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外研版高中英语选修9Module4 Grammar课件

P2 Reading and Vocabulary,Module 4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood,Words Review,hometown attractive fortunate pretty sound tourist bother nuisance re

外研版高中英语选修9Module4 Grammar课件Tag内容描述:

1、P2 Reading and Vocabulary,Module 4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood,Words Review,hometown attractive fortunate pretty sound tourist bother nuisance rent,n. 家乡 adj. 有吸引力的 adj. 幸运的,吉祥的 adv. 很,想当vi. 听起来n. 旅游者vt. 打扰,烦扰n. 令人讨厌的人或事n. 租金,1. Fortunate means _. A. sad B. lucky,Choose the correct answers.,2. Pretty hot means _. A. very hot B. too hot,3. Bother you means _. A. amuse you B. give you problems,P33 3,4. Nuisance means _. A. amusing B. causin。

2、外研版 高一年级 (必修2) Module 4,Listening and vocabulary,Complete the sentences with the following words.,portrait, oil painting, expression 1. A (n) _ is a painting in which you use thick paints that have oil in them. 2. The _ on her face is very friendly. 3. A (n) _ is a picture of a person.,oil painting,expression,portrait,landscape, realistic, realise,4. When you _ something, you notice something that you didnt notice or understand before. 5. A (n) _ is a cou。

3、Cultural corner,1. Whats the name of this song?Country road, take me home. 2. Can you guess who sing this song?It is sung by John Denver. John Denver is a very famous singerof country music all over the world.,Countryside in western Europe,Brain storm Can you give a description to the countryside in western Europe using only two words?2. What do you know happens to the countryside now?,beautiful, quite,They are changing now.,Listen the text and answer the following questions.,1. In which count。

4、P5 Listening and Writing,Module 4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood,Listening,Look at the words. Predict what the passage will be about.,neighbourhood committee organisation join club unemployed information household population occupation professional manual worker,P35 1,P35 2,Listen to the passage. Are your predictions about the passage correct?,The passage is about a neighbourhood group.,I=Interviewer YH=Yang Hua I: Mr Yang, youre from 。

5、Module 2 Fantasy Literature,Grammar,Adverbial clauses with -ing,Observation,1 Will put down his shopping bag and held out his hand. (a) Putting down his shopping bag, Will held out his hand.,subject,predicate,subject,adverbial,2 Will, still watching, saw the cat behave curiously.(b) Will watched and saw the cat behave curiously.,subject,predicate,adverbial,subject,3 He crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating. (c) He kept his eyes on the。

6、Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships - Friendship,Adverbial clauses: having (done),Having lost all my old friends, I felt shy and lonely at my new school. =I felt shy and lonely because I had lost all my old friends.,1,Look at the sentences from the passage. Answer the questions below.,Having left something in the cloakroom, I went inside to get it. I went inside because I had left something in the cloakroom. That weekend, having thought about the situation for a while, I decided to ask Roy ab。

7、Module 4 Fine Arts Introduction,World List,artist art gallery brush colourful contemporary delightful draw drawing ink paint painter Painting Scene traditional,画家,美术馆,刷子,彩色的,当代的,可爱的,令人愉快的,画v.,画 n.,墨水,绘画 v.,画家,油画,绘画,景色,传统的,习俗的,1.Which one do you prefer? 2.Give a title for each one. 3.Use two or three sentences to describe what you think about it?,a quiet girl,a thoughtful girl,a sad girl,a girl hugging knees,a good place for relaxing,the beautiful count。

8、P1 Introduction,Module 4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood,Objectives,To learn the words & expressions about buildings and living places To learn to describe your home and your neighborhood,apartment,apartment block,countryside,five-storey,high-rise building,local,mile,(second) floor,suburb,stone,Can you read these words? Do you know their meanings?,apartment,Which word do the pictures show?,apartment block,countryside,high-rise building,suburb,Look at the words in the box. Which words 。

9、Module 4 Music,World list,Musical instruments,Chinese,Western,Introduction,konghou 箜篌,guzheng 古筝,pipa 琵琶,yueqin 月琴,harp 竖琴,lute 鲁特琴,mandolin 曼陀林,1 Which instruments have strings?All of them. 2 Which Chinese and western instruments look similar?The pipa and lute; the konghou and harp. 3 Which of the instruments does the musician hold when he/she is playing?The pipa, lute, yueqin, and mandolin.,1,Read the information about Chinese and western musical instruments. Discuss the questi。

10、The first periodNew words 1 relative n. 亲戚,亲属 adv._( 相对的,相关的)相对论_ 亲属 _关系,关联_ 2 interpret v. 诠释,解释 _(n.)_(口译者,传译员) 3 be true of/for 与。情况相同 The music is dull and uninspiring, and the same is true of the acting. 翻译:_ 这里吃的东西很好,服务也不错 翻译: 这件事情适用于每个人._,relatively,relativity,relation,relationship,interpretation,interpreter,音乐沉闷枯燥,毫不动人,表现也是如此,The food here is good and the 。

