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Unit5 The Power of NatureWarming Up, Pre-reading and ReadingI单元教学目标 (技能目标 ) talk about volcanoes and the work of volcanologists practise expressing fe


1、Unit5 The Power of NatureWarming Up, Pre-reading and ReadingI单元教学目标 (技能目标 ) talk about volcanoes and the work of volcanologists practise expressing fear and anxiety learn the ing form used as adverbial in a sentence write about an experience in a nature disaster II目标语言1 功能句式: expressing fear and anxiety. I was so excited about what I had done and where I was, I forgot my fear. I was very worried that I was very relieved when I was trembling almost as much as the ground under。

2、Unit 5 Enjoying novels Part One: Teaching DesignPeriod 2: A sample lesson plan for Learning about Language(The Nominative Absolute Construction)AimsTo help students learn about The Nominative Absolute Construction To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressionsTo help students discover and learn to use some useful structuresProceduresI. Warming up by learning about Charlotte BronteEnglish writer noted for her novel Jane Eyre (1847), sister of Anne Bront and Emi。

3、Unit 2 Poems. 单元教学目标技能目标 Skill GoalsTalk about different types of poemsTalk about rhyme and rhythm Practice writing simple poemsLearn to use the subjunctive moodTalk about intentions and plans. 目标语言功 能 句 式Talk about intentions:Im not going to .I plan to .How are you going to .?Ill .Im looking forward to .词 汇1 四会词汇poem, recite, aspect, convey, nursery, rhyme, diamond, cottage, balloon, sparrow, tease, salty, endless, translate, branch, transform, joy, anger, sorrow, ending。

4、Unit 3 A healthy life. 单元教学目标技能目标 Skill GoalsTalk about healthLearn the harm of smoking and how to stop smokingLearn to advise people about what to do and what not to doLearn about AIDS and how to keep safe from HIVWrite a letter to give advice on some problems. 目标语言功 能 句 式How to advise people about what to do and what not to doDo / Dont .Dont forget to .It is not / would be a good idea to .You should .You dont have to .Mind your head / step!Its OK / all right to .词 汇1 四会词。

5、Unit 4 Global warming. 单元教学目标技能目标 Skill GoalsTalk about global warming, pollution and the importance of protecting the earthPractise expressing agreement, disagreement, blame and complaintHow to use“it” for emphasis in a sentenceWrite an essay on environmental problems. 目标语言功 能 句 式Expressing agreement, disagreement, blame and complaintYes, I agree with you.Yes, I think so.I believe that youve got it right.I dont think so.I dont think thats right.Im afraid you are wrong.Im sor。

6、 第 1 页 共 6 页Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero (全套教案)Teaching plan of Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern heroTeaching aims: 1. Topic The qualities of a great person; The lives of some great people. 2. Useful words and expressions: hero quality willing active republic principle fight peaceful prison prisoner period law advise continue fee gold youth league stage vote position accept violence equal blanket degree guard educated terror fear cruelty reward righ。

7、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero 2Contents 目录 一、单元教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands)二、教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)三、教学安排(Teaching arrangements)四、单元预习任务(Pre-unit Activities: Preview Task)五、教学步骤 (Teaching procedures)六、背景参考资料(Background knowledge)七、评价与反思(Assessment and reflection)临海市回浦中学 李珊珊 陈晓平 余晶晶3一、教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands)根据课程标准实验教材(英语 必修)关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学。

8、Can you imagine the volcanologists work? They often face the dangerous situation. Can you guess what the following three volcanologists most frightening experience are?,Pre-reading (3m),A. Frank Gore B. Jane Small C. Sarah Tang,Look at the pictures of volcanologists at work on page 38. Then listen to them talking about their most frightening experience. Write their names under the picture.,Listening-I (5m),Listening-II (5m),5 years,10 years,20 years,Alaska,Hawaii,New Zealand,After collecting。

