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泽林牛津版九年级英语上册Unit7 Films提高练习含答案

1 2Unit6 Integrated skills and Study skills 随堂练习一、用括号中单词的正确形式填空1. I find the programmes about animals _ (interest).2. Tom is thought to be the _ (sil

泽林牛津版九年级英语上册Unit7 Films提高练习含答案Tag内容描述:

1、 1 / 2Unit6 Integrated skills and Study skills 随堂练习一、用括号中单词的正确形式填空1. I find the programmes about animals _ (interest).2. Tom is thought to be the _ (silly) boy of the three.3. What about Toms TV _ (view) habits?4. I spend half an hour _ (watch) TV every day.5. A lot of students at my school _ (interview) about the TV programmes they like in the past two weeks.二、根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确形式填空other, time, hour, habit, eat, interest, view, whileA: Hello!。

2、 1 / 2Unit6 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 随堂练习一、将图片与其对应的电视节目类型配对A B C D E( )1. documentary ( ) 2. chat show ( ) 3. comedy ( )4. drama series ( ) 5.cartoon二、单项选择1. I like places where the weather is always warm. I hope _ Hawaii this winter.A. visiting B. to visit C. visited2. I dont think history is more useful than physics.I disagree. In my opinion, history is _ physics.A.as useful as B. not so useful asC. less useful th。

3、 1 / 3Unit6 Reading 随堂练习一、跟据句子或对话的意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Singapore and India are both _ (Asia) countries.2. Who is your favourite film _ (direct)?Feng Xiaogang. His films are usually funny.3. Its reported that in the _ (come) days there will be a hurricane (飓风).If so, well have to prepare for it.4. I believe China will be a _ (wealth) country in the near future.No doubt it will. I hope itll be a cleaner country with better environment.5. Why is the skirt so expe。

4、 1 / 2Unit6 Task 随堂练习一、从方框中选择恰当的单词或词组完成句子或对话gun, a turning point, by, create a conflict, twin, burglar1. Why do I need to _ in my story?To make the story more surprising and attractive (有吸引力的).2. We should never judge a person _ his appearance.3. The Second Opium War was _ in the history of China.4. You mean there was a _ trying to break into your house last night?Yes. But my dog scared him away.5. The man with a _ in his hand 。

5、 1 / 2Unit6 Grammar 随堂练习一、单项选择1. In summer milk will quickly go bad _ it is put into a fridge.A. though B. unless C. because D. once2. Mum says _ I do my homework now, I can watch TV for an hour tonight.A. if B. though C. because D. while3. _ we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy. A. Until B. If C. Unless D. Though4. Eating and drinking on Beijing subway is not allowed. If you _ the rule, youll face a fine (罚款) of up to 500 yuan.A. broke B. break C. will break D. 。

6、 (9A Unit 1)夯基固本 限时:15 分钟I. 根据中文提示或用所给词的适当形式填空l. He is _(慷慨) and willing to share things with others.2. If youre _ (自信 ), you can do almost everything.3. Girls are willing to work as_(会计).4. My brother is too _ ( care) to do the job well. Change another!5. He is _ (organize) enough to become a leader.6. Neither Tom nor I _ (be) good at English. We need to work hard.7. There are lots of useful _(express) 。

7、 (9A Unit 6)夯基固本 限时:15 分钟I. 词汇A. 根据句意及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。1.I think this problem is _(相当)difficult for me to solve.2. If you want to have true _(友谊),you should be honest first.3. Do you have a _(习惯)of getting up early every day?4. Can you tell me when the meeting will_(结束) ?5. We watched their car moving_(更远地)away.B. 请根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. It is reported that this disease_(attack) the central nervous system.7. Winter is the best ti。

8、 (9A Unit 3)夯基固本 限时:15 分钟I. 单项选择1. Dick _ late drinking. His parents were worried about him.A. stayed out B. put out C. looked out D. took out2. I hope to share my success _ my family and get support _ them.A. with; of B. to; with C. with; from D. to; of3. You should return the books to the library _ time.A about B. on C. by D. for4. Thank you for _ my daughter when I w。

9、 (9A Unit 8)夯基固本 限时:15 分钟I. 词汇请根据句意、首字母和汉语提示写出所缺单词。1. It is c_ of you to kill the dog. We should be kind to animals.2. His father is an electrical e_ in the big company and his family are proud of him.3. The detective thought the young man was killed by one of his e_. 4. Dont walk through the forest alone. There is a r_ of getting lost.5. The old man has been in p_ for over 10 years because of robbery and murder.6. The place quickly became _。

10、 (9A Unit 5)夯基固本 限时:15 分钟I. 词汇A. 根据句意和汉语提示写出正确的单浏。1. This is a_(普通)noun.2. Our headmaster_(颁发)the winner with medals in the sports meeting.3. The engineer_(创建)his house from stone and his own ideas.4. Theres a birth _(斑点)on the boys leg.5. Would you like to a_(音乐会)tonight?B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。6. It is a _ (traditional) that women get married in long white dresses.7. Whats the difference between British English and _。

