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Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?,Section B 2a-2c,To learn the situation of elephants. To learn the abilities of elephants. To learn to write the descrip


1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?,Section B 2a-2c,To learn the situation of elephants. To learn the abilities of elephants. To learn to write the description of animals using adjectives of quality.,Objectives,Animals in great danger (濒危动物),Animals in great danger (濒危动物),Animals in great danger (濒危动物),Animals in great danger (濒危动物),Animals in great danger (濒危动物),Animals in great danger (濒危动物),Animals in great danger (濒危动物),Read this website article and check () the best t。

2、Unit 3 How do you get to school?,Section B 3a-Self Check,To learn to write an e-mail to tell how you get to school. To revise the expressions about transportation.,Objectives,Read the e-mail from your pen pal Tom in the US . Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,3a,Hi there, How are you? Thanks for your last e-mail. You want to know how I _ school, right? Well, I usually_ my home at about 8:00 and _to the bus stop. The school bus usually comes at about 8:15. My scho。

3、Unit 7 Its raining!,Section A Grammar Focus-3b,Objectives,To learn Present progressive tense. To learn to use How questions.,What is he doing?,Its sunny.,Hows the weather?,He is playing basketball.,Warming up,They are watching TV.,Its snowing.,Hows the weather?,What are they doing?,She is cooking.,Its raining.,Hows the weather?,What is she doing?,Its windy.,Hows the weather?,He is studying.,What is he doing?, 天气怎么样? _ 天气多云。/天气晴朗。/天在下雨。 _。

4、Unit 9 What does he look like?,Section A Grammar Focus-3d,Objectives,To learn the usage of “is” and “has” in describing peoples looks. To learn new words: handsome, actor, actress, person.,describe a persons appearance (外貌),height,build,hair,face,clothes & decoration 装饰,long hair,long hair,short hair,short hair,straight black,straight black,curly brown,curly blonde,hair,He/She,has,-Is he tall or short ?,short,tall,height,-He is,of medium height,hea。

5、Unit 7 Its raining!,Section B 1a-1e,Objectives,To learn more words about weather: dry, cold, cool, warm, hot. To learn to talk about weather. To learn to ask and answer questions: Hows it going?,sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,snowy,What do they mean?,Warming up,A: Hows the weather? B: Its ,raining/ rainy,sunny,cloudy,snowing/ snowy,windy,= Whats the weather like ?,A: How is the weather in? (Whats the weather like in?),B: Its sunny/rainy/ windy/cloudy,Its humid.,Hows the weather?。

6、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?,Section B 1a-1d,To learn to use What, Why questions. To talk about the preferences about animals. To learn to talk about animals using adjectives of quality.,Objectives,friendly,How to describe animals?,shy,gentle,aggressive (有侵略心的),dangerous,rude,cruel,quiet,playful,noisy,fast,slow,lazy,busy,beautiful,ugly,furry,spotted,It has long nose, sharp teeth and big ears.,elephant,Its from Africa.,Its smart.,Its yellow and brown.,It likes eating leaves.,It is pretty l。

7、Unit 3 How do you get to school?,Section B 2a-2d,To learn the students crossing the river to school. To learn the new words and expressions: cross,river, village, bridge, boat, afraid, leave, dream, come true, betweenand.,Objectives,boat,river,bridge,village,villagers,ropeway,Warming up,dream,between,leave,afraid,many = lots of,cross,Look at the picture below. Guess what the story is about.,2a,Read the news story from some years ago and choose the best title for it.,2b,How to Get to School Cro。

8、Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,Section B 2a-2c,Objectives,To read the passage about the daily routines of Tony and Mary. To learn to distinguish healthy habits from unhealthy habits.,-When does he get up in the morning?,-He gets up at half past six.,get up,half past six,Warming up,a quarter past nine,go to bed,-When does he go to bed in the evening?,-He goes to bed at a quarter past nine.,4,get up,early,late,healthy,unhealthy,get up,go to bed,early,late,go to bed,healthy,unhealthy,Check。

9、Unit 4 Dont eat in class.,Section B 2a-2c,To learn to write rules at home and school. To learn to use have to/must, can and cant.,Objectives,Talk about family rules.,Family Rules,Dont go out on school nights.,Dont _ late at night.,watch TV,She_ clean the bedroom on Sunday.,has to,_too late on Sunday.,Dont get up,He must _after supper.,do the dishes,When you are unhappy about something, who do you like to talk to.,2a,Read the letters. Underline the rules。

