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外研版高中英语必修一Module3 Grammar课件

Module 3 My First Ride on a Train I. 模块教学目标技能目标 Skill Goals Talk about a trip to a tourist spot Learn the -ed used as adjective Learn to use past tens

外研版高中英语必修一Module3 Grammar课件Tag内容描述:

1、Module 3 My First Ride on a Train I. 模块教学目标技能目标 Skill Goals Talk about a trip to a tourist spot Learn the -ed form used as adjective Learn to use past tense time expressions Write about one -s experiences Learn to use polite expressionsII. 目标语言功 能 句 式Talking about being politeExcuse me .Could I (borrow your bike)?Could I possibly (use your dictionary)?Would you mind (if I sat here)?Im very sorry but (you cant change it).The fact is that (its out of date).Everyday EnglishTell me。

2、P4 Grammar,Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab,Objective,To learn the use of Degrees of comparison,1. The earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon. 2. It is less cold today than it was yesterday. 3. The rent of our flat is getting more and more expensive.,Are you familiar with these sentences? They are all that weve learnt.,4. The more I see you, the more I miss you. 5. The hotter, the better. 6. The more he studies, the better hebecomes. 7. The red building is twice the height of thegrey buildi。

3、P4 Grammar,Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications,Objectives,1. To learn the use of compound words 2. To learn the use of articles,Compound words,Grammar 1,keyboard, hardware, network, newspaper, high-speed, CD-ROM, baby-sitter, warm-up, computer system, search engine, mobile phone, post office, good-looking, kind-hearted, middle-aged,Are you familiar with these sentences? They are all that weve learnt.,air conditioner central bank washing machine absent-minded long-suffe。

4、P4 Grammar,Module 2 My New Teachers,Objective,To learn to use the verbs followed by ing,Are you familiar with these sentences? They are all from the books weve learnt.,1. But now, after two weeks, the class really likes working with her. 2. Ive always hated making mistakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly. 3. There are a few students who keep coming to class late.,4. I think this is because he really enjoysteaching Chinese literature. 5. I remember listening to the radio. 6. I enjoy s。

5、P4 Grammar,Module 4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood,Objective,To review the use of present perfect tense1. Present perfect tense used for recent events2. Present perfect tense used for experiences,1. Its been six years since we last saw each other. 2. This is the first time Ive visited your hometown. 3. Ive visited some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places Ive been to.,Are you familiar with these sentences? They are all from Book 1.,4. Theyve put up a lot of 。

6、P4 Grammar,Module 1 My First Day at Senior High,Objectives,To review the present tenses 2. To learn to use the adjectives ending in -ing and -ed,The present tenses,Grammar 1,1. I am reading about the ancient pyramids in Egypt. 2. She sings with the band Crazy Feet. 3. I am thinking about starting it again. 4. He is a lively and clever boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures.,Are you familiar with these sentences? They are all from the books weve learnt.,5. I live in Shijiazhuang。

7、外研版 高一年级 (必修2) Module 3,Reading and vocabulary,Haydn,海顿 D大调钢琴协奏曲第一乐章,Mozart,莫扎特 第40号交响曲,Beethoven,贝多芬命运交响曲,Reading,Note making Read the passage and make notes about the three composers.,About Haydn,A village in Austria,A(n) 1. _,He had a beautiful singing voice. After studying music in Vienna, he worked as 2. _ of music at the court of a prince. Thirty years later, he moved to 3. _ and he was very successful there.,He changed the 4. _ into a long piece for a。

8、外研版 高一年级 (必修2) Module 3,Cultural corner,冼星海,聂耳,徐沛东,Ye Xiaogang,What do you know about Ye Xiaogang?,叶小钢 作曲家,男,汉族,1955年9月出生,广东南雄人。现任中央音乐学院教授、博士生导师、作曲系副主任,中国音乐家协会副主席,第十届全国政协委员。 他创作了大量的作品并在世界范围内演出,其中:1990年,悲歌;1991年冬;1993年地平线;2001年交响乐春天的故事,其主要影视作品有湘女潇潇、洗澡、玉观音,Fast reading,1. After graduating from the Central Conservatory of music of China, Ye Xiaogang worked t。

9、外研版 高一年级 (必修2) Module 3,Listening and vocabulary,Pre-listening,Questions: Does the word “band” mean one person or more than one? Can you name some of the famous bands, both at home and abroad? What is your favorite band? Say why?,Have you ever heard of the Beatles? If so, what do you know about them? 2. How old do you think the photos are? Were they taken recently? How do you know?,Look at the photographs of the Beatles. Answer these questions.,The Beatles,Paul Mccartney,Geroge Harris。

10、Music,World List,Warming up,Listen to different musics and tell what kinds of music they are.,folk,rap,pop,rock songs,Jazz,Hip-hop,Classical music,What kind of music do you like best? And why?,Discussion,Introduction,singers,1. People who sing songs are _.,Word study,West Life,Beatles,Back Street Boys,band,2. A group of people who sing together form a _.,3. People who compose music are called _.,composers,4. We call a large group of musicians whoplay together on various instr。