9、选修六 Unit5 单元测试 The Power of Nature一根据所给汉语意思及其词性写出单词: 27% 1. 火山(n.)_, (pl.)_ 2. 现象(n)_,(pl.)_ 3. 多样性(n.)_,(adj.)_ 4. 焦虑(n.)_, (adj.)_ 5. 唯一的(adj.)_, 6. (火山) 爆发(n)_ (v.)_ 7. 飓风(n.)_ 8. 幸运的(adj.)_, (幸运地 adv.)_9. 勇气,胆量(n.) _ 10. 使兴奋(v.)_, (兴奋 n.)_ 11. The rain _(保证)a good harvest this year.12. The class was _。

10、listening,Page 69,Answer key for Exercise 1:,c e g d a f b,Answer key for Exercise 2:,Using words and expressions,Answer key for Exercise 1:,fog rainbow appreciation documents arrows guarantee,page 70,Answer key for Exercise 2:,panic, anxious, actual, unconscious, tremble, waves, absolutely,Suggested answers to Exercise 3,Glancing through the newspaper, I found a news report about a typhoon in Guangdong. When I realized the precious necklace had gone, I panicked. House construction varies 。

11、Unit 5 Enjoying novels Part One: Teaching DesignPeriod 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(THE RISE OF ENGLISH AUTHORIESSES IN THE 19TH CENTURY)AimsTo help students develop their reading ability To help students learn about enjoying novelsProceduresWarming up by talking about Jane EyreNice to see you, boys and girls. What did you do on the weekends? As for me I managed to read Jane Eyre and Gone with the wind in English. These are wonderful western novels. Jane Eyre is an orphan cast out as a y。

12、Unit 5 The power of natureVocabulary and Useful ExpressionsTeaching material NSEFC Book 6 Unit 5Teaching Aims1. To learn some new words and phrases.2. To learn some complicated sentence patterns.Teaching Important PointHow to help the students to master the usage of some useful words, expressions and sentences.Teaching Difficult PointHow to enable the students to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.Teaching ProcedureStep1 Revision1. Check the answers to Ex. 1 。

13、Unit5 The Power of NatureGrammar and Useful StructuresReview the usage of ing form:1.Write the following pairs of sentences(or other similar ones)on the board.I was feeling tired. I went to bed earlyfeeling tired I went to bed earlyI worked hard all day. I went to bed earlyHaving worked hard all day, I went to bed early.2.Ask student to consider when the action in each pair of sentences happened and Lead them to understand that in the first pair of sentences, the feeling and the action are ha。

14、1Unit 2 Poems 教材分析I教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是诗歌。文中涉及诗歌的韵律、节奏,并介绍了几种简单的不同内容和形式的诗歌。本单元引导学生讨论这些内容,目的在于让他们了解诗歌的一些基本特征和写作方法,自己尝试写简单的诗歌,并学会欣赏这些优美的文学作品。Warming up 部分围绕诗歌(poems)这一话题设置了三个问题。前两个问题引导学生回顾儿时以及学生时代所接触的汉英诗歌,第三个问题引导学生探讨写诗的目的。Pr-reading 部分主要让学生认识诗歌的种类和不同国家诗歌的文化差异。该部分设置了两个练习,第一个练习让学。

15、1Unit 4 Global Warming教材分析.教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是人类当今面对的环境问题,主要探讨了“全球变暖”和“节约能源”等方面的问题。由于人类过多使用不可再生能源,大气中二氧化碳的含量逐年增加,导致全球气温上升。通过学习本单元,让学生了解能源分为“不可再生能源”和“可再生能源” ,帮助学生树立“节约能源、保护环境”的主人翁意识。语言知识和语言技能主要围绕“全球变暖”和“节约能源”这一主题设计的。“热身”(Warming up) 部分要求学生列举家中、学校或其他地方使用能源的物体,指出这些能源的来源,并尽可能。