10、Unit 9 What does he look like?,Section B 2a-2c,Objectives,To read the newspaper article An Interesting Job to find the real criminal. To learn to write about people.,Complete the chart with words of the opposite meaning.,old,heavy/fat,short,short,straight,2a,Read the newspaper article. Which picture shows the real criminal?,2b,An Interesting Job,Joe Brown has a very interesting job. He is a police artist. Some people see crimes and then talk to Joe. They tell him what the criminal looks like.。

11、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,Section B 1a-1d,Objectives,To learn to ask for directions on the street. To learn to give directions on the street using prepositions of place.,Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel around here? Nancy: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Its next to a supermarket. Paul: Thank you very much. Nancy: Youre welcome.,Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.,Warming up,-Is there a pay phone in the neighbo。

12、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?,Section B 2a-2c,To read and understand the passage about Lisas weekend. To learn to write about what you did last weekend.,Objectives,What kinds of animals are you afraid of? Why?,2a,I am afraid of tigers, lions and snakes because theyre scary.,spider,wolf,bear,mouse,tigers,lions,snakes,5,Examples:,I think snakes are scary because some of them are poisonous. 2. Well, I think sharks are scary because they can bite and kill people. 3. I think spiders are sc。

13、Unit 4 Dont eat in class.,Section B 1a-1d,To learn to talk about rules at home. To learn to use imperatives. To learn to use modal verbs.,Objectives,Warming Up,Dont fight.,Say something about your class rules.,Dont arrive late for school.,Dont eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall.,Dont run in the hallways.,Dont listen to music in the classroom.,Talk about the family rules.,A: Can you ? B: Yes, I (we) can./No, I (we) cant.,go out on school nights,do your homework after 。

14、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?,Section B 3a-Self Check,To read and understand the passage about activities at the weekend. To learn to write about what you did last weekend.,Objectives,last Saturday,do my homework,On Saturday morning, I did my homework.,Saturday morning,Saturday afternoon,go boating,On Saturday afternoon, I went boating.,Saturday night,go to the cinema,On Saturday night, I went to the cinema.,Dicuss your last weekend,last Sunday,Sunday morning,play soccer,On Sunday mor。

15、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,Section B 2a-2c,Objectives,To learn to get the detailed information by reading. To learn to write a passage according to a map using prepositions of place.,clothes store post office bookstore school supermarket bank,Check () the places near your home. Tell your partner where they are.,2a,There is a clothes store near my home.,Where is it?,Its next to the bank on Bridge Road.,There is a supermarket near my home.,Where is it?,Its behi。

16、Unit 11 How was your school trip?,Section A Grammar Focus-3b,Objectives,To learn to complete Jims letter and Bills reply by using The past simple tense. To learn the simple past of regular and irregular verbs.,watched TV,What did you do last weekend?,visited a friend,Revision,cleaned the room,played computer games,played basketball,stayed at home,Did you ? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.,go to the beach,visit your aunt,go fishing,go skateboarding,surf the Internet,play soccer,Grammar Focus,9,。

17、Unit 11 How was your school trip?,Section B 1a-1d,Objectives,To learn the phrases: go to the zoo, visit a museum, ride a horse, climb a mountain, visit a fire station, go fishing. To learn Janes and Tonys school trips.,She _ yesterday.,went to the zoo,What did she do yesterday?,3,They _ last Saturday.,went fishing,What did they do last Saturday?,4,They _.,climbed a mountain,What did they do on the school trip?,5,She _ on her day off.,r。

18、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?,Section A Grammar Focus-3c,To learn to ask and answer Wh-questions. To learn to talk about activities at the weekend.,Objectives,He did his homework on Saturday morning.,What did he do last Saturday?,Warming up,3,He went boating on Saturday afternoon.,What did he do last Saturday?,4,He played badminton.,What did he do last weekend?,Who did he play with?,He played with his sister.,5,He rode a bike .,What did he do last weekend?,Where did he ride a bike?,He。

19、Unit 6 Im watching TV.,Section B 2a-2c,Objectives,To review to ask and answer the time. To learn to use present progressive tense to write letters or TV reports.,What is he doing now? He is swimming in the pool.,What is he doing now? He is reading a book in the library.,They are shopping at the supermarket.,What are they doing?,Look at the clocks and ask your partner about the time in different places.,A: What time is it in Beijing? B: Its eight oclock in the morning.,2a,What time is it in Be。

20、Unit 11 How was your school trip?,Section B 2a-2c,Objectives,To read Helens and Jims diary entries. To learn to write a diary entry for your own school trip using The past simple tense.,What was your last school trip like?,I went to That sounds,Revision,3,went to the countryside,climbed a mountain,4,went to an art museum,took some photos,5,drew pictures,rode a horse,6,Do the following words describe good things or bad things? Put afor good andfor bad . Leave a blank if they can m。

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