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,Unit 2 My Family,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part A Think and tick Lets learn Part C Listen and tick, Part A Think and tick, Part C Listen and tick,Listen and ti


1、,Unit 2 My Family,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part A Think and tick Lets learn Part C Listen and tick, Part A Think and tick, Part C Listen and tick,Listen and tick 视频,Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,Lets count,One,two,three,four,family,Presentation,【短语】family name姓,(名词)家;家庭;家人,This is my family. 这是我的家人。,brother,【复数形式】brothers,(名词)哥哥;弟弟,The boy in green is my brother. 穿绿色衣服的那个男孩是我的弟弟。,sister,【复数形式】sisters,(名词)姐姐;妹妹,She is my eld。

2、,Unit 7 There Is a TV in the Classroom,Part A Look and count Lets learn,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册, Part A Look and count,Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk, What can you see in the classroom?, I can see , Where is the ?, How many are there in the classroom?,student,Presentation,【复数形式】students,(名词)学生,She is a good student. 她是个好学生。,teacher,【单词巧记】teach + er = teacher(教师),(名词)老师,We have a new match teacher. 我们有位新数学老师。,blackboard,【复数形式】blackboa。

3、,Unit 1 My Body,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part A Draw yourself Lets learn Part B Play a game,Lets sing 视频, Part A Draw yourself, Part B Play a game,Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,Lets sing!,face,Presentation,【复数形式】faces,【短语】face to face 面对面,This is his faces. 这是他的脸。,脸,mouth,嘴,【复数形式】mouths,He has a big mouth. 他有一张大嘴。,eye,眼睛,【短语】right eye 右眼 left eye 左眼,We have two eyes. 我们有两只眼睛。,ear,耳朵,【复数形式】ears,He has two ears. 他有两只耳朵。,nose,鼻。

4、,Unit 8 The Ruler Is Long,Part A Draw an elephantLook and thinkLets learn Part C Look and write,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册, Part A Draw an elephant,Look and think,Lets learn, Part C Look and write,Warm-up/Revision, Touch your nose!,Touch game, Do you have a long nose?, Touch your ear!, Do you have a big ear?,see,Presentation,【同音词】sea海;海洋,How many cats can you see? 你能看见多少只猫?,(动词)看见,long,【短语】long jump跳远,has a long nose. 他长着长鼻子。,(形容词)长的,big,(形容词)大。

5、,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part C Listen and name,Part B Do a survey and report Lets learn more,Unit 5 Where Are You Going?,Part A Do you know,Lets learn more视频, Part C, Part B Do a survey and report, Do you know,Lets learn more,Review,Is she/he going to.?,Im going to.,Warm-up/Revision,Where are you going?,Yes,she/he is./No,she/he isnt.,Practice,Do you know,Whats the date?,Practice,Do you know,Childrens Day,date (名词)日期,【例句】 What。

6、,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part C Ask and answer,Part B Lets singRead the words,Unit 5 Where Are You Going?,Lets sing,Ask and answer,Read the words,Presentation,Warm-up/Revision,Im going to the park. Guess!What am I going to do ?,Are you going to fly a kite?,Little mouse, little mouse, Run so fast, run so fast. Where are you going? Where are you going? Tell me now. Let me know.,Little mouse, little mouse, Run so fast, run so fast. Where are you going? Tell me now. Let me kn。

7、,Units 1-4 Revision 1,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Listen and tick or cross Talk with your classmates Play a game,Listen and tick or cross,Play a game,Talk with your classmates,bathroom,glasses,beautiful,listen,sleep,cloud,请快速说出闪现的词汇,mountain,exercise,Warm-up/Revision,Listen and tick or cross,点击“Listen and tick or cross”,跟我一起练吧!,视 频, Practise,Listen and tick or cross,Talk with your classmates,A: Is he/she ? B: Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt. A: Are they ? B:。

8、,Units 5-8 Revision 2,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Complete and match Listen and tick Lets talk and play Lets guess,Complete and match,Lets guess,Lets talk and play,Listen and tick,cinema,wait a minute,birthday,hospital,bookstore,candle,请快速说出闪现的词汇,be careful,close,Warm-up/Revision, Practise,Complete and match,fl_ _ers c_ _d r_ _ _ t str_ _t c_ _dles h_sp_tal c_n_ma ball_ _ns,o w,a r,i g h,e e,a n,o i,i e,o o,Listen and tick,点击“Listen an。

9、,陕西旅游版 三年级上册,Part A Warming-up & Lets learn,Unit 5 I Have a Bag,Part C Complete and match & Listen and circle,课前热身,活动开始啦!Ask and answer,box,Whats this?,Its a box.Is this a pear?,No.it isnt.,活动在继续。,Oh, my god! Whats this?,Its a bag.Is that a book?,bag /bg/ (名词) 书包,eraser/rez/ (名词) 橡皮,pencil/pensel/( 名词) 铅笔,pen /pen/( 名词) 钢笔,crayon /kren/ (名词) 蜡笔,book/bk/ (名词) 书; 课本,ruler/ru:l/(名词)直尺,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,活动开始啦。

10、,Unit 5 What Is He Like?,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part A Lets learn Part B Lets guess, Lets guess,Warm-up/Revision,Game: Simon says,Presentation,outgoing,开朗的,【反义词】shy 害羞的【例句】 She is outgoing. 她非常开朗。,She is outgoing.,What is she like?,【例句】Wang Ming is clever .王明很聪明。,clever,聪明的,My brother is a clever boy. 我弟弟是个聪明的男孩。,Try,【反义词】outgoing 外向的【例句】 Dont be shy.不要害羞。,shy,害羞的,She is shy.,What is she like?,【反义词】serious 严肃的【例句】。

