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PEP 英语五年级英语五年级上上册册 Unit 1 知识梳理知识梳理 【单元语音归纳】【单元语音归纳】 字母 y 的发音规律 字母 y 在单词中处于非重读音节的词尾时, 常发i。 例词: many 许多的, windy 有风的, sunny 晴朗的, baby 婴儿, sorry 对不起, fami


1、PEP 英语五年级英语五年级上上册册 Unit 1 知识梳理知识梳理 【单元语音归纳】【单元语音归纳】 字母 y 的发音规律 字母 y 在单词中处于非重读音节的词尾时, 常发/i/。 例词: many 许多的, windy 有风的, sunny 晴朗的, baby 婴儿, sorry 对不起, family 家庭, party 聚会 字母 y 在单词中的位置不同,发音不一样。 用法 例词 当字母 。

2、五年级上学期英语全册教案五年级上学期英语全册教案 Unit 1 whats he like 第一课时 教学目标与要求教学目标与要求 1能听说认读,并理解本课的五个新单词:young, heavy, old , funny, kind; 2能。

3、,Unit 8 At Christmasstory time Period 1,Culture tip:Christmas Christmas is an important festival in western countries . At Christmas, children can get many presents from Father Christmas. 圣诞节是西方最重要的一个节日。在圣诞节,小孩子都能收到圣诞老人送的礼物。,gift,When is Christmas ?,When?,First 首先,圣诞节,平安夜,iv,before Christmas,evening,24日之前,Who?,Next 接着,Santa Claus圣诞老人,pretty things 漂亮的东西,Then 然后,What?,.,Can you put the on/under the Christmas tree?,Finally 最后,Here is a。

4、,译林版小学英语5AUnit4 Hobbies (Story time),Word puzzle 根据提示猜出单词,完成单词拼图,summer,Goldilocks and her soup,Take off your coat!,h o t,o r a n g e,fruit,juice,colour,b i r d,Its a kind of (一种)animal.,It has wings and it can fly.,b a n a n a,Its a kind of fruit.,Its yellow.,It looks like the moon.,y e l l o w,hobby,爱好,hobbies,1.Watch and circle 看动画,圈出你所听到的内容,Unit 4 hobbies,Mikes hobbies,自读课文第一段,完成判断,用“T”“F”表示。,1. Mike basketball. 。

5、Unit 6 Chores,Lesson 1,Lesson 1,Warm-up,Lets sing.,Lead-in,My favorite TV shows are cartoons. Theyre wonderful. How about you?,My favorite TV shows are music shows and nature shows. Theyre fantastic.,Read and say.,New words.,Presentation,Presentation,chore,New words.,Presentation,take out the rubbish,New words.,Presentation,Do you help your parents do chores at home, Andy?,Yes, I do. I take out the rubbish and make my bed.,New words.,Pre。

6、Unit 2 Teachers,Lesson 3,Describe your teachers,Warm-up,Lead-in,A. Lets read.,1.Look at the picture below and guess who the people are.,Presentation,Whos that boy?,Guess and read.,Who are they?,Whom did he write the letter to?,Theyre Tims teachers.,Hes Tim.,He writes the letter to Binbin.,Presentation,2. Who is Tims favorite teacher? Circle him/her in the picture.,Ms Green,Presentation,3. Fill in the chart.,tall,slim,long curly hair,sing English so。

7、Unit 6 Chores,Lesson 3,Warm-up,Lets sing.,Lets read.,Presentation,1. Look at pictures. Who are they? What are they doing?,They are Susan and Nancy.,They are washing the clothes and making lunch.,Lets read.,Presentation,2. Now read and underline the chores they do.,Lets read.,Presentation,Les read.,Presentation,3. Fill in the chores they do in the right place.,Lets read.,Presentation,Susans day for chores,Susan is always busy on Sunday. In t。