16、1Unit 3 A Healthy Life教材分析I教学内容分析:本单元的中心话题为“健康生活” 。听说读写等各活动主要围绕如何健身、怎样成为健康的人展开,其中涉及许多社会热点问题,如抽烟,吸毒,艾滋病学习与工作压力等影响健康的棘手问题。本单元引导学生讨论这些问题,目的在于让他们远离有损身体健康的活动,并养成良好的生活习惯。Warming up 部分主要围绕健康问题和真正健康的人展开讨论。并提供了以下有关健康的话题:抽烟、喝酒、吸毒、饮食、健美、性健康、压力。同时,为了启发学生联想现实中的健康话题,附了六幅图片,供学生讨论、思。

17、1Unit 1 Art教材分析I教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是西方绘画艺术的历史、中西方各种艺术形式与风格,各时代的著名画家以及他们的作品。听说读写等语言知识和语言技能主要围绕“绘画艺术”这一主题设计的。本单元引导学生讨论这些问题,目的在于让他们了解绘画艺术及其各个历史发展时期的不同风格,培养他们对艺术的兴趣。Warming up 部分共有四个问题,引导学生讨论本单元出现的所有绘画,包括宗教绘画、文艺复兴时期的绘画、印象派风景画和抽象画等。通过为教室选张贴画、为家居选布置画、谈个人对绘画等艺术的喜好等活动,让学生交流。

18、Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero教材分析I教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是当代英雄纳尔逊曼德拉。有别于一般故事的直叙手法,本单元采用穷苦的黑人工人伊莱亚斯叙述他眼中的曼德拉的手法,从不同的侧面反映故事的主题内容。第一篇阅读短文伊莱亚斯向我们介绍1952-1963 年期间的曼德拉。第二篇听力短文伊莱亚斯讲述了他为了争取与白人有平等的权利而参加了曼德拉的非洲国民大会青年联盟。第三篇阅读短文伊莱亚斯说到他在罗本岛监狱得到了曼德拉的帮助,非国大(ANC) 掌权后,伊莱亚斯又回到罗本岛监狱担任导游。这样的写法尽可能剔除作。

19、Unit 5 The power of nature. 单元教学目标技能目标 Skill GoalsTalk about volcanoes and the work of volcanologistsPractise expressing fear and anxietyLearn the -ing form used as adverbial in a sentenceWrite about an experience in a natural disaster and hot pools at Changbaishan. 目标语言功 能 句 式Expressing fear and anxietyI was so excited about what I had done and where I was, I forgot my fear.I was very worried that .I was very relieved when . I was trembling almost as much as the ground under m。

20、1Unit 5 The power of nature教材分析I. 教学内容分析: 本单元的中心话题是火山、飓风、地震和洪水等自然灾害,听说读写等语言知识和语言技能主要围绕“自然灾害”及如何预防和利用自然灾害这一主题设计的。本单元引导学生讨论大自然的危害等问题,目的在于让他们了解自然界的威力,认识到只有保护大自然,才能有效地预防自然灾害并改造和利用自然。Warming up 部分主要讨论火山、飓风和地震等自然灾害,让学生了解有关地震的知识以及预防措施等。教师可以通过右边的插图引起学生们的兴趣和好奇心而导入新课内容。Pre-reading 部分设计了。

人教新课标高中英语选修六《Unit5 Using language》课件
人教新课标高中英语选修六《Unit5 Workbook》课件
人教新课标高中英语选修六Unit5 Warming Up,Pre-reading and Reading教案
人教新课标高中英语选修十《Unit5 Learning about Language》教案
人教新课标高中英语必修1 Unit5全套教案
人教新课标高中英语必修1 Unit5 Neslson Mandela-a modern hero全单元教案
人教新课标高中英语选修十《Unit5 Reading》教案
人教新课标高中英语选修六Unit5 Vocabulary and Useful Expressions教案
人教新课标高中英语选修六Unit5 Grammar and Useful Structures教案
人教新课标高中英语必修1 Unit5全单元教案
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