11、外研版 高一年级 (必修2) Module 3,如何写人物介绍性的短文,【案例呈现】请你根据下面表格里收集到的有关资料,写一篇关于知名音乐家刘芳的短文。,注意: 1. 文章须包括以上所有要点,但不要逐句翻译;2. 词数:100左右; 3. 参考词汇:独奏演员soloist。 【写作指导】 审题定调:本文属于人物介绍性记叙文写作范畴。写作时要围绕音乐家刘芳的生平简介, 精心组织表格中提供的材料。,布局谋篇: 全文可分三段来写: 第一段:总体介绍(如刘芳的身份、以什么而闻名及赞誉)。 第二段:主要经历(分三阶段:1. 幼年简历;2.学习简历;3. 工作。

12、Revision,Module 7,Grammar,1,Thousands of tourists visit Xian every year.,Xian is visited by thousands of tourists every year.,Was the Great Wall built at the same time as the Grand Canal?,2. Did they build the great Wall at the same time as the Grand Canal?,Make these sentences passive.,4. Did Gaudi design all the churches in Spain?,Fireworks were not invented by Europeans.,Were all the churches in Spain designed by Gaudi?,3. European didnt invent fireworks.,5. When did they build the Three。

13、P2 Reading and Vocabulary,Module 3 My First Ride on a Train,Words Review,journey train abandoned expert midnight scenery shoot,n. 旅程 vt. 训练 adj. 被遗弃的 n. 专家 n. 半夜 n. 风景;景色 vt. 射杀,1. an area of land where it is always dry _ 2. valuable stones _ 3. people who travel on a train, bus or plane _ 4. you find this on beaches _ 5. white or grey things made of water in the sky _ 6. where plants grow _ 7. not long ago _ 8. the things such as foo。

14、P3 Language points,Module 3 My First Ride on a Train,Objective,To learn to use the words and expressions:,notuntil supply sb. with sth. allow doing sth. allow sb. to do sth. be short for be short of notany more,1. We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago. 我们看到一百多年前建造的被废弃的农场。,They had to abandon the match because of rain. 因为下雨,他们只好放弃比赛。,There is a abandoned factory. 这里有一个被废弃的工厂。,abandoned adj. 废弃的,被遗弃的,abandon vt. 。

15、P5 Listening and Writing,Module 3 My First Ride on a Train,Listening,1. Where were you born? 2. When did you go to America? 3. Were you sick? 4. How did you get to California? 5. Were you and your friends bored? 6. Did your friends go to California with you?,(a) When I was 19. (b) No, I wasnt. (c) By train. (d) In London. (e) No, they didnt. (f) Yes, we were.,P27 2,Mary Lennon, a 90-year-old silent movie actress, was born in England but went to America to make films in the 1930s. She w。

16、P1 Introduction,Module 3 My First Ride on a Train,Objectives,To know some means of transport 2. To learn to match the verbs (get on/ get off) with the means of transport 3. To learn to describe the first time you travelled a long distance,bus,motorbike,plane,ferry 渡轮,train,bike,tram 电车,taxi,helicopter 直升机,Have you ever travelled to somewhere? How did you go there?,transport,travel by train,travel by plane,travel by ferry,travel by bicycle,travel by tram,travel by helicopter,Which of them。

17、Grammar,Module 3,在上一模块中我们复习了was/were的用法。本模块会接着复习am/is/are的用法,它们统称为be动词,让我们看一段flash来回顾一下be动词的用法。,am is are,三个淘气娃, 和你做游戏,大家欢迎他, 我用am, 你用are, is 跟着他她它, 我们你们和他们, 全要用到动词are, 单数 is, 复数are, 变疑问,放句首,千万牢记别用差。,口诀歌,1 Some words are often used in present continuous tense to express future actions.,go come leave startarrive get return,(1) He is coming back tomorrow. (2) They are leaving 。

18、Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships - Friendship,Adverbial clauses: having (done),Having lost all my old friends, I felt shy and lonely at my new school. =I felt shy and lonely because I had lost all my old friends.,1,Look at the sentences from the passage. Answer the questions below.,Having left something in the cloakroom, I went inside to get it. I went inside because I had left something in the cloakroom. That weekend, having thought about the situation for a while, I decided to ask Roy ab。

19、外研版 高一年级 (必修2) Module 3,Grammar,Grammar,时间状语从句,when, while, as, before, after, until/till, since, ever since, whenever, as soon as, no sooner than, hardly / scarcely when 等,1). 常见的连接时间状语从句的连接词有:,When 还有意义为这时,(at this time)那时(at that time) 常用于下列句型: Somebody was doing something when 某人正在做 突然 ,When,Somebody was about to do something when. 某人正要做 突然 Somebody had just done something when 某人刚刚干了这时,1. I was reading English when my t。

20、P4 Grammar,Module 3 My First Ride on a Train,Objectives,To learn the use of the -ed form 2. To learn the use of past tense time expressions,The -ed form,Grammar 1,1. Trained camels carried food and other supplies. 2. We saw abandoned farms which were more than a hundred years ago. 3. We ate great meals cooked by experts.,Are you familiar with these sentences? They are all that weve learnt.,4. Have you read the books written by the young writer? 5. We needed much more qualified workers. 6. The。

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