11、,Unit 3 Is It Snowing?,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Draw the weather today Lets learn,Part C Listen and color, PDraw the weather today,Review,-What doing? -,Warm-up/Revision,Look and say,Draw the weather today,rain (名词)雨,Presentation,【例句】 We are waiting for the rain to stop. 我们在等雨停。 【拓展】 rain(动词)下雨 【现在分词】 raining 【例句】 Put on your raincoat. Its raining. 穿上你的雨衣,天在下雨。,Try,Take your umbrella. Its raining outside. 拿上你的雨伞。外面下雨了。,【单词巧。

12、,Unit 4 What Do You Do on Saturday?,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Read and tickLets learn,Part B Lets chant, Lets chant,Read and tick,Review,Play a game,Whats missing?,glasses,raincoat,wind,rain,cloud,sky,snow,Warm-up/Revision,Review,get up,have a class,watch TV,have lunch,play games,swim,What does they do ?,Lead-in,What do you like to do after class?,sing,dance,swim,read,play basketball,jump rope,listen to music,draw pictures,Read and tic。

13、,Unit 7 Be Careful!,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Color the traffic lights,Part C Look,tick and say,Color the traffic lights,Look,tick and say,Warm-up/Revision,Review,thirty forty fifty sixty,Magic fingers,seventy eighty ninety hundred, Practise,Color the traffic lights,stop,Presentation,【短语】 stop to do sth停下来去做某事stop doing sth停下正在做的事 【拓展】 前面我们学习了短语bus stop, 在bus stop中,stop作名词,意为“停车站”;在此处,stop作动词,意为“停止”。,(动词)停止,Try,The policeman a。

14、,Unit 8 What Can You Do ?,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Circle what you can do,Circle what you can do,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk,What do you often do on the Sunday?,I ofen.,I ofen.,I ofen., Practise,Circle what you can do,speak,Presentation,【用法】 speak指说话,还可接某种语言,还可表示用某种语言说。 【短语】 speak loudly大声说 speak English说英语 speak in Chinese用汉语说,(动词)说话,Try,Dont speak loudly in public places. 不要在公共场合大声讲话。,hear,【单词巧记】 h+ear(耳朵)=hear(听;听到) 。

15、,Unit 2 Im Cooking in the Kitchen,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Look and find Listen and doLets learn, Look and find, Listen and do,Warm-up/Revision,Whats this?,Look and find,Where is . ?,Look and find,Where is Colin?,He is in the bedroom.,Look and find,Where is Wu Chen?,She is in the living room.,Look and find,Where is Liu Zhaoyang?,He is in the bathroom.,Game : 句子接龙,Listen and do,Run.,Jump rope.,Dance.,Sing a song.,run (动词)跑,【短语】 run away 跑开;逃避,【例句】I will run the 100-。

16、,Unit 1 Our New House,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Look,think and match,Part C Listen and match,Listen and match视频, Part A Look,think and match, Part Listen and match,Warm-up/Revision,I live in the trees.,I live in the flowers.,Look,think and match,Whose home is it?,My house is small but beautiful. 我的房子小,但很漂亮。,house (名词)房子,Presentation,【复数】 houses,I have a green house.,Try,我有一间绿色的房子。,My house is not very big.,【复数】 studies,【例句】 There is a study in our。

17、,Unit 6 Today Is Her Birthday,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part A Circle your birthday,Part C Look and write,Circle your birthday,Look and write,Review,Magic fingers,Warm-up/Revision,When is your birthday?, Practise,Circle your birthday,birthday,【单词巧记】birth(出生)+day(天;日子)=birthday(生日) 【短语】 birthday party生日聚会 【例句】 Today is my birthday. 今天是我的生日。,(名词)生日,Presentation,gift,【复数形式】 gifts 【例句】 Mom gives me a gift. 妈妈给了我一个礼物。 【同义词】 present,(名。

18、,Unit 5 Whats the Weather like Today?,陕旅版(三年级起点)五年级下册,Part A Lets learn, Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,weather report,/we(r),rpt/,天气预报,Presentation,【例句】 This is the weather report. 这是天气预报。,sunny,/sni/,晴朗的,【短语】 sunny day 晴天,【例句】 What a sunny day! 真是个晴朗的日子!,【拓展】 sun 太阳,windy,/wndi/,有风的,【例句】 I like windy weather, too. 我也喜欢有风的天气。,【短语】 Windy City 风之城(美国城市芝加哥的别称),【拓展】 wind 风,cloudy,/kladi/,多云的,【短语】 clou。

19、,Unit 5 Do You Like Candies?,Part A Look and matchCircle your likes Lets learn Part C Look and complete,陕旅版(三年级起点)三年级下册, Part A Look and match, Part C Look and complete,Circle your likes,Lets learn,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk,Do you like mangoes?,candy,Presentation,【复数形式】candies,(名词)糖果,He likes candies very much. 他非常喜欢糖果。,cake,【短语】birthday cake生日蛋糕make a cake制作蛋糕,(名词)蛋糕,She likes chocolate cake. 他喜欢巧克力蛋糕。,bread,【短语】a piece of bread一。

20、,Unit 5 Where Are You Going?,陕旅版(三年级起点)四年级下册,Part C Read and complete, Part A, Part CRead and complete,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk,What do you often do on the Sunday?,I ofen.,I ofen.,I often.,Review,Do you watch TV on Sunday?,Do you swim on Sunday?,Do you . on Sunday ?,Yes,I do. /No,I dont.,Yes,I do. /No,I dont.,park,Presentation,【复数形式】 parks 【短语】 go to the park去公园 in the park在公园里 【例句】Lets go to the park. 我们去公园吧。,(名词)公园,Try,Many people are flying kite。

陕旅版三年级英语上册Unit5 第一课时课件
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