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,Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now?,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Think and matchLets talk,Part B Lets play,Part C Listen and tick or cross,Lets talk 视频, Lets p


1、,Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now?,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Think and matchLets talk,Part B Lets play,Part C Listen and tick or cross,Lets talk 视频, Lets play, Listen and tick or cross, Lets talk,Listen and tick or cross 视频,Warm-up/Revision,【用法】 why作疑问词时,可以用来询问原因,其答语由because引导。这里是一种省略的用法,完整的形式为: Why are you sad?/Why do you look sad?你为什么难过?,why,/wa/,为什么,Presentation,Why not go to school?,为什么不去上学呢?,because,/bkz/,因为,【用法】 通。

2、,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets talk,Part B Tick, then ask and answer,Unit 2 Spring Is Coming!,Lets talk 视频, Tick ,then ask and answer, Lets talk,你最喜欢哪个季节?为什么?,Warm-up/Revision,【例句】 Tree Planting Day is on March 12th. 植树节在3月12日。,Tree Planting Day 植树节,Presentation,interesting,/ntrst/,【单词巧记】 interest(兴趣) + ing = interesting(有趣的),【例句】 This story is very interesting.这个故事很有趣。,有趣的,游戏时间,Whats missing?,come on,season,ride a bike,interest。

3、,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Look and circleLets talk,Part C Match and say,Unit 5 Whats the Weather like Today?,Lets talk 视频, Match and say, Lets talk, Look and circle,今天天气怎么样?,Warm-up/Revision,Lets talk,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Presentation,吴晨:妈妈,今天天气怎么样?妈妈:多云。爸爸:不。不是多云。是雨天。吴晨:哦,看!现在正在下雨呢。妈妈:带上你的雨伞。吴晨:好的。再见,爸爸妈妈!妈妈和爸爸:再见,亲爱的!, Whats the weather like today, Mom?妈妈,今天天气怎么样? Its cloudy. 。

4、,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets talk,Part C Ask and answer,then report,Unit 4 He Lives in a Village,Lets talk 视频, Ask and answer,then report, Lets talk,快速说单词,tomato,potato,lake,snake,西红柿,蛇,湖泊,土豆,村庄,village,河流,river,bird,小鸟,Warm-up/Revision,kind,Presentation,种类,/kand/,【用法】 kind指“种类”,说“一种(事物)”常用a kind of 作定语。如: a kind of animal一种动物, all kinds of指“各种各样的”,后面加名词复数。作主语时谓语动词用复数。,【例句】 I love all kinds of sport。

5、,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Talk in pairs and group the pictures Lets talk,Part B Lets sing,Unit 8 Have a Good Habit!,Lets talk 视频, Lets sing, Lets talk,Talk in pairs and group the pictures,Warm-up/Revision,【例句】 He has no habit of smoking. 他没有吸烟的嗜好。,habit,Presentation,/hbt/,习惯,【短语】 bad habit 坏习惯 good habit好习惯,lie,/la/,【短语】 tell a lie 撒谎,【例句】 Dont tell lies. 别撒谎。,谎言;说谎,【例句】 Take care of yourself. 照顾好你自己。,care,/ke(r)/,关心;照顾,【短。

6、,Unit 7 There Is a TV in the Classroom,Part B Lets learn more Part C Look and say,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Lets learn more 视频, Part B Lets learn more, Part C Look and say,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk,How many ears do you have?,How many fingers do you have?,How many rulers do you have?,twenty,Presentation,【短语】twenty pencils二十支铅笔,(数词)二十,I have twenty toys. 我有二十个玩具。,Lets learn more,Read and answer,1. How many students are there in the classroom?,2. How many teachers/fans/。

7、,Revision 2 Units 5-8,1. Listen and write Yes and No 3. Lets make and tell 4. Read and color 6. Funny reading,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Warm-up/Revision,Lets chant,Red and yellow and pink and green Purple and orange and blue I can sing a rainbow sing a rainbow sing a rainbow too Listen with your eyes Listen with your ears and sing everything you see I can sing a rainbow sing a rainbow sing along with me Red and yellow and pink and green Purple and orange and blue I can sing a rainbow sing 。

8、,Revision1 Units 1-4,2. Listen and color 3. Read and choose 4. Look and complete 6. Lets sing,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Warm-up/Revision,Lets sing,left and RightI have two hands. I have two hands. One is left,one is right. Left and right. Right and left. Do you have hands? Yes,I do.,I have two ears. I have two ears. One is left,one is right. Left and right. Right and left. Do you have ears? Yes,I do.,Presentation,Ask and answer,-Show me your hands ? How many hands do you have ?,-I have tw。

9、,Unit 1 My Body,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part A Lets say Part C Read and color Point and say,Lets say 视频, Part A Lets say, Part C Read and color,Point and say,Warm-up/Revision,Review,head,eye,face,nose,ear,mouth,the,Presentation,【用法】the是定冠词,指已经提过的人或物,也可表示所修饰的许多人或物中的一个,还可表示谈话双方都知道共同所指的人或物。,这(那);这(那)些,The boy is my friend. 这个男孩是我的朋友。,has,有,【拓展】have有,He has two big ears. 他有两只大耳朵。,Lets say,点击“Lets say。

10、,Unit 5 Do You Like Candies?,Part A Lets talk Part B Do a survey and draw or,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Lets talk 视频, Part A Lets talk, Part B Do a survey and draw or,Warm-up/Revision,Lets chant,Do you like, Do you like, do you like pizza? Yes, I like, Yes, I like, Yes, I like pizza. Do you like coffee? no, I dont, no, I dont, no, I dont like coffee. Do you like, Do you like, do you like kimchi? Yes, I like, Yes, I like, Yes, I like kimchi. Do you like, Do you like, d。

