat lunch at 12 oclock. 我十二点吃午饭。,【对应短语】 come back 回来,When do you go back home after school? 放学后你几点回到家?,【对应词】 before,I always do my homework after cl。

15、,Unit 3 My school calendar,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets tryLets talk,Lets talk 视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Lets try 视频,I can _.,Warm-up/Revision,Which season do you like best? Why?,_.,go on a picnic,make a snowman,go swimming,pick apples,Spring,Winter,Summer,Autumn,Presentation,【形近词】 meat 肉,meet /mit/(名词)集会;开会,【短语】 sports meet 运动会,【辨析】 few和a few few强调的是否定的含义,指“没多少”;a few 强调的是肯定的含义,指“有几个;一些”。,【形近词】 think 思考,few /fju/(。

16、,Unit 2 My favourite season,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets tryLets talk,Lets talk 视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Lets try 视频,Warm-up/Revision,The Season Song,spring summer autumn winter,Presentation,【单词巧记】 rain(下雨) + y = rainy(下雨的),rainy (形容词)下雨的;多雨的,Its rainy outside. 外面在下雨。,【对应词】 hot 炎热的,Im cold. 我很冷。,cold (形容词)寒冷的,【单词巧记】 wind(刮风) + y = windy(有风的),Is it windy today?今天刮风吗?,windy (形容词)有风的,【单词巧记】 sun(太阳)+ ny = sunn。

17、,Unit 4 When is Easter?,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets tryLets talk,Lets talk 视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Lets try 视频,Warm-up/Revision,New Years Day,Tree Planting Day,Easter,Mothers Day,Childrens Day,Teachers Day,Mid-Autumn Day,Chinas National Day,Thanksgiving Day,Christmas,When is ?,Its in.,Presentation,Childrens Day,Fathers Day,Dragon Boat Festival,There are some special days in June.,特殊的日子,special /spel/ 特殊的;特别的,Teachers Day。

18、,Unit 6 In a nature park,人教版 (三年级起点) 五年级上册,Part A Lets try & Lets talk,2,课前热身,Lets chant,The grass is green. The sky is blue. The air is clean. The day is new.,The wind blows. The clouds play. The river flows. Beautiful day, beautiful day!,话题导入,boating bt划船,go boating去划船,1,2,新词展示,新词展示,词汇巩固,点击“Lets try”,跟我一起练听力吧!,Lets try,课文朗读,课文原文,Lets try,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读课文吧!,Lets talk,课文朗读,Lets talk,课文原文,go boating去划船,I wan。

19、(PEP)英语 五年级上unit 6,A Lets talk Lets try,T: Is there a river / mountain / in the park? Ss: Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.,There are some small boatsin the lake.,Lets go boating.,1.boat 小船 2.go boating 划船 3.go + doing go swimming, go shopping, go jumping,Listen and answer questions:, Is there a river in the forest? Is there a lake in the forest? Are there any small boats?,Lets talk,Role play,分角色表演对话内容,家庭作业,1.将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。 2.听录音,跟读“Lets。

20、,Unit 6 Work quietly!,人教版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets tryLets talk,Lets talk 视频, Lets try, Lets talk,Lets try 视频,Warm-up/Revision,Lets chant and do,Climbing, climbing. I am climbing. Eating, eating. He is eating. Drinking, drinking. She is drinking. Playing, playing. We are playing. Jumping, jumping. You are jumping. Sleeping, sleeping. They are sleeping.,Free talk :,Where is the? Its in Is he ? No,he isnt. He is Yes, he is .,Presentation,What are the birds doin。

【人教pep版】五年级上册英语:Unit2 第一课时(ppt课件)
【人教pep版】五年级上册英语:Unit4 第一课时(ppt课件)
【人教pep版】五年级上册英语:Unit1 第一课时(ppt课件)
【人教pep版】五年级上册英语:Unit5 第一课时(ppt课件)
【人教pep版】五年级上册英语:Unit3 第一课时(ppt课件)
人教pep版五年级英语下册Recycle1 第一课时课件
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人教PEP版四年级英语下册Unit6 Part A(第一课时)课时练习题及答案
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