11、 (9A Unit 4)夯基固本 限时:15 分钟I选择适当连词填空1. My grandma didnt go to bed _ I got back home.2. Dont be afraid of asking for information _ it is needed.3. -Is your father still smoking?-Yes. Its nearly five years _ he smoked.4. I11 do it now _ I forget it.5. _ the work was done, we must sum up experience.6. He fell asleep _ he was doing exercises.7. Dont go away _ I come back.8. I11 tell you _ he co。

12、 (9A Unit 2)夯基固本 限时:15 分钟I .根据提示拼写单词1. We have difficulty _(climb) to the top of the mountain2. He cant help crying because of _(sad).3. The teacher _ (advice) us to watch more English movies.4. The speech was so boring that almost everyone felt _ (sleep).5. Listening to light music makes us feel _ ( relax) .6. Its a good idea _(have) a picnic tomorrow.7. Daniel prefers playing football to _ (watch) TV.8. She woul。

13、Unit 7 FilmsStudy skills 同步练习一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. There have been great _ (change) in the play.2._(enter) the film industry,she tried everything to do her best.3. I dont think this jacket is _ (suit) for me. Its too short.4. He lost his wallet yesterday. _(luck), there wasnt too much money in it. 5. The baby dinosaur _ (choose) to the future king of the family.6._(be)a stuntman is a dangerous job.7. Youd better _ (not hurry). There is still 。

14、Unit 7 FilmsReading 同步练习一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Gong Li is one of the most beautiful _ (actress) in China. 2. Audrey _ (choose) to play the lead role in Gigi by Colette. 3. The boy fell asleep _ (peace) after driving some milk. 4. They _ (water) the flowers when I got to the garden. 二、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. The event m_ the beginning of Hepburns successful career. 2. Her _ (成就) went beyond the film industry at that time. 3. The f_ test is co。

15、Unit 7 Films Integrated skills 同步练习一、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1. 她想通过展示自然之美来提醒我们应该保护环境。She wanted to _ us that we should _the environment by _ us the _ of nature.2. 你为什么不停止做白日梦呢?你应该更现实点。Why dont you _ _? You should be _ _.3. 在奥黛丽赫本成为好莱坞超级明星之前,她曾是一个模特。Audrey Hepburn _ _ _ _ before she became a Hollywood superstar.4. 不但他,而且我也喜欢这个故事。_ _ he _ _ I like the story.5. 她的美貌和魅力吸引。

16、Unit 7 FilmsReading 同步练习一、翻译下列短语1. 以为基础_2. 标志她成功事业的开始_3. 搬到伦敦_4. 在成为女演员之前_5. 吸引某人的注意_6. 在睡梦中安然去世_7. 有一种吸引人的气质_8. 一个巨大的成功_9. 扮演一个天使的角色_10. 赢得很多奖项_。

17、牛津译林版九年级英语上册牛津译林版九年级英语上册 9A Unit 7 Films 单元检测单元检测 一、一、单项选择单项选择 ( )1. _ big success the film _her novel was ! A. What a ,based upon B. What , was based on C. What a ,was based upon D. 。

18、Unit 7 Films Grammar 同步练习一、用 so, such, such a 或 such an 填空1. He ran _ quickly that I couldnt catch up with him. 2. This is _ interesting a book that we all enjoy reading it. 3. There is _ much food in the refrigerator that we dont need to buy anything. 4. This is _ interesting book that we all enjoy reading it. 5. He was _ excited that he couldnt get sleep.6. This teacher is_ kind that we all like him. 7. They are _ inter。

19、Unit 7 FilmsComic strip & Welcome to the unit 同步练习一、单项选择1. Which would you like,tea or coffee?Either _ OK,but I prefer coffee_ milk. A. is,has B. are,with C. is,with D. are,has2. _ of them has a watch and _ one of them keeps good time. A. Each,every B. Every,each C. Each,each D. Every,every3. We can hardly do anything _ the wind _ the earth away. A. to stop,from blowing B. stop,to blowC. to prevent,from blowing 。

20、 (9A Unit 7)夯基固本 限时:15 分钟I. 单项选择1. Parents often tell their children _go swimming.A. to; lonely B. to not; alone C. not to; alone D. not to; lonely2. The director often says “_”to actors before action.A. Read B. Stand by C. Take two D. Good take3. Why not stop_? Its time for lunch.A. work B. working C. to work D. works4. When Amy got to the cinema, the film _ for five minutes.A. began B. had begun C. has been on D. had been o。

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泽林牛津版九年级英语上册Unit7 Films提高练习(含答案)
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