8、,Unit 8 At Christmas,(Grammar time.Fun time),Lets review!,They buy presents.,They put pretty things on the Christmas tree.,Christmas Eve comes.,It is Christmas Day.,What do they do at Christmas?,Choose and talk.,Lets review!,They buy presents.,They put pretty things on the Christmas tree.,Christmas Eve comes.,It is Christmas Day.,Order and say.,What do they do at Christmas?,Finally,First,Next,Then,make things clear and orderly(使描述清晰有序。),We are important, because we can:,。

9、Unit 3 Animals,Lesson 3,Warm-up,Look and say.,Whats your favorite animal?,Lead-in,Free talk.,What else animals do you know?,What do you know about them?,Presentation,A. Lets read.,1. Look at the pictures below. What animals do you,see? What do you know about them?,2. Now read on to see if you are right.,Presentation,Tiger,Elephant,3. Read again. Then finish the cards below.,in the forest,animals,black, orange, white,on the grassland or in the forest,leaves and。

10、Unit 2 Teachers,Lesson 1,clever,careless,quiet,polite,friendly,helpful,cute,active,popular,Point and say.,Warm-up,Lead-in,Ms Black,Ms Wang,Mrs Qian,Mr Li,my friends,Lets talk.,Presentation,Presentation,TEACHERS IN OUR SCHOOL,New words.,Presentation,wear glasses,They wear glasses.,Presentation,New words.,slim,She is slim.,Presentation,New words.,curly,She has curly hair.,Presentation,New words.,straight,She has straight hai。

11、,weekend,What is weekend?,week,end,周末,at weekends 在周末,weekends,My weekends,I always play with my son at weekends. I sometimes go to the park at weekends.,My weekends,I play with my son at weekends.,always 总是,一直,always,I go to the park at weekends.,sometimes有时,sometimes,A: What do you do at weekends?,B: I always _.I sometimes _.,do my homework watch TVplay table tennis play footballfly a kite 。

12、Unit 3 Animals,Lesson 1,Warm-up,Look and say.,animals,Lead-in,Look and say.,What animals do you see?,What are they talking about?,Theyre talking about animals.,Presentation,New words.,farm,Im going to the farm.,New words.,elephant,I want to see elephant.,Presentation,Presentation,New words.,panda,I want to see panda.,Presentation,New words.,horse,Horses run fast.,Presentation,New words.,cow,I want to see cow.,Presentation,New word。

13、,People buy presents. 人们买礼物。,decorate the Christmas tree装饰圣诞树,have a big lunch 吃一顿丰盛的午餐,Christmas,圣诞节,Watch and say,What are they about?这些图片都是关于什么节日的?,Unit 8At Christmas,Watch and circle,A.,C.,B.,D.,E.,F.,G.,根据课前图片,圈出与圣诞有关的人或物,Christmas is coming soon.圣诞节快要到了。,Christmas Eve平安夜,Christmas Day圣诞节,Before Christmas圣诞节之前,时间轴,12.24,12.25,Before Christmas,Christmas Eve,Christmas Day,Contents目录,At Christmas- By Mike,Christmas E。

14、,Unit4 Hobbies,Look at the pictures, say the words loudly. 看到图片做动作并大声说,Magic eyes,play table tennis,play basketball,dance,draw,sing,swim,play football,skate,I can read,playing table tennis,playing basketball,dancing,drawing,singing,swimming,playing football,skating,Can you read?,What do they like doing?,They like climbing.,They like dancing.,They like swimming.,HOBBIES,like,动词+ing,(动名词),Bobby-hobby,Enjoy a song,5A Unit 4 Hobbies,hobby 业余爱好,like doing,I 。

15、,Unit4 Hobbies,(Story time),play the piano 弹钢琴,Brain Storm 头脑风暴,a lot of =many 许多,run/jump/play basketball/play football,sing/dance,(说出相关场所可以做的事情I can ),I can play the piano in the music room. I like playing the piano with my cousin.,be good at =do well 善于,say with your partner(和你同桌说一说): I like _ing and I am good at ./I like ing but I am not good at .,Lets learn.,hobby,(爱好),But I am not good at it.,Q1: Who is also talking about hobbies?,Watch and answer,谁也在。