11、,Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long,Part A Lets say Part B Read and tick or cross,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册, Part A Lets say, Part B Read and tick or cross,Warm-up/Revision,Review,The nose is long. The tail is short.,Presentation,The eyes are big. The ears are small.,The elephant is tall. I am short.,Lets say,The ruler is long. The pencil is short.,The tree is tall. The grass is short.,The cars are big. The bikes are small.,Look and say,争当小小描述家,Read and tick or cross,Mr. Zhao is tall. Kevin is s。

12、,Part A Look and sayLook and thinkLets talk Part B Do and say,Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Lets talk 视频, Part A Look and say, Part B Do and say,Look and think,Lets talk,Warm-up/Revision,Look and say, Whats this?, Its a ball.,Do you like balls? Where is my ball?,can,Presentation,【用法】can是情态动词,后接动词原形。,He can play basketball. 他会打篮球。,(情态动词)能;可以,find,(动词)发现;找到,【短语】find out 找出;查明,I cant find my book. 我找不到我的书了。,excu。

13、,Unit 3 How Do You Come to School?,Part A Lets talk Part B Listen and do Do a survey,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Lets talk 视频, Part A Lets talk, Part B Listen and do,Do a survey,Warm-up/Revision,Review,How do you come to?,by,Presentation,【短语】by bus乘公共汽车by bike骑自行车by car乘小汽车,(介词)(表交通方式)乘;骑,He goes to school by bus. 他乘公共汽车去学校。,about,【短语】what/how about怎么样,(介词)关于;涉及,Its a story about Chinese history. 它是一本关于中国历史的故事。,on foot,步。

14、,Unit 4 Whose Coat Is This?,Part A Lets talk Part B Lets play,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Lets talk 视频, Part A Lets talk, Part B Lets play,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk,What do I wear today?,What does wear today?,whose,Presentation,【用法】whose是疑问代词,用来引导特殊疑问句。,(代词)谁的,Whose pen is this? 这是谁的钢笔?,very much,【用法】very much用来修饰动词,表示程度深。,很;非常,I like fruits very much. 我非常喜欢水果。,Youre welcome,【用法】此句常用来回答他人的感谢。,不客气, Thank you. 谢。

15、,Unit 2 My Family,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part A Look and think Lets talk Part B Point and say Lets chant,Lets talk 视频, Part A Lets talk, Part B Point and say,Lets chant,Warm-up/Revision,Review,Look and say,happy,Presentation,【短语】happy birthday生日快乐,(形容词)快乐的;高兴的,He is happy today. 今天他很高兴。,Lets talk,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Lets talk,Good afternoon, Miss White.,Miss White, this is my father. And this is my mother.,Good afternoon, Wu Chen.,Hello! Nic。

16、,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Circle the signs you know Lets talk,Part B Look and say,Unit 7 Be Careful!,Circle the signs you know, Look and say,Lets talk 视频, Lets talk,stop,turn right,turn left,traffic lights,wait,请快速说出闪现的词汇,cross the street,Warm-up/Revision,Lead-in,Circle the signs you know,Lets talk,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Lets talk,Listen, then ask and answer,Q1: Where are they going?,Q2: What are they going to do ?,Q3: What color is the light。

17、,Unit 7 Shanghai Is in the Southeast of China,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part A Think and chooseLets talk Part B Lets playAsk and answer, Lets play, Ask and answer,Lets talk,Lets talk 视频, Think and choose,Free talk,Do you like traveling?,Warm-up/Revision,Think and choose,Do you like traveling?,b,e,a,c,d,Presentation,1.Where does David hope to go?2.Where will they go?3.How will they go?,Read the dialogue think about the questions,思考,Mom: David and Kitty,come on.Were。

18、,陕西旅游版 三年级上册,Part A Lets talk,Unit 7 Are These Bears?,Part C Ask and answer,Look and say,monkey?,Ask and answer,T:Look! What are these?,Ss: They are elephants.,T:what are those?,Ss: They are pandas.,T: Are these monkeys?,Ss: Yes,.,T: .,点击“课文朗读”,跟我一起读课文吧!,课文朗读,重点词汇,arent=are not 不是,【用法】 用在否定句或者否定回答中。 【例句】They are not my toys.他们不是我的玩具。 -Are they teachers? 他们是老师吗? -No, they arent . 不 ,他们不是。,重点句型,【详解】 这是一。

19、,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Think and answer Lets talk,Part C Ask and answer,Unit 7 I Have a Headache,Lets talk 视频, Ask and answer, Lets talk,Think and answer,你想成为一名医生吗?为什么或者为什么不?,Warm-up/Revision,bad,/bd/,【短语】 feel bad 不舒服,【例句】 It makes me feel bad.这使我感到很不好。,不好的;坏的;严重的,Presentation,【反义词】 good 好的,wrong,/r/,【短语】 go wrong 出毛病,【例句】 Whats wrong with him?他怎么了?,不适的,ill,/l/,【短语】feel ill 感觉病了,【例句】 He seems not 。

20、,Unit 7 There Is a TV in the Classroom,Part A Look and tick Lets talk Part B Ask and answer,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Lets talk 视频, Part A Look and tick, Part B Ask and answer,Lets talk,Warm-up/Revision,Look and tick,Whats in your home?,Presentation,Lets talk,Read and answer,1. What can you see?,2. How many blackboards are therein the classroom?,Lets talk,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Whats in the classroom? There is a TV in the classroom. Yeah. Its there. There are two blackboard。

陕旅版三年级英语上册Unit7 第二课时课件
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