11、Grammar,Module 3,在上一模块中我们复习了was/were的用法。本模块会接着复习am/is/are的用法,它们统称为be动词,让我们看一段flash来回顾一下be动词的用法。,am is are,三个淘气娃, 和你做游戏,大家欢迎他, 我用am, 你用are, is 跟着他她它, 我们你们和他们, 全要用到动词are, 单数 is, 复数are, 变疑问,放句首,千万牢记别用差。,口诀歌,1 Some words are often used in present continuous tense to express future actions.,go come leave startarrive get return,(1) He is coming back tomorrow. (2) They are leaving 。

12、Article,Module 1 Grammar,Rice is a kind of food. The children are of an age. The TV set was invented by Joan Baird. The sooner, the better. Their house is three times the size of yours. He is playing the music written by Bach. Ask nurse to put the child to bed. We made him our chairman. He likes playing football/chess.,Have A L k,flash中演示的内容都懂了么? 下面我们就详细的了解 一下冠词的用法。,冠词是置于名词之前、说明名词所表示的人或事物的一种虚词。冠词也可以说是名词的一种标志,它不能离开名词而。

13、Grammar,Module 6,在上面的flash中,我们接触了 助动词do的用法,下面 我们就详细讲解一下 do/does的用法。,do/does,构成一般疑问句,例如: Do you want to pass the CET? 你想通过大学英语测试吗? Did you study German? 你们学过德语吗?,2. do + not 构成否定句,例如:I do not want to be criticized.我不想挨批评。 He doesnt like to study.他不想学习。 In the past, many students did not know the importance of English.过去,好多学生不知道英语的重要性。,3. 构成否定祈使句,例如:Dont go there.不要去那里。 Dont be s。

14、Module 5,Grammar,Lets enjoy the song When You Believe,电影埃及王子主题曲 When You Believe,一、作为副词, 它有以下的用法: 1. 作为疑问副词, 引导特殊疑问句, 意为“什么时候;何时”。(1) When will they come back?= What time will they come back?,when,回答when引导的从句,不一定指出 具体的时间点。如回答句(1)可用 tomorrow, next month 等。而回答 what time 引导的问句, 则必须说出具 全的时间点, 如 at two oclock, at five past ten 等。,2. 作连接副词, 引导名词性从句或不定式,意为“什么时候”。从句使用陈述句语序,。

15、Grammar,Module 2,在上一模块中我们复习了冠词的用法,还记得定冠词the的用法吗?让我们看一段flash 来回顾一下。,Flash中总结了定冠词the的用法,做一做下面的高考题看看你是否掌握了the的用法。, Could you tell me the way to _ Johnsons, please? Sorry, we dont have _ Johnson here in the village. (2007 全国II卷) A. the; the B. the; aC. /; the D. the; /,实战高考,2. I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting. It is not your fault. With _ rush-hour traffic and _ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late. (2。

16、P4 Grammar,Module 4 A Social Survey My Neighbourhood,Objective,To review the use of present perfect tense1. Present perfect tense used for recent events2. Present perfect tense used for experiences,1. Its been six years since we last saw each other. 2. This is the first time Ive visited your hometown. 3. Ive visited some beautiful cities, but this is one of the most attractive places Ive been to.,Are you familiar with these sentences? They are all from Book 1.,4. Theyve put up a lot of 。

17、外研版 高一年级 (必修2) Module 4,Grammar,ing form and the infinitive,1. 作主语,(1) -ing形式和不定式都可在句中用作主语。一般情况下可以互换。To learn a foreign language is not easy. =Learning a foreign language is not easy. 学习外语是不容易的。,(2) 表示具体的, 特定情况下的或有待于完成的动作时, 常用不定式。 To finish such a novel will take me several days. 读完这本小说需要花去我几天的时间。, Its impossible to get to Beijing in three hours this time, because there is something wrong with our。

18、Module 4,Reading and Vocabulary,Appreciation of a video clip about different languages expressing gratitude,不同语言的 100个谢谢,I want you to be engaged in the material and whatever it is that we are discussing in class.,Not necessarily thinking about getting down every word that I say. Id like you to take active notes rather than passive notes. Write down what can make you feel or learn something.,Better attention, better understanding of the material if you are actively engaged.,课前贴士,Read。

19、,Module 4 Music,Grammar,The present perfect progressive: 1. shows that an event, activity or situation that began recently, or in the past, and continues to the present. “Colin has been raking the leaves for hours.“,The present perfect progressive,2. can be used to describe an event, activity or situation that began in the past and ended only a short time ago. “John has been playing the guitar all morning, and now his fingers hurt. “ 3. is often used to answer the questions “How long?“ or 。

20、Module 4,Grammar,flash演示的内容中包括了很多我们今天要讲解的单词,如not, some, any, but等,下面我们就详细讲解一下这些词的用法。,not,与助动词、系动词、情态动词连用成为否定。,You mustnt cheat in the exam. 考试不能作弊。 He isnt honest. 他不是一个诚实的人。 I dont like pop music. 我不喜欢流行音乐。,(2) 用于think, suppose, believe, expect, fear, fancy, trust, hope, seem, appear,be afraid之后,相当于一个由that 引导的从句。, Can you come next week? Im afraid not.” Will it rain this afternoon? I hope 。

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