16、Unit4 Hobbies,Revision,What do I like doing?,You like,r,eading,d,ancing,s,hopping,Unit4 Hobbies,Revision,My hobbies,I like,My hobbies,reading.,dancing.,shopping.,Unit4 Hobbies,Revision,My hobbies,I like,My hobbies,reading.,dancing.,shopping.,like,动词ing,Unit4 Hobbies,Revision,My hobbies,I like,My hobbies,reading.,dancing.,shopping.,like,doing,Unit4 Hobbies,Revision,My hobbies,My hobbies,Rules:,1.直接加“ing”;,2.以不发音的“e”结尾,去“e”,加“ing”;,3.重读闭音节,双写尾字母,加“ing”。,d。

17、,At weekends,Weekdays,Monday,Tuesday,weekend,s,I usually do housework.,on Saturdays and Sundays,at weekends,At weekends,A: What do you do at weekends ?,B: I ,play,go,watch,do,My weekends,At weekends,I always cook,cook nice food.,I usually do,do some housework.,I often play,play with my cat.,I sometimes go,go to the cinema.,always,usually,often,sometimes,总是,always,1 星期一,进入,擦除,非常快,声音:单击 2,Monday,进入,颜色打印机,非常快,效果逐字母点喇叭,再点添加效果,声音设置,播放时因此图标。

18、,Unit 4,Hobbies,sing,read,I like singing .,hobby,I also like reading.,hobbies,I like .,Tip: like doing sth.,He/She likes,喜欢做某事,I also like watching films.,I also like watching films.,原形,watch films,Cartoon time,I like playing basketball and football. I can play basketball well , but I am not good at football. I like drawing too. I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.,What does Mike like doing?,He likes,Read and answer,I can play basketball well .,I am good at 。

19、五年级上册知识清单五年级上册知识清单 一、语音一、语音 (一)字母(一)字母 y 的发音规律的发音规律 字母 y 在单词中处于非重读音节的词尾时, 常发/i/。 例词: many 许多的, windy 有风的, sunny 晴朗的, baby 婴儿, sorry 对不起, family 家庭, party 聚会 字母 y 在单词中的位置不同,发音不一样。 用法 例词 当字母 y 在单词开头时常发/。

20、五年级上册期末测试卷五年级上册期末测试卷( (五五) ) 一、一、选出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的一项。选出画线部分读音与其他单词不同的一项。 ( )1.A.message B.jacket C.big D.jump ( )2.A.rose B.swim C.sometimes D.always ( )3.A.worry B.when C.where D.wrong ( )4.A.music B.。

牛津译林版英语五年级上Unit 8《At Christmas》课件4
牛津译林版英语五年级上Unit 4《Hobbies》课件6
人教版(新起点)英语五年级上:Unit 6《Chores》(Lesson 1)课件
人教版(新起点)英语五年级上:Unit 2《Teachers》(Lesson 3)课件
人教版(新起点)英语五年级上:Unit 6《Chores》(Lesson 3)课件
牛津译林版英语五年级上Unit 8《At Christmas》课件7
人教版(新起点)英语五年级上:Unit 3《Animals》(Lesson 3)课件
人教版(新起点)英语五年级上:Unit 2《Teachers》(Lesson 1)课件
牛津译林版英语五年级上Unit 7《At weekends》课件2
人教版(新起点)英语五年级上:Unit 3《Animals》(Lesson 1)课件
牛津译林版英语五年级上Unit 8《At Christmas》课件2
牛津译林版英语五年级上Unit 4《Hobbies》课件5
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牛津译林版英语五年级上Unit 7《At weekends》课件1
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