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,e blackboard, please.,Its a dog.,Whats this in English?,Its a bird.,Its a book.,Its a cat.,Whats this in English?,Its a flower.,Its a map.,Whats this


1、e blackboard, please.,Its a dog.,Whats this in English?,Its a bird.,Its a book.,Its a cat.,Whats this in English?,Its a flower.,Its a map.,Whats this in English?,Its a football.,Its a chair.,Its a bag.,Its an eraser.,Its a ruler.,Listen and read.,Enjoy Flash,Whats this in English? Its a ,Listen and point.,Ask and answer.,Enjoy Flash,Listen and write.,1. b_ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _,ook,tiger,pen,pencil,cat。

2、 do you use a computer? Every weekend.A. How often B. How longC. How many( ) 23. I often use my laptop for my lessons _ I never play games. A. so B. and C. but( ) 24. Becky often _ her computer in the evening. A. use B. uses C. using( ) 25. We read newspapers and we can get _. A. many informationB. much informationC. a few information( ) 26. _ do you do your homework ? I usually do my homework in the evening.A. What B. When C. Where( ) 27. When you 。

3、ose your book.,听,Listen.,举手,画画,Put up your hands.,Draw.,Enjoy Flash,Nice to meet you.,Listen and read.,Listen and repeat.,Sit down.,Open your book.,Listen.,Draw.,Put up your hand.,Stand up.,Close your book.,1. Put up a) your book. 2. Open b) down. 3. Stand c) up. 4. Sit d) your hand.,Match.,Now listen and check.,Write.,C_ y_ b_. L_. O_ y_ b_. P_ u_ y_。

4、 Good morning, class. What day is it today? Its Monday. Yes, its Monday. Write it in your book. M-O-N-D-A-Y, Monday., What day is it tomorrow? Tuesday. Yes, tomorrow is Tuesday.,Listen and repeat.,Now point, ask and answer. What day is it? Its ,1. Today is Wednesday. What day is it tomorrow?2. Today is Friday. What day is it tomorrow?,c) Thursday.,d) Saturday.,Read and match.,3. Today is Monday. What day is it tomorrow?4. Today is Saturday. What day is it tomorrow?,b) Tu。

5、 apple on the table.A. are B. is C. am( ) 23. In our class, there _ 18 boys. A. be B. is C. are( ) 24. _ is your bag? Its on my bed.A. What B. Where C. How( ) 25. _ a computer on your desk? A. There areB. Are thereC. Is there ( ) 26. _ boys and girls are there in your class? Therere 21 boys and 20 girls.A. How oldB. How manyC. How much ( ) 27. Look! The playground (操场) is _ the gym.A. in front of B. in the front of C. next to( ) 28. There 。

6、D. for( ) 2. I have three different colours of pens. _ one do you like best? A. What B. Where C. When D. Which ( ) 3. Do these elephants live in _? Yes. The _ people like them very much. A. African; Africa B. Africa; Africa C. Africa; African D. African; African( ) 4. My dogs eat _ two _ of meat every day. A. with; kilo B. about; kilo C. with; kilos D. about; kilos( ) 5. Tina is good at _. A. to draw B. draws 。

7、 and repeat. Hello, class. My names Miss Zhou. Good morning, Miss Zhou. Good afternoon, class. Good afternoon, Miss Zhou. Goodbye, class. Goodbye, Miss Zhou.,1. Hello, my names Daming. 2. Good morning, Lingling.3. Good afternoon, Carla. 4. Goodbye, Mike. a) Goodbye, Tom.b) Hello, my name is Lingling.c) Good morning, Carla.d) Good afternoon, Mike. Now listen and check.,b,c,d,a,Match,Work in pairs.,A: Hello, my names B: Good morning, A: Good afternoon, B: A: Goodbye, 。

8、 Yes, _. A. I cant B. I am C. I can( ) 23. This is _ school. A. our B. we C. I( ) 24. _ is your sister? She is a teacher. A. What B. How C. Which( ) 25. _ Li Yan from? Shes from Dalian. A. Where does B. Where is C. Where ( ) 26. Are you English? No, _. A. Im Chinese B. Im English C. Im from England( ) 27. What is your uncles job? _. A. He is a doctor B. He is fine 。

9、 1 外研版新版初一英语下全册教案外研版新版初一英语下全册教案 第一模块: (5 课时) Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? I. 课时 1 课时 II. Type of lesson: Listening and speaking III. Teaching aims: i. Knowledge aim: 学习和掌握。

10、外研版初中英语七年级下外研版初中英语七年级下全册全册精品教案精品教案 Module 1 School Life Unit 1 There are fifty students in the class. Preparation 在黑板上写出单词 Festival,要求学生回忆并说出已学过的节日名称, 如: New Year, Christmas Day 等,并板书。

11、eriods for this module, one period for one unit. Teaching focus:1. Master language of asking the things in the class, and master the English expressions of them.Key vocabulary and phrases: English, a/an, write, on, the, blackboard, OK, pen, no, pencil, do, bird, cat, dog, flower, map. 2. Be skilled in oral expression of asking and answering the things in the class. Teaching aims:1. Function: To recognize objects in the class.2. Listening: Students can understand others questions of ask。

12、ats your favourite sports?”. Arrangement of teaching in this moduleThree periods for this module, one period for one unit. Teaching focus:1. Students will comprehend and produce the sentence structures.2. Students will learn about activities and the weather .and some sentences about them.3. Students will successfully request information about activities and the weather .and can talk about their activities the like.4. Key vocabulary and phrases: day, today, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs。


14、 listening and speaking on self-introductions is very important.知 识目 标Key vocabulary: Chinese, from, where, year, about, what about? Ms, America, not, England, hi, American, our, grade, he, China Key structures: Hello / HiWhats your name? My name is .How old are you? Im .years old.Where are you from? Im from .Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you , too.能 力目 标1. To understand conversations involving self-introduction.2. To give a brief self-introduction concerning name, age。

15、hter family father grandfathergrandmother grandparent mother parent sister son uncle photo these they mum left dad right who woman next husband those bus station hospital hotel police theatre actor manager nurse policeman we an job at same doctor farm worker man shop its their 2. 短语1.a photo of 2. on the left 3.on the right 4. next to 5. in front of 6. a big family 7. bus station 8. police station 9. bus driver 10. at a school 11. for example 12。

三教学目标 1语言知识目标语音掌握四个元音/ /a:/ / /:/ 词汇There, computer, furniture, map, wall, dictionary, library, picture, television, right, really, many, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, many, how many, lot, a lot of, any, tree, dining hall, hall, library, playground, science, lab, in front of, behind, building, gate, office, between, middle, near, with, for, room词。

外研版英语七年级上Starter Module 3课件
外研版英语七年级上Starter Module 2课件
外研版英语七年级上Starter Module 4课件
外研版英语七年级上Starter Module 1课件
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